Two quests are added: “ Amgarrak’s Secrets “ and “ Harvest of Amgarrak “. Go west to the opening and check Darion’s Journal for Codex 223: Darion’s Journal then go north to get ambushed by two Watchers and two Sentinels. Loot the corpses and the chest then proceed east to find Brogan. Further east you’ll find more of Darion’s Journal and another ambush, this time by Phantasmal beings. Take out the ranged first and then focus on the warrior until it’s down. Up the stairs is a Tattered Note containing Codex 232: Ancient Writings .
Continue south after The Harvester. In the large room loot the chest for a Greater Tome of the Mortal Vessel . Hit the switch to be thrown in to an altered state then loot the chest now that it’s solid. Go back north to find two Warped Watchers waiting for you; they are essentially weak Revenants. To the west is another Tattered Note and a chest containing superb items. From here head north and open the door but prepare for another ambush led by a Twisted Sentinel. Once dead loot the chest for a Greater Tome of the Mortal Vessel then return to the switch.
Press it again and return to the room you just came from. Defeat the Watchers and grab the chest for Golem Research Notes: Healing . It will grant the Group Heal ability to the Runic Golem. Hit the switch again and go east then north to find more of Darion’s Journal. Further east you will find and free Brogan of his trance and he joins the party. Continue east and destroy the attackers the same as you have been. The first chest to the left contains Golem Research Notes: Fire and grants Flaming Weapons to the Runic Golem. At the eastern end is another three chests containing Golem Research Notes: Mechanics which raises the Runic Golem two levels.
Collecting the Research Notes will unlock new skills for the Golem and raise its level.
Continue south defeating the corpses until you reach another room with more of Darion’s Journal . Hit the switch in the middle twice to create a purple haze as opposed to the previous blue. Check the Scattered Notes for 50 EXP then go back to the previous area and continue north back to the Sunken Grotto on your map. From here open the northern door and press the switch. Prepare yourself and approach the green switch as the golems come to life. Activate the switch to assume a green haze then proceed to check the chests for Golem Research Notes: Healing , granting the Revival skill to the Runic Golem, The Reaper’s Cudgel , and Golem Research Notes: Lightning for the Tempest spell.
Head back and gain the purple haze then go west. Go through the northern door and defeat the enemies then hit a switch and read Darion’s Journal . Go back out and defeat the Phantasmals as you continue south. Open the door to the east and kill the Sentinels. Read more of Darion’s Journal and check Darion himself for Darion’s Notes. Go around the corner and check the chest for a Sash of Forbidden Secrets then head back to the northern room with all the switches.
Press the switches in the correct order, YMWC , to activate the switch in the middle creating a red haze. Continue south and down the steps in to the Anvil. Head north up some steps to a chest containing Golem Research Notes: Mechanics to increase the Runic Golem’s level and finish the quest. Head back down and around the anvil to get the attention of the Harvester.
Push the switches in the order of “YMWC”.
BOSS - The Harvester¶
Drops: N/A
Start by having Snug charge in and taunt. Use Brogan to pick up the Harvested Corpses and take care of them as they appear. As you bombard it with magic it will adapt and become immune, Jerrik will note this so don’t bother casting offensive magic during that time. The red haze indicates that magic is effective again. A good tactic to utilize, if you have two magic users, is to bombard The Harvester with one of them and pull aggression. This allows you to “kite tank” The Harvester even on Nightmare difficulty and avoid it’s powerful blows. The tough part about this is that Harvested Corpses will continue to spawn so you will need to kill them as you kite. Fortunately, when the red haze occurs and more corpses are abound you can simply hit the switch in the corner to make them go away. It is ideal to place your healer here while you let melee attack from behind and tank in the middle if you aren’t going to kite. Once you deal a killing blow the fight takes a twist.
During phase two of the fight The Harvester emerges from it’s body and will hop around, releasing Harvested Corpses of all ranks. At this point it becomes a damage race because the corpses have much more health then The Harvester thus it’s easier to just kill it. The faster you force the creature to move the less corpses will be summoned. Keep up the pressure on it and The Harvest should drop in no time.
Remove the red mist so you can attack physically. In the second phase of the fight, The Harvester will scurry around and can be hard to hit.

Grim Reaper
Defeated the Harvester on Hard or Nightmare difficulty ('The Golems of Amgarrak' downloadable content').

Earning the “Reaper” achievement will unlock the Sash of Forbidden Secrets for play in Origins/Awakening. Earning the “Grim Reaper” achievement will unlock The Reaper’s Cudgel for Origins/Awakening. And earning the “A Secret Stitched Together achievement” will unlock The High Regard of House Dace for use in Origins/Awakening.
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