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Conan Exiles

All Legendary World Boss Locations - Conan Exiles

Scott Peers
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There are currently twelve legendary world bosses (also known as legendary creatures) that can be found in Conan Exiles. These are often particularly tough variants of enemies that are found in lesser forms, but there are some that are more unique, such as the "Demon Spider" iconDemon Spider. All of these legendary world bosses have a good chance of dropping legendary weapons, or non-legendary weapons that are sometimes equivalent in power. You’ll also get a decent amount of relatively rare materials such as "Steelfire" iconSteelfire by looting each boss, and you can use tools such as the hatchet to harvest not only base resources such as hides but also a "Skeleton" iconSkeleton Key which can be used to open Legendary Chests. On this page, we’ll show you exactly where to find each of the legendary world bosses, both on the Exiled Lands map and on the Isle of Siptah where relevant.

The Thunderfoot legendary world boss in Conan Exiles.

Exiled Lands and Isle of Siptah Legendary Boss Locations

The table below provides an overview of the locations of all legendary world bosses on both the Exiled Lands map and on the Isle of Siptah map. You’ll notice that more than half of the bosses are not present on the Isle of Siptah, but they may be added in future updates. For now, however, if you want access to all of the bosses, you’ll need to play in the Exiled Lands.

If you’re looking for a more detailed description of where to find each boss, read on.

Demon Spider Locations

The Demon Spider has three spawn locations on the Exiled Lands and one on the Isle of Siptah.

Weaver’s Hollow

The first location for the Demon Spider that we’ll cover on the Exiled Lands is at "Weaver's Hollow" iconWeaver’s Hollow, a cave located just to the northeast of The "Unnamed City" iconUnnamed City, close to where the river bends westward.

(1 of 2) The location of Weaver’s Hollow, just to the northeast of The Unnamed City.

The location of Weaver’s Hollow, just to the northeast of The Unnamed City. (left), The Demon Spider located within Weaver’s Hollow. (right)

Wine Cellar

The next location is the "Wine Cellar" iconWine Cellar, located beneath "Sepermeru" iconSepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters, on the western side of the Exiled Lands map. The entrance can be found at a small dock area, shown in the screenshots below.

(1 of 2) The entrance to the Wine Cellar in Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters.

The entrance to the Wine Cellar in Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters. (left), The location of the Wine Cellar within Sepermeru. (right)

Wreck of the Martyr

The third location of a Demon Spider in the Exiled Lands is on the island where the "Wreck of the Martyr" iconWreck of the Martyr can be found, on the far eastern side of the Exiled Lands map.

(1 of 2) The location of the Wreck of the Martyr, at the far eastern side of the map.

The location of the Wreck of the Martyr, at the far eastern side of the map. (left), The Demon Spider on the island near the Wreck of the Martyr. (right)

Spinner’s Ridge

The spawn location for the Demon Spider on the Isle of Siptah is at "Spinner's Ridge" iconSpinner’s Ridge, which is located on the far western side of the main island.

(1 of 2) The location of Spinner’s Ridge, on the western side of the Isle of Siptah.

The location of Spinner’s Ridge, on the western side of the Isle of Siptah. (left), The Demon Spider at Spinner’s Ridge, on the Isle of Siptah. (right)

Giant Crocodile Locations

There are four different locations for the Giant "Crocodile" iconCrocodile throughout the Exiled Lands. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to find one on the Isle of Siptah.

Northwest of The Sentinels

The first location for the Giant Crocodile that we’ll cover is just northwest of "The Sentinels" iconThe Sentinels, in the southern part of the Exiled Lands.

(1 of 2) The Giant Crocodile can be found walking around the lagoon here.

The Giant Crocodile can be found walking around the lagoon here. (left), The location of the Giant Crocodile just northwest of The Sentinels. (right)

West of Mek-kamoses’s Spire

The next location is just west of "Mek-kamoses's Spire" iconMek-kamoses’s Spire, which isn’t far from the center of the map. You’ll find the Giant Crocodile on the edge of a small pool of water here.

