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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - The Definitive Edition

Gang Tag Locations 21-40

Jarrod Garripoli
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Gang Tag 21

(1 of 2) Tag #21 on the map

Tag #21 on the map (left), Tag #21 in the game (right)

You will find that this Gang Tag is located near Gang Tag #20. Remember those two tall buildings north of that previous tag? Well, head up the ramp on either side and you will find this tag on the one wall right by the front doors.

Gang Tag 22

(1 of 2) Tag #22 on the map

Tag #22 on the map (left), Tag #22 in the game (right)

Head out onto the street right in front of those two tall buildings and make the left turn right there, going up the big hill. Stop at the very first intersection and you should see some houses just to the south. The tag will be on the southern wall of the second house from the north.

Gang Tag 23

(1 of 3) Go down these stairs here to find the Tag more easily

Just south of the previous tag is a bridge and right next to the bridge is a set of stairs, leading down to the road underneath it. Run down the stairs, onto the street, then look at the wall that makes up the stairs on street level for the tag.

Gang Tag 24

(1 of 2) Tag #24 on the map

Tag #24 on the map (left), Tag #24 in the game (right)

Get a vehicle and drive west, until you reach the first intersection, and turn south on that street. Keep going south until you see a building on one corner that has a “Liquor” sign. Go in the alley by this store to find the tag on a wall behind it.

Gang Tag 25

(1 of 2) Tag #25 on the map

Tag #25 on the map (left), Tag #25 in the game (right)

Get on the street to the east of the Liquor Store from the previous tag and head north, bypassing the first intersection. As soon as you do, look to your left and you will see the entrance to an underground garage. Head down there and you will find the tag on the wall opposite the entrance.

Gang Tag 26

(1 of 2) Tag #26 on the map

Tag #26 on the map (left), Tag #26 in the game (right)

Exit the garage the way you came in from the previous tag and drive south on the street, until you see a large triangular-shaped building. On the southern end of this building, you should see a tag on the wall, so hop the fence and spray over it.

Gang Tag 27

(1 of 2) Tag #27 on the map

Tag #27 on the map (left), Tag #27 in the game (right)

Northwest of the previous is a Safehouse you can purchase (or have purchased, if doing these later). Go behind the house to find an alleyway and you should see the tag on a wooden fence.

Gang Tag 28

(1 of 2) Tag #28 on the map

Tag #28 on the map (left), Tag #28 in the game (right)

North of the same Safehouse is a store on the one corner that has a “Discount Warehouse” sign on the one side, and a “Diamonds” sign on the other side. There is an alleyway behind the building and the tag will be on the wall back there.

Gang Tag 29

(1 of 2) Tag #29 on the map

Tag #29 on the map (left), Tag #29 in the game (right)

East of the previous tag, there is a large orange-colored building that has a large grassy area in front of it, with a fence. Climb over the fence of that building and look underneath the stairs on that side to find the tag on the wall.

Gang Tag 30

(1 of 2) Tag #30 on the map

Tag #30 on the map (left), Tag #30 in the game (right)

East of there are the train tracks and they will run north, through a large tunnel. At the southern tunnel entrance, on the inside of the one wall, will be the tag.

Gang Tag 31

(1 of 2) Tag #31 on the map

Tag #31 on the map (left), Tag #31 in the game (right)

Just west of the train tunnel entrance is a slightly windy road that connects to the road that is north, up a hill. Turn onto this road, to the east, and there should be some houses straight ahead of you, on the northern side of the road. Go to the last one on the right, where you should find some stairs to a little landing that has a gun pickup. You don’t need to go up here, but it’s a good little “landmark.” Go behind that house to find the tag on the northern wall.

Gang Tag 32

(1 of 2) Tag #32 on the map

Tag #32 on the map (left), Tag #32 in the game (right)

Return to the train tunnel entrance and travel west, along the road, until you reach a slight fork. Take the northern of the two streets and continue travelling west until you spot some ramps. You want the ramp that has a house with a small garage next to it. Look on the left side of the ramp, on street level, to find the tag.

Gang Tag 33

(1 of 2) Tag #33 on the map

Tag #33 on the map (left), Tag #33 in the game (right)

Double back to the fork and take the southern of the two roads now, travelling west on it until you until you see an orange house on the northern side. There should be a blue-ish colored house on either side of it, but you want to go into the space in between the orange one and the eastern one. The tag will be on the wall of the blue-ish house.

Gang Tag 34

(1 of 2) Tag #34 on the map

Tag #34 on the map (left), Tag #34 in the game (right)

Return to the top road like in Tag #31, and continue west from there. You are looking for the orange-ish colored house on the southern side of the street, near the end of it, right before passing underneath the road that goes above it. Go in between that house and the one next to it to find the tag on the wall.

Gang Tag 35

(1 of 2) Tag #35 on the map

Tag #35 on the map (left), Tag #35 in the game (right)

North of Glen Park, which is just south of where the previous tag was located, is a set of houses that has a fence surrounding it. You are looking at the northwestern part and these houses have little archways in between them. You will find the tag on a wall in between the houses there.

Gang Tag 36

(1 of 2) Tag #36 on the map

Tag #36 on the map (left), Tag #36 in the game (right)

Head underneath the bridge going over Glen Park and you should see this tag by the pond there. It will be on the wall directly south of the little walkway on the northern side of the park.

Gang Tag 37

(1 of 2) Tag #37 on the map

Tag #37 on the map (left), Tag #37 in the game (right)

There is a small outlet shopping center south of the eastern half of Glen Park, which has a little alleyway on the western side of it. The tag is on the wall in that alleyway.

Gang Tag 38

(1 of 2) Tag #38 on the map

Tag #38 on the map (left), Tag #38 in the game (right)

South of the outlet center above is a skate park, which is where you start the BMX Challenge. In the northeast corner of the park will be the tag on the fence, on the inside portion.

Gang Tag 39

(1 of 2) Tag #39 on the map

Tag #39 on the map (left), Tag #39 in the game (right)

East of the skate park from Tag #38 is a hospital. On the eastern side of the hospital will be the tag. It’s on a little wall near all of the shrubbery, so it might be a little difficult to see right away.

Gang Tag 40

(1 of 2) Tag #40 on the map

Tag #40 on the map (left), Tag #40 in the game (right)

East of the hospital will be two rows of houses. Go to the eastern row of houses and look underneath the car port of the one next to the blue house to find this tag.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Rockstar Games
  • Platforms,
    Android, iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    21 October 2021
  • Last Updated
    25 November 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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