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Icon Title Description Notable NPCs Lore Detailed Location(s) Additional Information Resources Rewards Enemies Bosses Screenshots
Item icon
A Light to Guide Them Home

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Abandoned Silver Mine

The Abandoned Silver Mine is a cave system that is located directly…

The cave is filled with Silverstone Ore deposits, making it the…

You’re largely coming to the Abandoned Silver Mine for its Silverstone…

The cave largely only consists of three enemies Regular Scorpions…

Item icon
Algar's Overlook

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Altar of the Old Serpent

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Anzu the Broke

Anzu the Broke is a simple merchant found in the western part…

To the southeast of the Westwall Prison in Sepermeru City. You…

10x Feathers for 1 Silver Coin.

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Arno's Prospect

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Asura's Basin

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Asura's Sight

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Avenue of the Sun

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Bahk-hotep's Refuge

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Bay of Hulks

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Bin-Yakin's Seal

Bin Yakin’s Seal is a cave in the northwest corner of the H10…

Demon Blood Feral Flesh Feather Black Blood - harvested from…

Chance to get two of any form of Black Blood Tools: Black Blood…

Child of Jhill Demons Jhill Demon

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Bjornar's Stand

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Blacksail Harbor

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Bleakwood Ruins

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Boatswain's Beacon (ruins)

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Boatswain's Beacon (vista)

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Boulevard of the North Star

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Boundary Spillway

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Bridge of the Betrayer

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Bridge of the Chosen

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Bridge of the Penitent

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Bridge of Voormithadreth

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Buccaneer Bay

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Cairn of the First men (North)

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Cairn of the First men (South)

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Cairn of the First men (West)

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Canopy Outlook

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Causeway of the Apostate

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Cavern of Fiends

On the border of F4 / E4 inside a cave in the hill.

Crystals Demon Blood Iron Pot Feral Flesh Ironstone

Imp Imp King

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Chamber of Sacraments

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Chamber of Scales

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Chasm of the Unbeliever

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Child of Jhebbal Sag

In addition to serving as a merchant NPC, the Child of Jhebbal…

To the southwest of The Den, besides an area with curved bones…

Teaches Midnight Alchemist Trades a Midnight Potion for 5 Feral…

Scorpion Snake

Item icon
Circle of Swords

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Circle of the Moon

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Circle of the Ravager

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Citadel of the Triumvirate

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Coldheart Ruins

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Consigner Arphus

In the Northwest part of Sepermeru City. You can find him against…

You can purchase an Elephant Hide for 5 Gold Coins from Consigner…

Item icon
Costigan's Bluff

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Dagon's Claw

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Dagon's Embrace

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Dagon's Eye

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Deathwhisper Ruins

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Descent of Dagon

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Deserter's Gutter

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Devil's Squat

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E 12 on the Exiled Lands map. This is an entrance to the Volcano’s…

Wood Stone

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Eastern Barracks

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Elephant Graveyard

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Ephremis the Broker

On the eastern facing wall of the Westwall Prison landmark in…

You can purchase a Spiced Pork meal for one Silver Coin from…

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Essel the Trader

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Executioner's Entrance

The Executioner’s Entrance is in the bottom right corner of the…

Ironstone Brimstone Salt Chitin Ichor Bones Putrid Meat Demon…

The Mummy’s have a chance to drop a variety of items, including…

Spiders Mummies Executioner boss skeleton

Item icon
Eye of Ekim

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Eyelet Lake

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Fingerfang Rock

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Flame in the East

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Flame in the North

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Flame in the South

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Forkspring Hollow

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Frostneedle Forest

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Fuming Cave

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Gallaman's Tomb

Inside a cave on the map tile H4.

Dry Wood Branch Cochineal (Axe the cactus in front of the cave.)…

Crocodile Alpha Crocodile King Crocodile Hyenas - Outside the…

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Gate of the Moon

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Gates of X'chotl (North)

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Gates of X'chotl (South)

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Glowing Cavern

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Godsclaw Passage

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Godsight Spire

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Grave of the Leviathan

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Grove of Jorgan

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Hand of the Maker

A giant black hand that stands tall on a landmark.