(1 of 2) The location of the Giant Crocodile west of Mek-kamoses’s Spire.

The location of the Giant Crocodile west of Mek-kamoses’s Spire. (left), The Giant Crocodile near a small pool west of Mek-kamoses’s Spire. (right)

Northwest of Priestking’s Retreat

Another Giant Crocodile can be found at "Priestking's Retreat" iconPriestking’s Retreat, to the north of "Mek-kamoses" iconMek-kamoses’s Spire, as shown in the screenshot below.

(1 of 2) The location of Priestking’s Retreat, north of Mek-kamoses’s Spire.

The location of Priestking’s Retreat, north of Mek-kamoses’s Spire. (left), The Giant Crocodile near Priestking’s Retreat. (right)

Northeast of Flotsam

The final location for a Giant Crocodile on the Exiled Lands map is on the beach northeast of the village of "Flotsam" iconFlotsam, in the far northeast of the map.

(1 of 2) The Giant Crocodile on the shore just northeast of Flotsam.

The Giant Crocodile on the shore just northeast of Flotsam. (left), The location of the village of Flotsam, in the far northeast of the map. (right)

Giant Snake Locations

There are only two known locations for the "Giant Snake" iconGiant Snake legendary world boss, and both of them are on the Exiled Lands map.

Southwest of the Forgotten City of Xel-ha

The first location we’ll cover is near the shore on a peninsula located southwest of the "Forgotten City of Xel-ha" iconForgotten City of Xel-ha, which itself can be found in the far eastern part of the map.

(1 of 2) The location of the Giant Snake to the southwest of the Forgotten City of Xel-ha.

The location of the Giant Snake to the southwest of the Forgotten City of Xel-ha. (left), You’ll find the snake roaming around the cliff edge near the shore here. (right)

Citadel of the Triumvirate

The next one is at the "Citadel of the Triumvirate" iconCitadel of the Triumvirate, near the center of The Unnamed City, in the western part of the Exiled Lands map.

(1 of 2) The location of the City of the Triumvirate in The Unnamed City.

The location of the City of the Triumvirate in The Unnamed City. (left), You’ll find the Giant Snake near the back of the citadel. (right)

Giant Spider Locations

There are four Giant Spiders to be found in the Exiled Lands, and one on the Isle of Siptah map.

South of Spinebreaker’s Flank

The first one we’ll cover can be found just south of "Spinebreaker's Flank" iconSpinebreaker’s Flank, or just southeast of "The Summoning Place" iconThe Summoning Place, near the center of the Exiled Lands map.

(1 of 2) The location of Spinebreaker’s Flank.

The location of Spinebreaker’s Flank. (left), You’ll find the Giant Spider roaming just south of Spinebreaker’s Flank. (right)

The Silkwood

Another location is within "The Silkwood" iconThe Silkwood, where you’ll find two giant spiders that look slightly different from the one in the desert. The Silkwood is located in the far southeastern part of the Exiled Lands map.

(1 of 2) The location of The Silkwood in the southeast part of the map.

The location of The Silkwood in the southeast part of the map. (left), You’ll find two Giant Spiders within The Silkwood. (right)

The Dryfalls

The fourth and final Giant Spider in the Exiled Lands is located near "The Dryfalls" iconThe Dryfalls camp. More specifically, you can find it prowling around the dried riverbed to its west, or on the cliff edge overlooking the riverbed.

(1 of 2) The location The Dryfalls in the Exiled Lands.

The location The Dryfalls in the Exiled Lands. (left), Look for the Giant Spider overlooking the riverbed to the west of The Dryfalls, or patrolling the riverbed itself. (right)

Bastion of the Bat-demons

For the Giant Spider location on the Isle of Siptah, you’ll need to head toward the "Bastion of the Bat-demons" iconBastion of the Bat-demons, located in the far southeastern part of the main island. From here, go to the body of water directly to its southwest, and look for the giant spider on the cliff edge to the northeast of this.

