This mission begins where the last one ended, and your first objective is to exit the cave. When you do, you’ll get a call from Dennis, who tells you to go and meet Citra, the leader of the Rakyat. The current objective will be set at X: 545.5, Y: 633.5 , but there’s a Radio Tower to the northeast of it that if you didn’t already activate, you should.
Once you arrive at Citra’s Temple, a short cutscene will occur, then you will have to follow Dennis inside the temple. When you get to the marker, another cutscene will occur and once you gain control, just walk forward along the only path you have. Jason is once again hallucinating, so keep going until you get to the house, then go inside. You’ll be underwater now, but don’t worry about drowning and cross the bridge. Once you get to the altar, grab the knife and you’ll end up back in reality. Exit the temple to finish the mission.
Citra will send you on another whacked-out trip, which will end once you grab the knife at the end.
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