Dead Claptrap - Stacked Deck¶
(1 of 2) Head to the eastern edge of the Stacked Deck
Head to the eastern edge of the Stacked Deck (left), then drop down into this container to find the Dead Claptrap. (right)
Crimson Radio - Carnivora’s Playground¶
(1 of 2) Head just around the corner when you reach the large desert
Head just around the corner when you reach the large desert (left), then jump up to this open container to find the Crimson Radio. (right)
Typon Dead Drop - Carnivora’s Playground¶
(1 of 2) Head south of the entrance to Carnivora’s Playground
Head south of the entrance to Carnivora’s Playground (left), to find the Dead Drop behind the large silo. (right)
Typhon Log #1 - Stacked Deck¶
(1 of 2) Head to the Stacked Deck
Head to the Stacked Deck (left), and look to your right as soon as you enter it. (right)
Typhon Log #2 - La Cage O’ Tinks¶
(1 of 2) Make your way to La Cage O’ Tinks
Make your way to La Cage O’ Tinks (left), then jump up here to find the Typhon Log. (right)
Typhon Log #3 - Azlan’s Stash¶
(1 of 2) You’ll find Azlan’s Stash to the far northwest of the large desert
You’ll find Azlan’s Stash to the far northwest of the large desert (left), the final Typhon Log sits inside. (right)
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