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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - The Definitive Edition

Unique Jumps 1-17

Jarrod Garripoli
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Unique Stunt Jumps are special jumps, that if done right, will reward the player with $500 for each one completed. There is a total of 70 Unique Jumps in the game and they do not contribute to 100% completion, so they are completely optional, as far as the game is concerned. They span across the entirety of San Andreas, similar to the Oysters, so they will be split into three sections, one for each main city of the game. You will know you’re doing a Unique Jump, as the game will trigger slow motion off of the jump, and when done, you will see a message pop up on your screen, confirming the jump has been completed.

(1 of 2) The location of the NRG-500 bike on the map

The location of the NRG-500 bike on the map (left), You will find it on the second level of the multistory garage (right)

When doing these Unique Jumps, you will want a fast vehicle, although a normal car is going to be a problem, because of its size. However, a motorbike will be perfect for these and you can easily get the best bike in the game, the NRG-500, within minutes of starting the game. North of Los Santos Forum, the stadium east of your house on Grove Street, there is a multi-story garage. This is the same garage where you will find Gang Tag 14, so head there if you want the bike for the jumps. The bike will be on the second level of the garage and will always be there, in case you need a new one.

Unique Jump 1

The first jump you will be doing in this guide will start at the Ocean Docks, which is the little island in the southeastern portion of the map. Once you arrive there, head to the southwestern portion of the island. As the road curves to the south, you should see a staircase on the side of the building there, along with some containers near it. Connected to those containers will be a wooden ramp, which is what you will be using for the jump. You will need to land on the zig-zag roof in order for the jump to register.

Unique Jump 2

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #2 on the map

Unique Jump #2 on the map (left), Unique Jump #2 in the game (right)

From the previous Jump, take the southern bridge leading back to the main area of Los Santos, then look north as soon as you cross for some stairs leading downward. On the northern end of this little area will be some more stairs, which will be the ramp for your jump. You will want to land as close, or in, the street as possible for the jump to register.

Unique Jump 3

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #3 on the map

Unique Jump #3 on the map (left), Unique Jump #3 in the game (right)

This Jump is in the same area as Jump #2. Instead of jumping off the northern set of stairs, you will be jumping off the southern set this time. As with the previous one, the street is where you will want to be landing.

Unique Jump 4

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #4 on the map

Unique Jump #4 on the map (left), Unique Jump #4 in the game (right)

Immediately west of the last two jumps is the airport, with there being a road on the southern side. You will want to get on this road, then start going west. Right as you’re going down this road, before the tunnel, you should see a little ramp of sorts along the divider. That will be the jump and you will want to land somewhere around the light pole along the divider a little ways down the hill.

Unique Jump 5

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #5 on the map

Unique Jump #5 on the map (left), Unique Jump #5 in the game (right)

This jump, along with the next one, are inside of the airport itself. You normally aren’t allowed into the airport until you get a flying license, which happens much later in the main story, but it’s still possible to enter the airport now. The main entrance is on the northern side, south of the tattoo parlor in Willowfield. Park your bike right by the front gate, then getting a running jump onto the guard station right by the gate. From here, you can jump over the fence and into the airport. Approach the gate on foot to make it open, then quickly get on your bike and drive inside.

Once you are finally inside the airport, head to the northern part of the runway and look for the little yellow markers along it. Looking at your map, you will be heading east and the little yellow sign you need is towards the center of the entire runway. This jump is quite tricky, as it’s a bit weird in whether you get it or not, but you need to jump off of the yellow sign and get to the red sign just beyond it. This requires quite a bit of speed, so you should head to the opposite end of the runway to get it. Also, don’t forget that you should pull back a tiny bit on the left stick as soon as you hit the jump, to get that extra height and possible distance.

Unique Jump 6

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #6 on the map

Unique Jump #6 on the map (left), Unique Jump #6 in the game (right)

As already mentioned, this is the second jump inside the airport, so if you happen to have left after the previous one, look at that to get back inside (if you’re not allowed inside). On the northern side of the airport, inside the place, there are various stairs that you can see, which are the ones they use to get people in and out of planes. You’re looking for the stairs that are right next to the wall, with it facing the wall itself. Use those stairs to launch yourself over the wall and onto the street outside of it.

Unique Jump 7

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #7 on the map

Unique Jump #7 on the map (left), Unique Jump #7 in the game (right)

Find the main bridge that leads to the Ocean Docks area. Just at the edge of the bridge, going northwest, you will be looking for a little dirt area with some ramps. You’re looking for what looks like a dirt ramp (or some kind of garbage) that is literally right next to the bridge itself. The ramp you need goes to the southeast, and you have to land on the freeway for the jump to count.

