Dog is your loyal, loveable, Trolldog. He just loves to wind up the other companions, especially Morrigan.
Class : Warrior
Specialization : None
Unlock : Complete the Human Noble sidequest or Mabari Hound sidequest in Ostagar
Dog is usually rather good at the beginning of the game. His Overwhelm talent is great for controlling a dangerous enemy. Dog can also fetch random items in each area. Eventually Dog will get replaced but until then he is helpful.
- Dog gets a health boost if you have him clean up your gore.
- Brings you random items if you ask him.
Dog always has max approval rating so you can give the gifts to the other members for a slight approval increase.
Gift | Location |
Beef Bone | Ostagar; Circle Tower |
Lamb Bone | Castle Redcliffe; Main Floor |
Large Bone | Haven; Village Store |
Ox Bone | West Brecilian Forest |
Veal Bone | Denerim Alienage; Apartments |
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