(1 of 2) Go to the large pool to the southwest of the Bastion of the Bat-demon.

Go to the large pool to the southwest of the Bastion of the Bat-demon. (left), The Giant Spider can be found at the cliff edge to the northeast of the pool. (right)

King Rhino Locations

There are two known locations for the "King Rhino" iconKing Rhino on the Exiled Lands map in Conan Exiles, but none on the Isle of Siptah.

Muriela’s Hope

The first location for a King Rhino is near the lagoons at "Muriela's Hope" iconMuriela’s Hope, which is located just north of The Unnamed City on the western side of the Exiled Lands map. You can generally find the boss roaming between the two lagoons.

(1 of 2) The location of Muriela’s Hope., north of The Unnamed City.

The location of Muriela’s Hope., north of The Unnamed City. (left), The King Rhino can be found bet ween the two lagoons northeast of Muriela’s Hope. (right)

Rhinohorn Ridge

The other location for a King Rhino in the Exiled Lands is at "Rhinohorn Ridge" iconRhinohorn Ridge, which is just west of The Unnamed City. The rhino can be found patrolling the entire ridge area, but mostly to the west of it.

(1 of 2) The location of Rhinohorn Ridge, west of The Unnamed City.

The location of Rhinohorn Ridge, west of The Unnamed City. (left), The King Rhino that patrols around Rhinohorn Ridge. (right)

Reptilian Monstrosity Locations

There’s only one known location for the "Reptilian Monstrosity" iconReptilian Monstrosity in Conan Exiles currently, and it’s restricted to the Exiled Lands map. You’ll find it on the shore at the island known as "Dagon's Claw" iconDagon’s Claw, which is located directly south of the Forgotten City of Xel-ha on the eastern side of the map.

(1 of 2) The location of the Reptilian Monstrosity world boss on the island known as Dagon’s Claw.

The location of the Reptilian Monstrosity world boss on the island known as Dagon’s Claw. (left), The Reptilian Monstrosity world boss on Dagon’s Claw. (right)

Rockslide Locations

There are four main locations for the "Rockslide" iconRockslide legendary world boss in Conan Exiles, one of which is on the Exiled Lands map while the others are on the Isle of Siptah.

Fingerfang Rock

We’ll start with the one on the Exiled Lands map, which is located at "Fingerfang Rock" iconFingerfang Rock, just north of The Unnamed City.

(1 of 2) The location of Fingerfang Rock, just north of The Unnamed City.

The location of Fingerfang Rock, just north of The Unnamed City. (left), The Rockslide world boss located at Fingerfang Rock. (right)

The Tower

On the Isle of Siptah, you’ll find a Rockslide boss wandering around "The Tower" iconThe Tower, located in the center of the main island. This one can be found on either the north, east, south, or west side, so you may need to patrol all of it to spot one.

(1 of 2) The location of The Tower at the center of the Island of Siptah.

The location of The Tower at the center of the Island of Siptah. (left), You can find a Rockslide patrolling around all sides of The Tower. (right)

The Claws

Another can be found at the base of "The Claws" iconThe Claws, a mountain range located in the western part of the main island on the Isle of Siptah map. You can see the precise location in the screenshot below.

(1 of 2) The precise location of the Rockslide boss at the base of The Claws mountain range.

The precise location of the Rockslide boss at the base of The Claws mountain range. (left), Look for the Rockslide boss at the base of the mountain range here. (right)

Northwest of The Triune Grave

A final Rockslide location can be found just northwest of "The Triune Grave" iconThe Triune Grave on the Isle of Dusk, which is the portion of the map located in the southwest of the Isle of Siptah.

(1 of 2) The location of the Rockslide boss just northwest of The Triune Grave.