Unique Jump 8

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #8 on the map

Unique Jump #8 on the map (left), Unique Jump #8 in the game (right)

You will find that this jump is located near Gang Tag 60. The Tag is on a wall that is part of an industrial compound, with the entrance inside it being on the western side. Once inside, drive over to the eastern side and look for the metal stairs that face west. Use those stairs as the ramp and launch yourself over the storm drain, landing on the little building on the other side, to register the jump.

Unique Jump 9

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #9 on the map

Unique Jump #9 on the map (left), Unique Jump #9 in the game (right)

Find the tattoo parlor in El Corona and then look for the railroad tracks just to the north of it. Just to the west of where the road intersects the tracks, is a wooden ramp that looks both east and west. The one heading west is what you will be using for this jump, although it can be a little tricky, as you need to land on the covering of the boarding platform to the east. As with any jump that requires extra distance/height, make sure you push down on the left stick as you’re going off the jump.

Unique Jump 10

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #10 on the map

Unique Jump #10 on the map (left), Unique Jump #10 in the game (right)

After completing the previous jump, get on the train tracks and ride them east. Continue following them until you round a bend and start going north. As you ride north a little more, you will cross what looks like a bridge, with metal supports on either side. You will be using the one on the eastern side as a jump, but you will be going south. It might be a little annoying, as there is a big tree in the way, but you need to land in the intersection for the jump to register.

Unique Jump 11

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #11 on the map

Unique Jump #11 on the map (left), Unique Jump #11 in the game (right)

Just north of the stadium on the eastern side of Los Santos, there is a pedestrian walkway that is pretty large. You will be using the stairs on the western side of the walkway as the ramp for this jump. For it to register, you will need to land in the grass above the wall.

Unique Jump 12

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #12 on the map

Unique Jump #12 on the map (left), Unique Jump #12 in the game (right)

You will find this jump right next to Gang Tag 19. In that little corner, you can see that the wall there has a little gap in it, which overlooks the buildings and highway down below. You will be jumping through that gap and aiming for the road below, but you need to be careful you don’t get too much speed and land in the ocean.

Unique Jump 13

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #13 on the map

Unique Jump #13 on the map (left), Unique Jump #13 in the game (right)

For the next jump, head to the Cluckin’ Bell in East Los Santos. Just west of the Cluckin’ Bell will be a basketball court, with some stairs on the eastern side, facing west. That will be your ramp for this jump, and you will want to land somewhere in the vicinity of the second court’s hoop.

Unique Jump 14

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #14 on the map

Unique Jump #14 on the map (left), Unique Jump #14 in the game (right)

Return to the train tracks nearby, and continue north until you see a little pedestrian walkway going over the tracks. There will be stairs on either side of the walkway, with you using the stairs on the western side as your jump. Your landing should be close to the second telephone pole after the jump.

Unique Jump 15

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #15 on the map

Unique Jump #15 on the map (left), Unique Jump #15 in the game (right)

Double back to that pedestrian walkway you used for the previous jump and get on the road just east of it. Take this road north and turn right at the first intersection, then take the first left. As you continue north here a little bit, you should see some stairs off to your left, which will be used for the jump. Your landing should be somewhere in the next street over or a little past it.

Unique Jump 16

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #16 on the map

Unique Jump #16 on the map (left), Unique Jump #16 in the game (right)

The next three jumps will be in the Mulholland Intersection area, specifically on the big north-south highway that cuts through the center of Los Santos. A good starting point is the Burger Shot in Temple, so head there first. As you drive east of the Burger Shot, you will be able to turn left and get onto the Mulholland Intersection described above. Once you do get on that part of the freeway, head south and you should notice a concrete ramp off to the side, facing north. Jump off that ramp and go as far as you can (while still staying on the freeway).

Unique Jump 17

(1 of 2) Unique Jump #17 on the map

Unique Jump #17 on the map (left), Unique Jump #17 in the game (right)

Continue north from the previous jump, until you can get on the other side of the freeway (the one with cars leaving Los Santos). There is another concrete ramp on this side, with it facing south. As with the last one, just try to get as far as you can to get it to register, as there isn’t really a marker to help judge the distance.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Rockstar Games
  • Platforms,
    Android, iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    21 October 2021
  • Last Updated
    25 November 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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The guide for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Definitive Edition will lead players on a journey to achieving 100%, as well as some extra bells and whistles.

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