Stone Ironstone Aloe Leaves Aloe Seeds Coal

You can pick up the Harlot’s Journal note on top of the hand,…

Gazelle Kudo Dogs of the Desert Hunter’s View camp. Crocodile…

Item icon
Handler PutKet'Leon

Handler PutKet’Leon can be found inside the Tavern in the center…

You can purchase one Ice Tea for a Silver Coin from Handler PutKet’Leon.…

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Handler Thiena

Inside Sepermeru, just to the south of the Westwall location…

You can purchase a Honeyed Wine for 1 Silver Coin from Handler…

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Hannah the Broker

Hannah the Broker can be found in the northwest part of Sepermeru,…

You can purchase a Mystery Meat Soup for 1 Silver Coin from Hannah…

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Hanuman's Grotto

Hanuman’s Grotto is a small cave found on the H3 map tile in…

One of the densest locations for Crystals in the game. Either…

Chance to get the Boon of the Gorilla by offer the Withered Heart,…

Imp One Star Imp Boss Valis the Loyal (Fighter Boss)

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Heliograph Heights

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Heretic Haunt

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Hullshatter Cove

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Icespire Chasm

The Icespire Chasm is a region in the northwest part of The Exiled…

You can find the Icespire Chasm just south of the Volcano biome…

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Ignatius the Greedy

On the Flotsam area closest to the south, pressed up against…

The Sand Reaper Egg that you purchase from Ignatius can be raised…

You can purchase a Sand Reaper Egg for 10 Gold Coins from Ignatius…

The NPC is guarded by multiple hostile Black Hand Spy Fighters…

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Iliz of the Brood

Iliz of the Brood can be found standing right in front of where…

You can purchase 50 Ice for 5 Silver Coins from Iliz of the Brood.…

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Imi's Cradle

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Imui's Pathway

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Inlet of the Hook

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Ironbreaker Ridge

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Island of Unsightly Sirens

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Jhil's Roost

Southern side of the H10 map tile on the Exiled Lands. Thew entrance…

Demon Blood Feral Flesh Feather Black Blood - harvested from…

Unwelcome Gift - a Throwing Shield you can throw at an enemy…

Child of Jhil Jhil Demon - Roughly 4000 HP

Item icon
Khitan Exiled Trader

There are two Khitan Exiled Traders who can be found at Mek-kamoses’…

You’ll find the Khitan Exiled Traders at Mek-kamoses’ Spire in…

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Khitan Trader Caravans

The Khitan Trader Caravan Camps in Conan Exiles are a feature…

Warning: Out of Date ContentOnce again, the rewards you get from…

Enemies may patrol some of the locations of the Khitan Trader…

Item icon
Kiah the Incorruptible

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King's Niche

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Klael's Stronghold

Klael’s Stronghold is a ruin north of the Sepermeru city. The…

The ruin is an indoor location, and has no natural resources,…

The area is filled with enemies of the undead type, making it…

Undead Skeletons Silent Legion Wights Various old one bosses…

Item icon
Koros the Brave

On the northern platform area of the Flotsam Village in Buccaneer…

You can take the Shoebill Egg to an animal pen at your base to…

You can purchase a Shoebill Egg from Koros the Brave for 10 Gold…

A Sorcerer on this platform is aggro for some reason, and can…

Item icon

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Lockstone Cave

On the border of H9 / H10 in the Hinterlands. This cave entrance…

Demon BloodFeral FleshFeatherBlack Blood - harvested from the…

Fragment of Power - drop from the demon. Skeleton Key - opens…

Child of Jhill Demons Jhill Demon Mountain Goat

Item icon
Lower Staging Area

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Mek-kamoses's Spire

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Messenger's Respite

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Miah the Corruptible

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Mire of Eternal Dreams

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New Luxur

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Oasis of Nekhet

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Oasis Overlook

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Obelisk Attunement

Obelisks are scattered around the Exiled Lands, serving as teleport…

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Old Smugglers Route

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Olz Forked-Tongue

At the southern end of the Volcano, on a bridge near the Road…

You can purchase five Berry Juice for a Silver Coin from Olz…

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Owen the Beautiful

Owen the Beautiful is a merchant found on the small deck area…

You can raise the Spider Egg-sac at your base to produce spider…

You can purchase a Spider Egg-sac from Owen the Beautiful for…

Hostile Black Hand fighters and archers may attack you as you…

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Pariah's Overwatch

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Path of the Penitent

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Penitent's Crossing

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Pit of the Grey Ones

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Pitfall Pass

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Pools of the Grey Ones

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Priestking's Retreat

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Ravaged Barrows

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Relicwatcher Rise

Relicwatcher Rise is a location in the desert biome of The Exiled…

Located in the far western part of The Exiled Lands map, northwest…

There are decent sources of Ironstone nodes and coal around Relicwatcher…

The following enemies can be found in the vicinity of Relicwatcher…

