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Table of Contents
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Item List
Aeducan Shield
Aeducan Signet Ring
Dwarven Merchant’s Belt
Proving Helm
Superior Dwarven Guard Armor
Codex Codex Cont
135 The Castes 145 Dwarven Faith
136 Life in Orzammar 160 Darkspawn
137 Deep Roads 171 King Endrin Aeducan
138 The City of Orzammar 175 Lord Pyral Harrowmont
141 House Aeducan, Shield of Orzammar 223 Trian’s Journal
143 Orzammar Politics 233 A Letter from Rica
144 The Proving

Requirement : Dwarf, Warrior/Rogue

Speak with Gorim and tell you him you would like to have your shield with you. You may choose to fight in the Proving and check the merchants out in the Diamond Quarter but first check the chest, crystal for Codex 138: The City of Orzammar , and the vanity on the right side of the bed. The Bust of King Endrin adds Codex 171: King Endrin Aeducan . Head out and enter Bhelen’s room to find his mistress and a letter for Codex 233: A Letter from Rica . The pile of books is Codex 141: House Aeducan, Shield of Orzammar , the chest has common items but the armoire has a Dwarven Merchant’s Belt .

Head to the main area and exit to the Diamond Quarter. Speak with Scholar Gertek and help end the quarreling. You can make it so one of them is killed and ask for a reward. You can also run into your two brothers and further down from there are three barrels. Speak to the Royal Escort to go to the Proving and then talk to the Proving Master to fight. Win four matches in a row to be crowned champion and receive the Proving Helm . Return to the Royal Palace and enter the Throne Room.

If you enter the Proving, defeat four opponents and you get the Proving Helm.

Speak with Lord Dace and either help him or not. Head to the right and read the book for Codex 148: Orzammar History - Chapter Two . The eastern room has a barrel as does the western one if you can unlock the door. Unlock the door at the end to find a vase and a chest. The final room has a barrel in it pending you can unlock the door. Speak with Duncan for a few codex updates then talk to Lady Helmi who fills you in about Lord Dace’s plan. You can speak to him again and call him out then stop him from leaving saying he insulted the house. This leads to an Honor Proving where you must fight Dace’s son.

You can also speak to your father and then choose whichever you want when Dace asks you about the surfacers. You will find Trian in his room if you were in the Proving, if not he will be at the Proving. In Trian’s room is a chest and his journal for Codex 223: Trian’s Journal . Speak with Trian and when he leaves Bhelen will warn you of his plot to assassinate you! This will bring you to a scene where you enter the Deep Roads. You will gain the quest “ A Noble Expedition “ and be on your way.

Start off by heading west, kill the spider and disarm the traps near the intersection. Defeat the Darkspawn and check the dwarf corpse then continue west. You should run into Frandlin who will join the party. Take the southern path until you are ambushed by a pack of Deep Stalkers and it’s Leader. Check the dwarf corpse and turn around then take the south east path at the cross roads. Beware the traps as you come upon the Darkspawn; check the wooden crate and chest. Head south to meet the Scout who joins your party and warns of the Darkspawn ahead.

Defeat the Darkspawn led by the Genlock Alpha and disarm the traps. Check the chest then enter the Thaig. Cross the bridge to find a band of mercenaries waiting for you. Kill them and loot the Aeducan Signet Ring from the Captain. Check the chest and barrel to the left then ahead check the dwarf corpse and Barrel of Ballista Bolts. Load the Battered Ballista and check the charred corpse, then fire the Ballista to knock the wall down. Enter the Thaig Chamber when you are ready.

Kill the Mercenaries and then loot their corpses for the Aeducan Signet Ring.

Allow your party to move freely and position them on the three tiles near the sarcophagus. Approach the sarcophagus and press the signet on it now to find the Aeducan Shield . Leave the chamber and defeat the Darkspawn that are waiting for you. Head back to the crossroads where Trian will be waiting for you if you ordered him killed. If not the King will be there and Trian will already be dead. You are forced to fight Trian if he is still alive. Regardless of the outcome, Bhelen betrays you and the Scout and Frandlin lie about what happened.

You are hereby exiled, Gorim comes to tell you the sentence. Head down the path through the Deep Roads and fight the Giant Spider. Loot the corpse and be sure to equip whatever you find. Disarm the traps and kill the Darkspawn, then loot the dead dwarf and loop around to find a wooden crate and a chest. Head south and go west at the crossing, kill the Deep Stalkers and loot the skeleton. Go to the east side and defeat the Giant Spider then loot the darkspawn corpse. Continue south defeating more Darkspawn and dodging more traps and don’t forget to loot the dead dwarf for Superior Dwarven Guard Armor then go east. Defeat the Deep Stalkers and their Leader. Check the dwarf corpse and dead dwarf then head back west to find Duncan and be on your way to Ostagar.

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Completed the Dwarf Noble origin story.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    23 July 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Greg Boccia

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You are a Grey Warden, last of a group of highly-skilled warriors tasked to defeat the Archdemon and stop the Blight from spreading across the land. The Grey Wardens are the only ones capable of defeating the Archdemon and sending the Darkspawn back to the pits whence they came. Accrue a squad of highly memorable characters, each with their own personalities and skills, to help you in your task and save Fereldan before it is too late.

This guide charts the adventures of the main walkthrough and all Downloadable Content and covers:

  • A complete walkthrough from start to finish.
  • Every item and codex uncovered.
  • A complete trophy/achievement guide.
  • Full coverage of all Downloadable Content including the massive DLC “Awakening”.

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