Head through the middle area to meet a Cultist Overseer; kill him and continue your trek. In the next room dispatch the enemies and check out the wooden crate at the back end. Enter the caverns to be ambushed by Dragonlings but be sure to disarm the traps. Further up the ramp you should encounter more Cultists and a few Dragonlings. Along the eastern wall are two chests and a book on Codex 124: The Frostback Mountains . Continue north up another ramp with more Cultists and more Dragonlings. Take the eastern path to be ambushed by Drakes; loot them to start the quest “ Drake Scale Armor “. The pile of dragon filth has the Stone Warrior Statuette rare gift for Alistair.
Return to the previous room and head down the other path this time. As you reach the fork you are ambushed by Cultist Assassins; be sure to stun them. Once they are dispatched continue the path north to an open room with Cultists and a few Dragonlings. As you approach the top area where the Cultist Overseer was a few Drakes attack. The Cultist Overseer can drop the Spellweaver , a great weapon for an Arcane Warrior. Keep on rolling east and kill the Cultists and the Drake. The Dragon Egg grants the Lifedrinker whilst the book gives Codex 213: The First Blight - Chapter 3 .
Looting the Drakes for their scales begins the quest “Drake Scale Armor”. Kolgrim and his friends are crazy but only attack them if you wish to preserve the Urn.
Return to the fork and choose to go west this time. Follow the path until you reach a room with Cultists waiting with traps abound. There is a single chest and three wooden crates in this room. Continue along the path until you reach a man named Kolgrim. Here you can make an interesting choice, you can either accept his quest to destroy the ashes or kill Kolgrim for this treachery. You can however take a pinch of the ashes first and then defile the urn which will ultimately grant the Reaver Specialization and later the Champion Specialization for saving Arl Eamon.
Regardless of your decision head to the mountaintop. Head to the eastern side of the mountaintop to find two chests and a broken chest. If you didn’t kill Kolgrim he will quell the High Dragon and you can make your way to the Gauntlet.
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