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Conan Exiles

How the Purge Works in Chapter 2 - Conan Exiles

Scott Peers
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The Chapter 2 (Age of War) update for Conan Exiles introduced a number of changes to the purge system, including a system of Clan Hoards which allows you to gather and hoard all sorts of treasures from coins, "Gold Bar" iconGold Bars, "Silver Bar" iconSilver Bars, decorated plates, war horns, and a unique type of treasure known as Heroic Treasures. These are valuable items such as the "Derketo Cat" iconDerketo Cat, "The Black Galleon" iconThe Black Galleon, and "Jamilla’s Liberty" iconJamilla’s Liberty that you can find in specific locations, and then bring them back to your base. All of this serves to make your base more desirable for would-be attackers, and the more wealth you have, the more powerful the attacking force. There’s a lot to take in with this new system, so on this page, we’ll take you through the basics of how to start purges and how to defend against them, alongside links to more detailed guides on related topics.

The humble beginnings of a treasure coffer in Conan Exiles.

How to Start a Purge in Conan Exiles

The first thing you should know about the process of starting a purge from the Chapter 2 update is that you now have full control over when and where they take place. A purge force won’t just appear randomly out of thin air. Instead, they will only appear once you proclaim your wealth using a Clan Coffer, also known as the Treasure Coffer, in the building menu. To craft one, you’ll need 20 Shaped "Wood" iconWood and 5 "Iron Reinforcement" iconIron Reinforcement pieces. Doing so will give you access to a treasurer with whom you can speak to organize your hoarded treasure.

Where to Build Treasure Coffers

The best place to build your treasure coffer is in a highly protected part of your base, preferably with numerous doors and blockades along the way. It goes without saying that the main structure of your base should be built in a way that makes it difficult for enemies to penetrate. You can do this by building only with the toughest materials, such as reinforced stone, black ice, or storm glass. You should also use heavy reinforced doors, rather than the regular wooden ones.

In addition to the basic structure of your base, you can focus on building various types of palisades, spikes, and armored walls. These can be placed all around the structure of your base, but most of them should be placed around the weaker entry points, such as where doors are located. Any palisade or spike placed around doors will ensure that some of the attacking force will run into them, especially on the higher tiers of threat level where there are far more enemies of different types attacking you at the same time.

(1 of 2) You can see the basic stats of your treasure hoard by speaking with the treasurer once you’ve built a clan coffer.

You can see the basic stats of your treasure hoard by speaking with the treasurer once you’ve built a clan coffer. (left), When you’re ready to face a purge, proclaim your wealth using the clan coffer. (right)

If you want to learn more about how to build a well-defended base, check our page on Tips for Surviving the Purge - Best Bases - Conan Exiles.

Threat Level Tiers Explained

Speaking of threat level, this is at the heart of the new purge system from Chapter 2 onwards. The threat level tier is directly correlated with how much treasure you have hoarded at your base, and there are 10 tiers of threat level which represent different levels of wealth. The thresholds for these are shown in the table below.

Threat Level Treasure Value
I 1 - 999
II 1,000 - 4,999
III 5,000 - 9,999
IV 10,000 - 19,999
V 20,000 - 29,999
VI 30,000 - 39,999
VII 40,000 - 49,999
VIII 50,000 - 69,999
IX 70,000 - 99,999
X 100,000+

It can take a long time for you to acquire enough treasure to reach the higher tiers of threat level, but the good news is that this gives you an opportunity to gradually fight each attacking force based on your current threat level, rather than going straight to threat level 10 only to be immediately stomped on. However, if you want to go for the most difficult attacking force at level 10 first, you can do this too, since no purge will begin until you’ve proclaimed your wealth by speaking with the treasurer at the clan coffer.

As you’re speaking with the treasurer, you’ll also be able to see some basic stats on the status of your treasure, such as the different types of treasure that you currently have hoarded, their quantity, how much they’re worth, and the total value for all of your treasure combined. You can also see your current threat level tier in the bottom right of the clan coffer screen, so you can always keep track of it.

How to Get Treasure for Your Clan Coffer

As mentioned above, not everything that you find in the world will count towards your treasure. There are specific types of treasure that you can hoard at your base, and these usually consist of various types of gold, silver, and decorative items. Most of these can be found and looted from the world as you explore, but others will need to be crafted. We’ve provided a full list of all known treasure types up to Chapter 2 (Age of War) in the table below. If you want to learn more about where to find Heroic Treasures in particular, be sure to check our Heroic Treasure Locations guide, which provides interactive map markers for each.

(1 of 2) You can try fighting purge enemies outside your base initially.

You can try fighting purge enemies outside your base initially. (left), The purge forces will do anything they can to reach your treasure hoard and take your wealth back to their camp. (right)

List of Treasure Types for the Clan Coffer

The list below separates the treasures available for you to hoard by type, value, and source. All treasures that are “Decorative” must be placed physically around the treasurer, while those listed as “Inventory” can be handed to the treasurer by putting them in the chest next to him, thereby saving you space. You’ll notice that most of the items that are decorative are worth far more, which makes sense when you want to display your wealth to the world. The source is broken down into three categories: Looted, Crafted, or both Looted and Crafted. As you might expect, those listed as “Looted” can be found in the open world, generally in humanoid camps or dungeons, while those listed as “Crafted” can be crafted by the player so long as you have enough resources.

