Weisshaupt Fortress¶
Just before the ramp is an Essence of Willpower viewable only by the Spirit form. Grab it and head to the Raw Fade once more.
The Raw Fade Part 2¶
Turn into Spirit Form and use the Spirit Door. Kill Yevena and examine the Twisted Structure for Codex 065: The Black City . Use Spirit Form again and grab the Essence of Willpower then return to the area with Niall. Use the Fade Portal then Mouse Hole, then another Fade Portal. Use Spirit Form to access a Hidden Room with an Essence of Dexterity guarded by two Wisps. Make your way to the Fade Pedestal and choose The Burning Tower.
The Burning Tower Part 2¶
Head south and then west to a Spirit Door leading to a room with an Essence of Constitution and an Essence of Cunning . Return to the previous room and use the door at the southern end. Destroy the Massive Door to the west to find an Essence of Magic . Return to the room you originally started in and destroy the Massive Door and pass through the inferno with the Burning Man. Defeat the swarm of enemies and proceed through the door. Defeat the miniboss Rhagos and use the Font of Strength to obtain +1 to Strength. Use the Fade Pedestal and choose Mages Asunder.
Find the Essence of Magic through the Massive Door. Rhagos is the demon you need to kill at the end of this level.
Mages Asunder Part 2¶
Take the northern stairs, destroy the Massive Door and enter the third room. Go Spirit Form to find an Essence of Magic . Return to the starting point and take the other stairs. Go all the way south and use the Spirit Door to find a Spirit Door leading to an Essence of Dexterity . Use the mouse hole to find more Stone Golems guarding an Essence of Cunning . Destroy the Massive Door to find an Essence of Dexterity and an Essence of Constitution . Make your way back and head to the three Nightmares.
The Three Nightmares¶
In each of the three nightmares you must convince your ally that they are trapped in the Fade. Upon doing so you will fight the demon off and the ally will be freed. Once you have freed all of your allies head to the Inner Sanctum.
Inner Sanctum¶
Approach the Sloth Demon to enter dialogue. The allies you freed join you for this fight.
BOSS - Sloth¶
Drops : None
Sloth takes the form of an Ogre first. Use your tank to face the Sloth in the opposite direction of your ranged as it charges and knocks down your party members. Defeating the Ogre forces a knockback effect and Sloth will morph into a Rage Demon. This form has a low physical resistance check and should be able to easily get knocked down from a Shield Bash. Sloth morphs into a Hunger Demon next which is just as easily dispatched. A Shriek is the next form, also easily tanked. The Arcane Horror that Sloth turns into is the deadliest form as it does an area of effect attack that can prove to be devastating. Make sure everyone takes a health poultice and your healer tops everyone off.
You will have to kill various iterations of this guy and each one has a decent amount of health so be prepared for a slog.
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