Loc is putting together a listening party for his album, but he needs a sound system first. He just happened to spot one going through the drive-thru and suspects they headed down to the beach for a party. It’s up to you to steal the sound system for Loc. Head down to the beach and when you approach the party, you will be told to speak with the DJ. As you approach her, you will have to reply positively, which is done by pressing right on the directional pad. Do this twice to start another rhythm mini-game, similar to the one in Cesar Vialpando. Unlike that one, though, which has you pushing the right stick in directions, you will have to time the face buttons in the circle on the bottom of the screen.
(1 of 2) Simply hit the direction as it passes through the circle
Simply hit the direction as it passes through the circle (left), Once you have access to the van, simply drive it to the drop off point (right)
Your goal is to get a score of 2500 points, which shouldn’t be too challenging, especially if you’re good at rhythm mini-games. As usual, ignore the surroundings and just concentrate on the buttons you need to press as they pass through the circle. If you start seeing “Perfect” at the top of the screen, then your score will be skyrocketing in no time. The mini-game will start off easy, but will gradually have you changing between all of the face buttons in quick succession. If you can get into a good rhythm, then you can simply ignore the circle during those parts and concentrate on the button presses following the one that goes in the circle.
As mentioned above, you need a score of 2500 points in order to continue the mission. Once you achieve this score, or higher, the DJ will ask you one more thing you have to respond positively to, then she will get in the van via the passenger door. Climb into the van on the driver’s side and just pull away, with some of the residents of the party firing some guns at you. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem like anyone will be following you here, so just continue driving to the blip on your map. This will be a garage, underneath the overpass, and parking in it will finish the mission.
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