The location of the Rockslide boss just northwest of The Triune Grave. (left), The Rockslide located northwest of The Triune Grave. (right)

Rotbranch Locations

The "Rotbranch" iconRotbranch legendary world boss is one of the first that you’re likely to encounter in Conan Exiles. It has five main spawn points on the Exiled Lands map and one on the Isle of Siptah.

Shattered Springs

The first spawn location for Rotbranch that we’ll cover is at the "Shattered Springs" iconShattered Springs, which is located just northwest of The Unnamed City.

(1 of 2) The location of the Shattered Springs, northwest of The Unnamed City.

The location of the Shattered Springs, northwest of The Unnamed City. (left), You’ll find the Rotbranch boss sleeping at the Shattered Springs. (right)

Circle of Swords

The next is at the "Circle of Swords" iconCircle of Swords, located directly north of the Shattered Springs.

(1 of 2) The location of the Circle of Swords, north of the Shattered Springs.

The location of the Circle of Swords, north of the Shattered Springs. (left), Look for the Rotbranch boss sleeping near the Circle of Swords. (right)

East of Tarman’s Barth

A Rotbranch boss can be found on an island directly east of "Tarman" iconTarman’s Barth, where the desert biome meets the jungle biome.

(1 of 2) The location of Tarman’s Barth.

The location of Tarman’s Barth. (left), Look for the Rotbranch sleeping on the island to the east of Tarman’s Barth. (right)

Southeast of The Great Dam

Another Rotbranch world boss can be found in the woods just southeast of "The Great Dam" iconThe Great Dam in The Highlands biome, in the northwestern part of the Exiled Lands.

(1 of 2) The location of the Rotbranch boss in relation to The Great Dam.

The location of the Rotbranch boss in relation to The Great Dam. (left), You’ll find the Rotbranch boss sleeping in the woods to the southeast of The Great Dam. (right)

Northwest of The Dirgewood

A final Rotbranch boss for the Exiled Lands map can be found in the woods northwest of "The Dirgewood" iconThe Dirgewood, located just northwest of the "Mounds of the Dead" iconMounds of the Dead.

(1 of 2) The location of The Dirgewood, in the far northwest of the map.

The location of The Dirgewood, in the far northwest of the map. (left), The Rotbranch will be sleeping at the base of the mountain to the northwest of The Dirgewood. (right)

East of the Grave of the Leviathan

For the Rotbranch location on the Isle of Siptah, you’ll need to go directly east of the "Grave of the Leviathan" iconGrave of the Leviathan, located on the beach in the far southwestern corner of the main island.

(1 of 2) The location of the Rotbranch boss to the east of the Grave of the Leviathan.

The location of the Rotbranch boss to the east of the Grave of the Leviathan. (left), This Rotbranch boss likes to patrol the area, rather than sleep. (right)

Sand Reaper Hive Queen Locations

There are three main locations for the Sand Reaper Hive Queen in Conan Exiles, all of which are on the Exiled Lands map.

North of Voyager’s Vigil

The first is north of "Voyager’s Vigil" iconVoyager’s Vigil, located just northeast of "The Black Galleon" iconThe Black Galleon near the center of the map.

(1 of 2) The location of the Sand Reaper Hive Queen, north of Voyager’s Vigil.

The location of the Sand Reaper Hive Queen, north of Voyager’s Vigil. (left), The Sand Reaper Hive Queen dwells among lesser members of its kin. (right)

West of the Oasis of Nekhet

The second Sand Reaper Hive Queen can be found patrolling the woods just west of the "Oasis of Nekhet" iconOasis of Nekhet, which itself is just north of Sepermeru, City of the Relic Hunters, in the far western part of the Exiled Lands.

(1 of 2) The location of the Sand Reaper Hive queen in the southwest part of the Oasis of Nekhet.

The location of the Sand Reaper Hive queen in the southwest part of the Oasis of Nekhet. (left), Look for the Sand Reaper Hive Queen among its kin. (right)

Southeast of The Passage

The third can be found just southeast of "The Passage" iconThe Passage, located at the end of the map directly north from The Dryfalls, or northwest from Flotsam village.

