With order restored you can now roam the courtyard freely. Start by examining the statue to engage in conversation with Anders. Speak with Herren to obtain the quest “ Elemental Requirement “ and check his inventory.
Herren’s Merchandise
Item | Price |
Stormchaser Gauntlets | 118g 62s 72c |
Rainswept | 122g 14s 56c |
Clamshell Plate Armor | 155g 19s 24c |
Mage-Hunter | 44g 04s 00c |
Panacea | 4g 98s 00c |
Manual: Guardian | 12g 00s 00c |
Over to the east are two chests and a Kitten that you can loot and also south from there is a wooden crate. Speak with Voldrik Glavonak to obtain the quest “ Cost of Doing Business “ which basically entails paying 80 sovereigns to reinforce the walls. Speak to Sergeant Maverlies to obtain the quest “ It Comes From Beneath “ but don’t go to the cave-in just yet. Instead head down to the dungeon. Check the supplies for Soap on a Rope and the Prisoner’s Effects for Ornate Leather Gloves and The Bear’s Embrace . Speak with Nathaniel to get some insight on him, then you can execute him, release him, or invoke the Right of Conscription.
You can collect the Prisoner Effects for some nice items. Head outside and speak to the many people to receive some more quests.
Afterwards speak with Varel and persuade, if you can, the Banns to support you and your cause; you gain the quest “ Oaths of Fealty “. Speak with Lord Eddelbrek and you can get the quest “ Defending the Land “. Ser Tamra gives the quest “ A Brewing Conspiracy “. Talk with Varel about the lands and you have many options as to which you want to defend. He will also give information about the so-called conspiracy. Speak with Woolsey again to get the quest “ Trade Must Flow “. Now you can continue with the main quest or do a little side questing. Leave the keep and head to the basement.
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