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Conan Exiles

How to Make Hardened Brick in Conan Exiles

Seren Morgan-Roberts
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Building bases is one of the most important (and fun!) aspects of Conan Exiles. But to build the best bases you’re gonna need a whole heap of materials! "Hardened Brick" iconHardened Bricks are a material that can be used to make higher-tier bases, with stronger and cooler-looking walls and flooring. This page will detail all you need to know about how to make Hardened Bricks and how to get the materials required.

Hardened Bricks are a vital material for building strong and fortified bases.

Materials Required to Make Hardened Bricks

Hardened Bricks are a better and stronger version of the standard brick, but you’ll still need to make normal bricks as they’re a component of crafting Hardened Bricks. To make Hardened Bricks, you’ll need to place x1 Brick and x1 "Stone" iconStone Consolidant in a furnace with fuel.

(1 of 2) Place the bricks and stone consolidant in a furnace

Place the bricks and stone consolidant in a furnace (left), to make Hardened Bricks. You’ll likely want multiple furnaces working to produce enough bricks! (right)

How to Make Bricks

Bricks are a super common material and luckily they’re really easy to make! That being said, they are reasonably expensive to make, requiring x10 Stone per x1 Brick. Stone is easily mined but to make enough bricks, you’re gonna need to go out and do a lot of mining for stone! Stone is a super common resource luckily, but you’ll still need to put in a bit of graft to obtain enough.

Time to mine lots of stone to make bricks for your base.

How to Make Stone Consolidant

Stone Consolidant is also relatively easy to make. All you need is a Firebowl Cauldron and x6 "Plant Fiber" iconPlant Fiber and x2 "Resin" iconResin to produce x5 Stone Consolidant.

Resin is obtained by using a Pick/Pickaxe on any tree, and it can also be obtained as a byproduct from drying wood on a Dryer.

Plant Fiber can be obtained in a variety of ways. Firstly, the easiest way to obtain Fiber is through interacting with bushes and leafy plants with your hands (no weapon). Plant Fiber is also a very common loot item carried by NPC enemies in camps scattered around the map. You can also produce Plant Fiber by placing "Vines" iconVines on a Tanner’s Table or by planting "Seeds" iconSeeds in a Planter, though you’ll need to wait for the plants to grow before you can harvest them.

(1 of 2) You can handpick plenty of Plant Fiber from bushes

You can handpick plenty of Plant Fiber from bushes (left), and Resin can be obtained from hitting a tree with a pick. (right)

Once you have your Bricks and Stone Consolidant, just combine them in a "Furnace" iconFurnace and you’ll have your Hardened Bricks. We recommend first making tons of bricks and even having a separate furnace that constantly just churns out bricks. Then, you can have a second furnace to craft other materials, like Hardened bricks or metal bars. Hardened Bricks can then be used to make all sorts of base components and you’ll want lots of bricks to build the best bases.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Survival
  • Guide Release
    17 April 2023
  • Last Updated
    11 January 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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