(1 of 2) The location of The Passage, to the northwest of Flotsam village.

The location of The Passage, to the northwest of Flotsam village. (left), The Sand Reaper Hive Queen located at The Passage. (right)

King Scorpion Locations

The "King Scorpion" iconKing Scorpion has three known locations on the Exiled Lands map, all of which are within the desert biome.

Southwest of Ravager’s Cleft

The first is just southwest of Ravagers Cleft, which can be found directly east of the southern part of The Unnamed City.

(1 of 2) The location of the King Scorpion in relation to Ravager’s Cleft.

The location of the King Scorpion in relation to Ravager’s Cleft. (left), You’ll find the King Scorpion in the same position of the sand dunes each time. (right)

North of The Unnamed City

Another King Scorpion is directly north of The Unnamed City, close to "Godsight Spire" iconGodsight Spire.

(1 of 2) The location of Godsight Spire, just north of The Unnamed City.

The location of Godsight Spire, just north of The Unnamed City. (left), The King Scorpion near Godsight Spire, north of The Unnamed City. (right)

Northwest of The Unnamed City

The last King Scorpion can also be found around The Unnamed City, but this time on a small hill just northwest of it.

(1 of 2) The location of the King Scorpion northwest of The Unnamed City.

The location of the King Scorpion northwest of The Unnamed City. (left), Look for the King Scorpion on the small hill to the northwest of The Unnamed City. (right)

Thunderfoot Locations

There’s only one known location for "Thunderfoot" iconThunderfoot, and it’s on the Exiled Lands map. You’ll find it in the desert region just northeast of Mek-kamoses’s Spire, which itself is located northeast of The Unnamed City.

(1 of 2) You can find Thunderfoot in this region of desert to the northeast of The Unnamed City.

You can find Thunderfoot in this region of desert to the northeast of The Unnamed City. (left), Thunderfoot is slightly larger than the other elephants nearby. (right)

White Tiger Locations

You can find the "White Tiger" iconWhite Tiger legendary world boss at four locations on the Exiled Lands map and at one location on the Isle of Siptah.

Boundary Spillway

The first of these in the Exiled Lands is at the "Boundary Spillway" iconBoundary Spillway, on a ridge close to where you can find Thunderfoot.

(1 of 2) The location of the Boundary Spillway, northeast of The Unnamed City.

The location of the Boundary Spillway, northeast of The Unnamed City. (left), The White Tiger at the Boundary Spillway. (right)

Northwest of King’s Niche

Another can be found at the top of a gorge just northwest of "King's Niche" iconKing’s Niche, which is directly south of the Mounds of the Dead.

(1 of 2) The location of King’s Niche.

The location of King’s Niche. (left), The White Tiger in the gorge northwest of King’s Niche. (right)

Southeast of The Dryfalls

The third White "Tiger" iconTiger in the Exiled Lands can be found patrolling the ravine just southeast of The Dryfalls, which is directly east of The Black Galleon near the center of the Exiled Lands map.

(1 of 2) The location of the White Tiger at The Dryfalls.

The location of the White Tiger at The Dryfalls. (left), You’ll find the White Tiger patrolling the ravine southwest of The Dryfalls. (right)

Southwest of Netikerty’s Throne

And finally, you can find a White Tiger on the Isle of Siptah just southwest of "Netikerty's Throne" iconNetikerty’s Throne, in the far southeastern part of the map.

(1 of 2) The location of Netikerty’s Throne on the Isle of Siptah.

The location of Netikerty’s Throne on the Isle of Siptah. (left), Look for the White Tiger on the hilltop just southwest of Netikerty’s Throne. (right)

More Conan Exiles Guides

If you’re looking for more Conan Exiles guides, including where to find Legendary Chests now that they’re no longer accessible near legendary bosses such as those mentioned on this page, be sure to check the links below.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Survival
  • Guide Release
    17 April 2023
  • Last Updated
    11 January 2024
    Version History
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