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Conan Exiles

How to Make Potent Compost - Conan Exiles

Scott Peers
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The Potent Compost resource in Conan Exiles is one of the more difficult to craft, mostly because you need to use "Raw Ash" iconRaw Ash alongside "Blood" iconBlood and regular compost in the Grinder. It’s easy enough to get your hands on blood and compost, but the raw ash is much rarer and requires you to be at least level 20 if you want an easy time of it. The main source of raw ash is from obsidian, but you can also obtain it by killing relatively tough enemies such as "Blood Defiler" iconBlood Defiler, "Living Magma" iconLiving Magma, "Lloigor" iconLloigor, "Obsidian Rocknose" iconObsidian Rocknose, and TchoTcho Lama. In addition to these, you can sometimes find raw ash randomly by looting humanoid enemies, or by stealing from loot chests. On this page, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the best ways to make potent compost as early on in your playthrough as possible.

Potent Compost in Conan Exiles - How It’s Made

As mentioned above, to begin crafting potent compost in Conan Exiles, you’ll need three main ingredients:

  • Blood
  • Compost (regular)
  • Raw Ash

How to Make Regular Compost

If you’re looking into how to make potent compost, you’re probably already aware of how regular compost is made. However, if you’re just coming back to the game after a break and need a quick reminder, the main ingredients you need to make compost are "Putrid Meat" iconPutrid Meat, "Bonemeal" iconBonemeal, and "Plant Fiber" iconPlant Fiber.

You can get plenty of putrid meat by killing all manner of creatures since most of them provide meat. It won’t take long for the meat to go off, so you can either carry it around with you, put it in storage at your base, or just place it directly into the grinder and wait for it to rot.

(1 of 2) You can harvest almost any fleshy body part from most creatures, including humanoids.

You can harvest almost any fleshy body part from most creatures, including humanoids. (left), Place the fleshy body parts into the Fluid Press to produce blood. (right)

The plant fiber is also easy to obtain. All you need to do is use a sickle or knife to cut through bushes and small plants in the open world, and you should get plenty of plant fiber for each piece of foliage that you cut. It won’t be long before you’re stockpiling hundreds of plant fibers.

To obtain the Bonemeal, you’ll need to place "Bone" iconBone and other body parts that you harvest from dead creatures (using a pick-axe or hatchet) into the grinder, then wait for the Bonemeal to be produced. You’ll get four Bonemeal for every one bone that you place into the grinder.

How to Make Potent Compost Using Blood and Raw Ash

Before we discuss where to find raw ash, we’ll give you some tips on how to produce blood. To obtain it, the most reliable method is by constructing a Fluid Press. You can then take any severed limb, flesh, or even some bone pieces and place them in the fluid press, then wait for the blood to be extracted. You shouldn’t have any problems finding enough creatures that yield fleshy loot, but just remember that you need to harvest them using a pick-axe or a hatchet, rather than a knife or sickle.

So, assuming you’ve got plenty of regular compost lying around, all you need to do next is kill enough creatures (including humanoids) and place their body parts in the fluid press to produce enough blood. Once you have a decent amount of both blood and regular compost, you can start thinking about venturing to more dangerous territory in search of raw ash.

Where to Find Raw Ash - Locations in Conan Exiles

The best place to find raw ash is in the volcano biome of The Exiled Lands map. Here you’ll find some "Obsidian" iconObsidian deposits, which often yield a decent amount of raw ash when you harvest them. Still, the obsidian deposits are much rarer than those of iron, for example, so it’ll still take some time for you to get enough to make large quantities of potent compost.

Place the blood, raw ash, and regular compost into the grinder to produce potent compost.

If you want to farm a lot of raw ash in a relatively short period of time, you should combine any trips to the volcano biome with hunting for specific creatures that drop raw ash as a resource. These are the Blood Defiler, Living Magma, Lloigor, Obsidian "Rocknose" iconRocknose, and TchoTcho Lama. In general, Obsidian Rocknose drops the most amount of raw ash, and most frequently, but it’s worth trying the others too.

In addition to mining obsidian deposits and hunting for the creatures mentioned above, you should loot chests and containers from any camps that you find in the volcano biome, since they have a higher chance of containing raw ash here. You can still find rare ash in containers from other biomes if you’re lucky, but it’s not a reliable method.

Use the Grinder to Make Potent Compost

Now that you know where to find all three of the key ingredients to make potent compost, all you need to do is combine them in a grinder. It takes a while for each piece of potent compost to be made, but it’s worth it when you consider that it allows you to grow various types of Lotus Flowers, which are in turn used to craft elixirs. These are powerful potions that can improve your stats in various ways, such as improving your maximum carry capacity.

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  • Publisher
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Survival
  • Guide Release
    17 April 2023
  • Last Updated
    11 January 2024
    Version History
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