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Retas Metmeg

You can find Retas Metmeg inside a small tent in the northwestern…

You can purchase one Ale for a Silver Coin from Retas Metmeg.…

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Rhinohorn Ridge

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Ring of Silence

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Riverwatch Keep

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Road of the Pilgrim

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Road of the Righteous

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Rockfall Canyon

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Ruined Outpost

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Ruins of Old Nebthu

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Ruins of Velstad

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Ruins of X'chotl

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Ruins of Xullan

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Sanctuary of the Serpent

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Sanctuary Ruins

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Sand Reaper Hive (Desert)

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Sand Reaper Hive (Jungle)

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Sandscour Pass

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Sandswept Ruins

The Sandswept Ruins is found in the desert that border the Jungle…

The only item of value inside this place is the Heart of the…

Guarded by Sandbeasts and Scorpions.

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Scartalon Ridgeline

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Scavenger Coast

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Scryer's Heights

Item icon
Scuttler's Shortcut

In the top right corner of the of map tile F7 on the Exiled Lands…

Volatile Gland - Comes from the Salamander’s along the river…

Speak to Harpagus the Hatcher near the spider boss to learn…

Spiders Spider Boss - Roughly 4500 HP. Salamander

Item icon
Shaleback Hollow

The center of the E5 map tile. Also contains the Cave of Kultrak.…

Demon Blood Putrid Meat

Basic Sorcery - There is a mini area called the Cave or Kurak,…

Demon Shaleback

Item icon
Shamalla, The Pirate Queen

Shamalla, The Pirate Queen can be found in the Flotsam village,…

Teaches Stygian Alchemy Trades 1 Sword N’ruka for 100 Pearls…

Guarded by Several Figther level 2 and 3 NPCS, which are neutral.…

Item icon
Shattered Bridge

On the border of F3 and F4.

Wood Stone Plant Fiber

Crocodile Shaleback Ana the Reaver (Named Fighter) - Spans on…

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Shattered Springs

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Shawna the Strange

You can find Shawna the Strange at The Den, on top of a wooden…

She sells a Rocknose Egg for 10 Gold Coins, which grows into…

You may get spotted by a patrolling Werehyena near the center…

Item icon
Shrine of the Oracle

The Shrine of the Oracle is an ancient Serpentment shrine located…

The Shrine of the Oracle is located in the southeast part of…

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Siarra the Haggler

You can find Siarra the Haggler in the northwest part of Sepermeru,…

You can purchase one Bear Pelt for 5 Silver Coins from Siarra…

Item icon
Sinner's Refuge

In the cliffside on the border of G4 / G5.

Brimstone Cochineal

Killing the named Confessor at the end of the cave grants a note…

Tanners Performers Fighters Archers Smelter Armorer Carpenter…

Item icon
Siptah's Ascension

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Siptah's Contemplation

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Skittering Cavern

On the border of E5 / F5.

Chitin Ichor Feral Flesh Reptile Hide Gossamer Skeleton Key…

The Demon Spider has a chance to drop a legendary piece of armor,…

Spiders Crocodiles Small camp containing two random low tier…

Item icon
Skyfall Ridge

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Skyholme Ruins

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Slithering Beach

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Southwatch Keep

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Spinner's Ridge

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Steerman's Watch

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Strandwatch Keep

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Swagger Rock

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Sweetwater Falls

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Sweetwater Lake

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Tears of Asura

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Telith's Island

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Terrace of the Tenders

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The Archives

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The Arena

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The Artificer's Chasm

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The Aviary

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The Barrens

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The Barrow King

The Barrow King is a very small open world dungeon that players…

There are no natural resources inside the cave. However, you…

Inside the cave is one stone tablet on the floor, on the left…

The only enemy inside the King, which is a 3 skull tier enemy.…

Item icon
The Black Garden

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The Bloodmine

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The Boneway

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The Breach

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The Broken Highway

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The Broken Temple

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The Celestial Plaza

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The Circle of Ros-krana

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The Claws

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The Crevice

In the center of D11 lies a small cave area, which open up into…

Ironstone Stone Midnight Blue Flower


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The Crevice (vista)

