Upon arriving at Smoke’s place, you see Officer Tenpenny and Pulaski exiting it, with Smoke mentioning that they won’t leave him alone. Putting that behind them, Smoke mentions his cousin is coming into town from Mexico and he needs to go pick her up. Get in Smoke’s car and the message at the bottom says to go to Emmet’s place if you need a gun. While you don’t really need one for this mission, it does help a lot and can make things go much quicker. Drive Smoke to the meet and you will find out who his “cousin” really is.
(1 of 2) You might get lucky and have the Vagos’ member get stopped by something
You might get lucky and have the Vagos’ member get stopped by something (left), It’s easiest to just shoot the guy running away from you (right)
He meets up with two rival gang members and asks for some goods, only for them to insult and ignore Smoke. Of course, Smoke didn’t like this and cracks the one in the head with a bat, with the other gang member running away. It’s your job to chase him down and kill him, which can be done in one of two ways. You can either get close enough to shoot him, which is the easier way, of course. The other way is to chase after him and continually melee him, once you’re close enough for that. Of course, this is the more difficult way, as you will need to continue chasing him after hitting him a couple of times. Despite the gang member having a gun, he doesn’t seem to attack you, and the mission will be over as soon as you kill him.
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