You’ll view another cutscene and then a Rage Demon and Dead Wardens will be your next opponent. You must defeat the Dead Wardens and the Demons that are summoned before you can stop the Rage Demon from rapidly healing. Loot the Rage Demon for Winter’s Breath , a good staff for any mage. Loot the vase and head up stairs. Kill the Skeletons and check the Raspberry Jam on the counter for Codex 101: History of Soldier’s Peak - Chapter 3 .
Enter the door at the left to find Sophia possessed. You can side with the demon but it’s best not to if you are playing the good character. Check the two chests and the book on the table for Codex 226: Sophia Dryden’s Journal . Be sure to loot Sophia for the Warden Commander Set , a great set for a damage dealing warrior. Take the exit in the other room. On the bridge are a few enemies and a few traps. Make your way across to Avernus’s Tower.
The Rage Demon is pretty strong and has quite a few lackeys. Killing Sophia results in her dropping a ton of items. Here are some of what you can expect.
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