Cosmetics are one of the more popular aspects of character customization in games. Put on your fancy garbs and walk around happily, showing off your gear to others, and slapping poxy boys in style. When you start a game, you’re only in your basic garbs, but rest assured, you will gradually unlock cosmetics as the game progress. Here’s how to get cosmetics in Darktide.
The in-game achievements are one of the ways you can get cosmetics in Darktide.
How to get cosmetics in Darktide¶
There are three main ways you can get cosmetics in Darktide, which are:
- In-game achievements, known as penance
- Imperial Edition
- Microtransactions at launch
- Occasional Twitch Drop Promotions
Players will get their hands on new cosmetics for their class through the in-game penance system. If you open the game’s menu, and then click on the Penances tab, you will go into the in-game achievement system. Look through each achievement summary, and you can see a variety of cosmetic rewards for your efforts. Some achievements will grant you portraits, while others can grant weapon trinkets and charms, while others are class armor-focused.
The class armor achievements can be found over in the class, and then you’re interested in the following class. You get your first apparel cosmetic at level 5, unlocking a new sheet piece cosmetic. You can get matching pants by doing a challenge for your class. Then there are two much higher-level cosmetics, that require more difficult challenges. These are the armors you see on the box art, with the proper fancy garbs These will likely take a while to get and shows your commitment to your class and grind thanks to their very hard requirements and then skill to match.
The other method you will get your hands on cosmetics is via the microtransactions store. This doesn’t appear to be available in the beta (at the time of writing), and will likely launch once the full release arrives on November 30. This is also applicable to those who purchased the Imperial Edition. The cosmetics will arrive sometime around launch, so if you got those skins, you’ll need to wait a little longer, depending on when you’re reading this paragraph.
Lastly, you can also get cosmetics in Darktide via the Twitch Drop campaigns. There is one running at the launch of the pre-order beta through to the launch weekend if you’re interested in Darktide weapon cosmetics.
Remember, Darktide aims to be a live service game, so there will likely be new penance achievements and microtransaction cosmetics to grab as the game progresses on in its life.
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