Make your way down the path defeating enemies until you reach the Landmark. Establish dominance then continue to the second light where Darkspawn impede your progress. Loot the nearby chest for a Worn Note which starts the quest “ The History of Cah’Halash “ and the Codex 157: Letters from the Past . Stand in the light to reveal the location of a Light of Arlathan . Grab it to update the quest and spawn an Ancient Elven Guardian.
Follow the path and defeat the darkspawn then continue north to a chest. Defeat the Deep Stalkers and step into the light to find another Light of Arlathan . Ahead, defeat more Darkspawn and loot the pile of bones for a Worn Journal . Continue to follow the lights to find another Light of Arlathan and it’s Guardian. Search another pile of bones for a Torn Letter then cross the bridge and read the Scrap of Paper to complete the quest.
Find the bits about the history for the quest. You will also get an achievement for finding them all.
Follow the light to find a Hurlock Berserker and some of his companions. Kill it and loot it for the Cinch of Skillful Maneuvering , then loot the chest. Stand in the light to see the last hidden area is nearby. With all the pieces in place, examine the Scrying Spot. Defeat the Lesser Shade Demons that pass through then head to the Dragonbone Wastes.
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