Examine the Concealed Door and proceed down the stairs. There is a trap at the bottom so be wary. Loot the Entry Door Key from the Blood Mage and check out the Armor Stand. Open the metal door and proceed through the building to find a barrel. Kill off the Mercenaries in the next room and disarm the tripwire trap before heading to the next area. At the top of the stairs, open the metal door and then the door to the left which contains a chest and wooden crate. This should draw more enemies out from another room; kill them.
In the room to the right are more enemies as well as a chest. Disarm the Pressure Plate and enter the top room which has two chests. Continue through the eastern door following the hall and disarming the pressure plate. The grease on the ground can slow you down so avoid it. Take down the barricade and defeat the enemies and move to the next room where a higher level Blood Mage resides. Loot the Weapon Stand and move to another room with a barricade, grease trap, and higher level Blood Mage.
Loot the Blood Mage for the Entrance Door Key (left). You need a high Cunning to unlock the door leading to the Magister’s Shield amulet (right).
The next room is empty so unlock the right door and check out the cabinet and chest which contains the Magister’s Shield, a grande amulet. Beyond the other door is the Blood Mage Leader. Retreat to the previous room and pick off the melee one at a time then focus on stunning the Blood Mage Leader for an easy victory. If you couldn’t unlock the other door, loot the Blood Mage Leader for the Bedroom Key . Return to the Market District.
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