This chapter, much like ‘The Hostage’, requires more than one playthrough to tick off every marker. However, nothing you do during this chapter will affect Markus’ development later. There are a few things here that are easily missed, so here are all the things you can do during this chapter to get that 100%.
(1 of 2) Complete a few tasks downstairs
Complete a few tasks downstairs (left), then head upstairs to see to Carl (right)
Drop Off Package - As soon as you arrive at the house and enter the lobby, put down the box of paints to your left.
Activate Birds – While still in the lobby, you’ll see a golden bird cage with robotic birds inside. Activate them.
Magazine - Stay downstairs and go to the living room through the double doors in front of you. Find the next magazine on the table in front of the TV. Read both articles to make it register.
Carl Notices Markus’ Clothes – Now go upstairs. If you got kicked around by the protestors in ‘Shades of Color’, then Carl will comment on your clothes when you go upstairs to see to him.
Serve Breakfast - When you’ve taken Carl downstairs and seated him at the table, head into the kitchen to grab the breakfast tray and give it to Carl.
(1 of 2) Serve Carl breakfast
Serve Carl breakfast (left), Choose an activity to pass the time (right)
Find Something To Do – While Carl eats his breakfast, he’ll tell you to find something to do to stay occupied for a while. You have three options here: read a book, play chess, or play the piano. To read a book, go over to the shelf by the piano and choose one from the options – Carl will eventually come over to ask you about it. If you play chess, Carl will join you. Or you can choose to play a song for Carl by interacting with the piano at the back of the room.
Whichever one you pick won’t matter, and the sub-choices will automatically fill no matter which one you choose. But you do need to replay this part and choose a different activity to complete the flowchart.
(1 of 2) Choose an activity
Choose an activity (left), Choose a sub-choice (right)
Afterwards, you’ll head into his art studio at the back of the room. When Carl is hoisted up by the machine, you can remove the sheet from the canvas. You can also either tidy up the studio (hold R2 to find what needs tidying) while he paints, or you can just watch him. It makes no difference.
Paint Something You See - After a while, Carl will ask you to paint something, too. At this point, Markus will simply imitate something. Choose from Carl’s Painting, Desk, or Statue. You’ll have to replay the chapter 3 times and pick something different.
Paint From The Heart - This time, Carl wants you to paint something original. Choose from Android, Humanity, or Identity, and then choose any of the four sub-choices that follow. Again, you will have to replay the chapter and pick something different each time to fill the flowchart. The sub-choices will continue to auto-fill, so what you choose here doesn’t matter.
(1 of 2) Take Carl to the art studio
Take Carl to the art studio (left), Paint something for Carl (right)
Once Markus has finished the painting, Carl’s son will show up and ruin the moment, then the chapter will end.
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