Hardened Leather is a sturdy yet supple material that’s gonna offer your character a lot of extra protection in Conan Exiles. However, Hardened Material is not that easy to make so this page is gonna take you through all the necessary steps to make it so you can start crafting higher-quality armor!
You can craft Hardened Leather on the Tanner’s Table.
Materials Required for Hardened Leather¶
To make Hardened Leather, you’re gonna need a fair few different materials. First, grab yourself a Tanner’s Table, and then you’ll need x5 Leather, x2 Thick Leather, x2
Alchemical Base, and x5
Oil. All of these materials will only make one Hardened Leather, so it’s quite an involved process to make enough to make higher-quality armor.
And, before you can even make Hardened Leather, you’re gonna need to unlock the Exile Epics Armor knowledge (min level 60) and the Star Metal Tools knowledge (min. level 55). So, if you’re not at least level 60 yet, you won’t be able to actually make Hardened Leather just yet.
How to Get Leather¶
Leather is one of the easiest materials to obtain on this list. All you’ll need is to harvest some Hide using a skinning knife, then place it in a tanning rack with some bark (obtained from pickaxing a tree). This will produce x1 leather for every hide so you’ll need to do a lot of hunting to obtain enough Leather to make a decent amount of Hardened Leather.
Use a skinning knife to harvest hide from animal corpses.
How to Get Thick Leather¶
Thick Leather is obtained similarly to Leather, but only some hides/pelts will produce Thick Leather. Rhinos can be hunted for pelts that produce Thick Leather, and for a full list of all Thick Leather sources, head to our guide on Thick Leather.
You can make Thick Leather using the Tannery.
How to Get Alchemical Base¶
The Alchemical Base can be made on a Firebowl Cauldron using x1 Gold Dust x1
Silver Dust and x2
Gold Dust and
Silver Dust can be obtained by grinding up
Gold Bars and
Silver Bars at the Grinder, whilst Ichor is a material obtained from Spider and Scorpion enemies as well as
Rocknose enemies.
The Alchemical Base can be a bit expensive to produce.
If you’ve not yet got any gold or silver ore to smelt into bars, you can check out our interactive maps and filter to show markers for only those ores!
How to Get Oil¶
The easiest way to obtain Oil is by placing seeds (any kind) in a Fluid Press. The most common seeds are found by harvesting bushes with your hands. You’ll need x15 seeds for one unit of oil, so you’ll need to find yourself a lot of seeds!
(1 of 2) Oil is obtained through placing seeds in a fluid press.
Oil is obtained through placing seeds in a fluid press. (left), and you can handpick plenty of seeds from bushes. (right)
Once you have all the materials, you can open up your Tanner’s Table and pop the Oil, Alchemical Base, Thick Leather, and Leather inside to start crafting Hardened Leather. Remember that you’ll need the Star Metal Tools and Exile Epics Armor knowledge unlocked to craft this material. But once you have all that, you’ll be able to start crafting some seriously cool armor!
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