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Item List Codex
Harrowmont’s Staff 223 Trian’s Journal
Key to the City 232 A Letter from Rica
Ruck’s Shield
Trian’s Maul

If you side with Harrowmont then Bhelen will attack you. Afterwards you will receive Harrowmont’s Staff or Trian’s Maul . Make your way out and loot the Assembly Cache for the Key to the City , an incredible ring. Time to tie loose ends here and turn in all the side quests. You can speak with Kardol just outside, convince him to fight with you during the Blight and it will be so. Go to the Shaperate and talk to Orta, then speak with the Shaper to turn in “The Golem Registry”. You can check the memories to turn in “The Dead Caste”.

Return to the Assembly and speak with Orta to finish “Lost to the Memories” and receive 5 gold. To receive the full reward from her you must leave to an area other than Orzammar and the Frostback Mountains then return. Head over to the Royal Palace and enter the door to the left. Down the hall continue west, the Royal Bedroom has nothing in it.

If you sided with Harrowmont and speak with Vartag he will attack. Kill him and then proceed to enter Bhelen’s room and examine the letter for Codex 232: A Letter From Rica . Head further down the hall and go south to Lady Broden’s room. Loot the chest and talk with the herbalist to receive a new recipe and the quest “ Exotic Methods “. Make a potion and use it on the Lady to cure her and finish the quest.

You can finish off the various quests you picked up upon your return.

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Harrowmonts Ally

Sided with Harrowmont in "A Paragon of Her Kind"

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Bhelens Ally

Sided with Bhelen in "A Paragon of Her Kind"

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In the other room at the end of the hall is Ambassador Gainley. Kill him and his bodyguards to satisfy “The Trial of Crows”. Loot the chest and examine the book for Codex 223: Trian’s Journal . Go to the Commons and speak with Filda to finish “A Mother’s Hope” and receive Ruck’s Shield . It’s optional but at this time go to the Circle Tower. Speak with Irving about Dagna wanting to study there. Also, find Godwin and sell him the Lyrium with a little persuasion for 65 gold and a dagger. Persuade him even further for another 8 gold then back to Orzammar.

Speak to Dagna and ask for a reward, this completes “An Unlikely Scholar”. Go to Dust Town and speak with Rogek, persuade him that you need more money to receive 25 gold and finish “Precious Metals”. Seek out Orta now and talk with her to receive an additional 10 gold! You can now return to Redcliffe and tell Arl Eamon it’s time to summon the Landsmeet.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    23 July 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Greg Boccia

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You are a Grey Warden, last of a group of highly-skilled warriors tasked to defeat the Archdemon and stop the Blight from spreading across the land. The Grey Wardens are the only ones capable of defeating the Archdemon and sending the Darkspawn back to the pits whence they came. Accrue a squad of highly memorable characters, each with their own personalities and skills, to help you in your task and save Fereldan before it is too late.

This guide charts the adventures of the main walkthrough and all Downloadable Content and covers:

  • A complete walkthrough from start to finish.
  • Every item and codex uncovered.
  • A complete trophy/achievement guide.
  • Full coverage of all Downloadable Content including the massive DLC “Awakening”.

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