This mission begins north of The Neck’s Diner outpost , from the man inside the building on top of the hill. He hands you a list of plants to get for his medicine, and promises to teach you the recipe for it once you’re finished. Note that you will need to get the plants from the designated spot in order for it to count. The first item on the list is 3 Golden Beehives . Step outside and go around the corner to find them, then grab them and bring them back, with the man saying these aren’t the right ones.
While this mission is fairly easy, the last harvest spot has a bear nearby, so be prepared to kill it.
The second plant you need to find is 3 Heliconias . Go to the highlighted section and pick up three of them, then bring them back. Once again, these are the wrong plants and he gives you another list. The third, and final, one you need is 3 Screw Pine plants, but the problem is there is a bear in the way. Kill it, then grab the Screw Pine and bring them back for your reward ($500 and Nature’s Boy recipe).
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