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The Crossway

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The Crowngrove

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The Cursed Mound

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The Dawn Gate

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The Depths

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The Dirgewood

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The Disjunction

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The Eye that Never Closes

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The Floe

A cave found on the border of E14 / E13 in the Exiled Lands.…

Ice Ironstone

Mammoth Mountain Goat

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The Forge of Ymir

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The Fork

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The Fractured Citadel

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The Frozen Slopes

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The Gash

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The Great Dam

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The Haunted Wreck

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The Hidden Way

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The Highway

The Highway is a region located in the lands of snow and ice…

Found in the H12 map tile of the Exiled Lands. This cave loads…

Dragon (Snow 2 skull threat)

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The Imperial Highway

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The Jawbone

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The Jut

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The Lonely Grave

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The Northern Aqueduct

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The Northwood

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The Pens

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The Proving Grounds

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The Scraps

The Scraps is a cave filled with Jhil demons in the center of…

Demon BloodFeral FleshFeatherBlack Blood - harvested from the…

Hollowbone Bow - A 28 damage, 9 armor pen bow which drops from…

Child of Jhill Demons Jhill Demon

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The Sentinels

Landmark on the border of G4 and H4 on the world map.

Ironstone Branch Plant Fiber

Shaleback Hyena Crocodile

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The Sentinels

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The Shattered Basin

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The Shattered Stairs

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The Silkwood

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The Sinkhole

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The Slave Pits

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The Slave Road

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The Slaveway

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The Southern Aqueduct

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The Southwood

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The Spawning Pools

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The Tower of Bats

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The Tradeway

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The Triune Grave

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The Underclaw

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The Valley of Shade

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Tillerman's Watch

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Towerwatch Keep

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Trailer scene

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Traitor's Falls

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Tyros's Passage

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Upper Staging Area

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Urik, Master Tamer

You can find Urik, Master Tamer on a cliff edge at the Southeast…

You can purchase a Camel Calf from Urik, Master Tamer for 10…

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Vennor Skinflint

Northwest section of Sepermeru, near the Wheel of Pain Westwall…

You can purchase 10 Glass Flask for 1 Silver Coin from this NPC.…

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Violet Isle

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Walkway of the Devout

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Warren of Degenerates

On the southern border of F6 AND E6.

Aloe Vera Leaves Yellow Lotus Flower Leaves Crystals Demon Blood…

Crocodile Imp

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Warrior's Walk

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Watcher of the Passage

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Watchtower (Center Southeast)

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Watchtower (Center Southwest)

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Watchtower (North)

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Watchtower (Northeast)

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Watchtower (South)

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Watchtower (Southwest)

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Weaver's Hollow

The Weaver’s Hollow is a spider cave found in the center of I7…

Ironstone Coal Chitin Ichor Gossamer Skeleton Key - Harvest…

Speak to Harpagus the Hatcher near the spider boss to learn…

Spiders Spider Boss - Roughly 4500 HP.

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Weeba Shamrock

Weeba Shamrock can be found inside the Flotsam village at Buccaneer…

Can trade 100 pearls for a Shield of Zabweth You can also buy…

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Weeping Ruin

A small lonely ruin building to the southwest of al-Merayah on…

Wood Plant Fiber Stone Coal

No chests or notable feats nearby

Elephant Kudo Gazelle Hyena

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Westwatch Keep

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Witches Pass

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Witcheye Lake

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Wreck of the Alderman

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Wreck of the Cleaver

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Wreck of the Martyr

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Wreck of the Sea Dog

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Wreck of the Sea Girl

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Wreck of the Wagtail

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Xalthar's Crossing

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Xalthar's Refuge

This cavern is notable for being the home of the Followers of…

Xalthar, after whom the location is named, has intriguing connections…

Xalthar’s Refuge is situated in the desert biome at coordinates…

Inside Xalthar’s Refuge, you can find six Iron Loot Chests containing…

Aloe Vera Leaves Aloe Vera Seeds Deer Savory Flesh Hide Bones…

The dungeon is filled with Sobek followers. Th Champion of Sobek…

Disciple of Sobek Archers Fighters Warrior of Sobek Fighters…

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Xel-ha Docks

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Zeina the Vixen

Zeina the Vixen can be found inside a large tent in the Flotsam…

You can purchase the following from Zeina the Vixen: Spiced…

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