Treasure Type Value Source
Ancient "Lemurian Statue" iconLemurian Statue Decorative 5000 Looted
"Bountiful Treasure Chest" iconBountiful Treasure Chest Decorative 5000 Looted
Coin Pile Decorative 330 Crafted
Decorative Metal Skull Decorative 30 Crafted
"Derketo Cat" iconDerketo Cat Idol Decorative 5000 Looted
Ebony "Silk" iconSilk Inventory 1 Looted
Effigy Doll Inventory 5 Looted
Embellished Amphora Decorative 500 Looted
Finely Decorated Plate Decorative 500 Looted
Fossilized "Bone" iconBone Inventory 5 Looted
Gilded Harp Decorative 500 Looted
Gilded Jade Warhorn Decorative 500 Looted
Gilded Urn Decorative 500 Looted
"Gold Bar" iconGold Bar Inventory 30 Looted and Crafted
"Gold Coin" iconGold Coin Inventory 1 Looted and Crafted
"Gold Dust" iconGold Dust Inventory 0.5 Looted and Crafted
Golden Argossean Brazier Decorative 500 Looted
Golden Plate Decorative 90 Crafted
Golden Statue of Ishtar Decorative 30 Crafted
Great Glimmering Ruby Decorative 120 Crafted
Iridescent Scale Inventory 15 Looted
Large Treasure Pile Decorative 400 Crafted
Lucky Coin Inventory 5 Looted
Navigation Chart Inventory 15 Looted
Pearl Inventory 0.1 Looted
Petrified "Egg" iconEgg Decorative 30 Crafted
Rare Gemstone Inventory 50 Looted
Rolled Carpet Decorative 150 Crafted
Runestone Inventory 10 Looted
Sarcophagus Decorative 90 Crafted
Serpentmen Statue Decorative 30 Looted and Crafted
Shrunken Head Inventory 5 Looted
"Silver Bar" iconSilver Bar Inventory 3 Looted and Crafted
"Silver Coin" iconSilver Coin Inventory 0.1 Looted and Crafted
"Silver Dust" iconSilver Dust Inventory 0.5 Looted and Crafted
Small Treasure Pile Decorative 330 Crafted
Tooth Necklace Inventory 5 Looted
Kinscourge Statue Decorative 30 Crafted
Vase of "Gold Coin" iconGold Coins Decorative 60 Crafted
Vendhya Treasure Bag Decorative 60 Crafted

Most of the treasure types shown above can be carried in your inventory, with the main exception being Heroic Treasures. These must be looted from specific locations, and then taken back to your camp by hand. Along the way, you may need to fight different types of enemies that you come across, forcing you to drop the treasure, so it’s important that you pick it up as quickly as possible before it despawns. It helps to do this with a friend, where possible!

How to Proclaim Your Wealth

Once you’ve hoarded enough treasure at your base, you can speak with your treasurer at the clan coffer and click on “Proclaim Wealth”. At this point, an enemy camp should be formed near your base. The type, level, and number of enemies will vary depending on the threat level (and therefore the amount of treasure) that you had at the time of proclaiming your wealth. You should only proclaim your wealth once you’ve built a sufficiently strong base, complete with defensive structures and meandering paths that force your enemies into choke points, where you can fire at them from a distance or take them on in fewer numbers.

It’s important to note that if you build a base in a small area where there is no space in the vicinity for the enemy to build their own camp, the purge won’t be started. A purge can only begin if the enemy has enough space to build their camp, and then start the attacking waves. The enemy will bring siege equipment such as battering rams and catapults, so you can expect parts of your base to be destroyed. The enemy will continue to attack until you’ve killed them all, or until all of your treasure has been taken back to their camp. At this point, you will have to invade their camp yourself to get it back.

(1 of 2) After killing the commander, you can loot keys from them to open the chests in their camp.

After killing the commander, you can loot keys from them to open the chests in their camp. (left), You’ll find potential thralls / followers to free from the purge camp. (right)

After the battle, so long as the enemy didn’t steal all of your wealth, you should have the same amount of treasure or more once you’ve looted the enemy camp. We recommend trying to defend against each threat level once you reach it, rather than waiting between multiple threat level tiers, so you can gradually adjust to the difficulty increase. Just remember to keep adding to your base defenses in preparation for the tougher enemies!

More Conan Exiles Guides

If you’re interested in learning more about Conan Exiles, including where to find obelisks and how to obtain thralls, be sure to check the links below. We’ve also covered how to get some of the most useful resources, such as "Bonemeal" iconBonemeal and Potent Compost.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Survival
  • Guide Release
    17 April 2023
  • Last Updated
    11 January 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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