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Speak with Mistress Woolsey, Seneschal Varel, and Captain Garevel to obtain the quests “ The Righteous Path “, “ Shadow of the Blackmarsh “, and “ Last of the Legion “. Start in the southwest corner and go clockwise around the room, looting the books for Grandmaster Frost Rune Tracing and The Warrior’s Heart . The next set of books holds Grandmaster Hale Rune Tracing and Verses of Dreams and Ambassador Cera nearby can enchant items for you.

Cera’s Rune Stock

Item Price
Evasion Rune Tracing 8g 19s 50c
Journeyman Dweomer Rune Tracing 0g 55s 00c
Expert Flame Rune Tracing 1g 10s 00c
Master Flame Rune Tracing 3g 85s 00c
Grandmaster Flame Rune Tracing 8g 19s 50c
Expert Frost Rune Tracing 3g 85s 00c
Journeyman Paralyze Rune Tracing 0g 55s 00c
Expert Paralyze Rune Tracing 1g 10s 00c
Journeyman Lightning Rune Tracing 0g 55s 00c
Expert Lightning Rune Tracing 1g 10s 00c
Master Lightning Rune Tracing 3g 85s 00c
Journeyman Cold Iron Rune Tracing 0g 55s 00c
Journeyman Hale Rune Tracing 0g 55s 00c
Items Cont Price
Journeyman Silverite Rune Tracing 0g 55s 00c
Journeyman Slow Rune Tracing 0g 55s 00c
Expert Slow Rune Tracing 1g 10s 00c
Journeyman Tempest Rune Tracing 0g 55s 00c
Expert Tempest Rune Tracing 1g 10s 00c
Master Tempest Rune Tracing 3g 85s 00c
Grandmaster Tempest Rune Tracing 8g 19s 50c
Journeyman Immunity Rune Tracing 0g 55s 00c
Journeyman Reservoir Rune Tracing 0g 55s 00c
Master Reservoir Rune Tracing 3g 85s 00c
Manual: Battlemage 11g 00s 00c

The armor stand has the Trickster’s Tunic and the book is good for Codex 175: Vassals and Their Liege . Next is your Personal Storage and in the corner a book unveils Codex 174: The First Warden . Yuriah sells items here and if you saved the Merchant you get a slight discount.

The merchants in here have a wide variety of stuff. Outside, you can gain some quests from the soldier.

Yuriah’s Wares

Item Price
Endurance Rune Tracing 8g 94s 00c
Shock Coating Recipe 5g 32s 80c
Flaming Coating Recipe 5g 32s 80c
Lesser Ice Salve Recipe 2g 92s 80c
Lesser Warmth Balm Recipe 2g 92s 80c
Lesser Nature Salve Recipe 2g 92s 80c
Shock Bomb Recipe 1g 11s 60c
Grandmaster Dweomer Rune Tracing 8g 94s 00c
Grandmaster Lightning Rune Tracing 8g 94s 00c
Items Cont Price
Masterpiece Lightning Rune Tracing 8g 40s 00c
Grandmaster Silverite Rune Tracing 8g 94s 00c
Grandmaster Reservoir Rune Tracing 8g 94s 00c
Charlatan’s Walking Stick 13g 56s 00c
Stormchaser Mail 18g 84s 00c
Scout’s Medal 84g 13s 46c
Blood of the Warrior 9g 42s 00c
Golden Cog 6g 24s 00c
Manual: Shadow 12g 00s 00c

Lastly, head to the weapon stand and grab Dumat’s Spine then make your way outside. Here you speak with a lady and can ask about the thief, then ask to see the letters and take the two quests available:“ The Prisoner “, “ A Daughter Ransomed “ and “ Far Afield “ are added to the quest log.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    23 July 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Greg Boccia

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You are a Grey Warden, last of a group of highly-skilled warriors tasked to defeat the Archdemon and stop the Blight from spreading across the land. The Grey Wardens are the only ones capable of defeating the Archdemon and sending the Darkspawn back to the pits whence they came. Accrue a squad of highly memorable characters, each with their own personalities and skills, to help you in your task and save Fereldan before it is too late.

This guide charts the adventures of the main walkthrough and all Downloadable Content and covers:

  • A complete walkthrough from start to finish.
  • Every item and codex uncovered.
  • A complete trophy/achievement guide.
  • Full coverage of all Downloadable Content including the massive DLC “Awakening”.

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