For a cooperative game Warhammer 40,000: Darktide can seem a mightily quiet place unless you are playing with friends.
We literally maxed out our characters without ever getting spoken to once. Part of the reason for this may well be it is not instantly obvious how to communicate via text. Not everybody wants to talk over the mic so text can be a good option.
You may have noticed people with the obligatory ‘GG’ on the rewards screens at the end of a mission and wondered how you actually get to type anything in. We did for a while, and by the time you have read this page you will know too. Spread the word and get more people co-operating in Darktide
How To Open The Text Chat In Darktide¶
It’s not made obvious anywhere in the keybindings but if you want to say anything to the rest of your team, or even everybody aboard your instance of The Mournigstar, all you need to do is hit the Enter key and a text box will pop up.
You can bring up a text box in Darktide to enable text-based comms as you play.
Typing into the box and pressing Enter again will send your words of wisdom to those in the vicinity.
Be warned, we tried several times to initiate any kind of communication at all aboard The Mourningstar and were roundly ignored.
Also, before you start spamming absolute nonsense the chat is heavily censored so don’t expect to be spewing filth across the airwaves, Warhammer 40K or not.
You need to head into the audio options to enable the mic for chatting to your team.
How To Chat In Darktide¶
If typing is not for you and you do have a mic you may not have realized that the default option for it is ‘MUTED’ in the options. To enable it you will need to head into Audio Options and switch it to Voice Activated or Push To Talk.
You can also lower the volume of your teammate’s chat in here too to prevent any unwanted screaming down your ears.
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