You can start this side mission by talking to a man in a shack at X: 704.7, Y: 678.0 . He says that space aliens have kidnapped his daughter and in order for them to bring her back, you need to find and scan some packages of theirs. Pick up the scanner and head to the accident site, marked on your map.
When you get to the site, you will be given an explanation on how to use the scanner. It will beep as you get closer to the packages, with the light turning a solid color when the scanner is being pointed directly at the packages. To start off, look over the hill and you’ll find the first package at the bottom. You will need to take out your camera and take a picture of each package.
Some basic instructions on how to use the scanner (left), as well as the location of the second package (right).
With the first one down, follow the path to a wrecked truck. You’ll likely find a bear here, so kill it and investigate the area for the package. If you just want to know, it’s in the tree to the left of the wreckage. The third package is located inside of the big red container across the water. You need to shoot the lock off the side in the water, where you’ll find the package inside.
The locations of the third (left) and fifth packages (right).
Follow the river and when you find the next small crates, you’ll find the fourth package to the right of the stacked ones, next to the flat rock. Follow the way to the last marker and jump off the waterfall. Go on the shore behind you and follow the rocks on your left, where you’ll find some ropes you can use to get behind the waterfall. The final package will be on a ledge in the middle of the waterfall. Once you take the picture, the mission will be over and you’ll get $500.
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