Check the chest ahead then the wooden crate, armoire and crate on the other side for Lorekeeper’s Mittens, Lorekeeper’s Gloves, Blood Promise, Lorekeeper’s Cowl, Lightning Rod and Aqua Magus . Go north and run into Rylock, who forces you to fight or give up Anders. Enter the northern room and check the bookshelf for Potent Health Poultice Recipe and Lyrium: The Voice of the Maker . One chest holds an Enchanter Cowl and Charm of Flame , the other simply money. There is a shelf in the back corner to be looted, do so and leave.
Return to the Chanter and turn in any quests you have. Pick up “ A Donation of Poultices “ if you can from the board and turn it in. Go to The Crown and Lion and check the back corner near the Innkeeper for a Note Fragment . Leave the bar and take the door near Constable Aidan and grab the Note Fragment at the end of this catwalk and check the chest on your way back. Head over to the first house near the city entrance to find Karrem hanging from the ceiling. Loot him for the Third Note Fragment then return to Alma in the Chantry. Leave Amaranthine now and either continue the main plot or continue with the side quests.
Loot the chests and armoire in here for some really good equipment for Anders.
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