(1 of 2) The paths to the Legendary altar, the tapu’s ruins and the Battle Tree all begin here.
The paths to the Legendary altar, the tapu’s ruins and the Battle Tree all begin here. (left), (right)
Pokemon Encounters - Ancient Poni Path¶
Name | Type(s) | Location (Rate) |
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Water/Flying | All grass patches (30%) |
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Fairy | All grass patches (20%) |
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Dark/Psychic | All grass patches (20%) |
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Normal | All grass patches (20%) |
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Water/Ground | All grass patches (10%) |
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Fighting | Underneath berry trees (100%) |
This natural crossroad located in the heart of Poni Island is where trainers must pass through on their road to glory. As you come from Poni Wilds, you ought to recognize the back of Hapu’s trusty steed. Having found Hapu as intended, you’ll be told to visit the Ruins of Hope, located south-east from here.
Before you can catch up with Hapu, her gran will add Machamp Shove to your Ride Pager. Excellent timing since you’ll be needing it in the ruins.
You’ll regain control in the middle of a crossroad. First, head south, where there’s a small path to the west that’s filled with tall grass. Traverse it to find an Adrenaline Orb waiting at the end. Return to the crossroad and, this time, go north. Towards the far north is the entrance to the Vast Poni Canyon, which is currently off-limits.
For now, head west from the canyon entrance. When you reach the tall stone structure with a star-shaped symbol, carry on past to reach a secluded space that’s hiding a Shiny Stone. After this rare find, double back to the central crossroad. From here, make your way west, back towards the entrance of this area.
Where there’s a space in the wall above, walk up to the front of house. Before knocking on the door, travel to the east side of the house, where the patches of tilled soil are. Check behind the well in the far corner to discover Totem Sticker #097. After stuffing it in your pocket, return to the front door and go west a couple of paces.
At the next corner, south-west from the house, you can peel off Totem Sticker #093 from the wall just above the entrance to this area. Afterwards, enter the house via the front door. Inside, there’s a door nearby on the right that leads to the garden. Ignore it and go east, then enter the door next to a large bookshelf.
Beyond, check the wall between the two beds on the right side to find Totem Sticker #095. If you’re tired, you can inspect the bed in the top-left corner to lie down for a while. Do so and this room’s feline resident will hand you an Awakening. After resting your legs or otherwise, exit the room and head west to where the living room is.
To wrap up your house visit, go over to the kitchen to the far north and grab Totem Sticker #094 next to the plate display.
Leave the house via the door on the right, just below the kitchen area. Outside, you’ll be in the garden. Search above the tree in the center to find a hidden Revival Herb. After that, go to the top-right corner and peel off Totem Sticker #096 from one of the wooden barrels. Now return to the crossroad where you parted ways with Hapu.
At long last, head east, past the directional signpost. After a while, there’s a slope below that leads to the next area, Poni Breaker Coast. Before going that way, continue following the path east and then around towards the west. As you turn at the first corner, watch out for the sneaky trainer looking through the gap in the wall.
Collector Raymond¶
(1 of 2)
Pokémon | Level | Type |
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44 | Fire/Dragon |
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44 | Normal/Dragon |
Raymond has a pair of version-exclusive Dragon-types. Turtonator, found in Ultra Sun, is weak to Rock, Ground and Dragon. This one can use Flamethrower and Dragon Pulse for STAB damage, and Shell Smash to lower its defensive stats, but massively improve is offensive and speed stats.
Needless to say, you do not want Turtonator to boosts its stats too much. Meanwhile Drampa, found in Ultra Moon, is weak to Fighting, Ice, Dragon and Fairy. The one you’re up against can use Dragon Pulse and Dragon Breath for STAB damage, and Extrasensory to damage Fighting-types.
At the next corner, there’s a small patch of tall grass you must wade through. As you reach the northernmost wall, the entrance to Poni Grove is located through the gap halfway across the wall. You can try going there, but there’s a man on the other side who won’t let you through until you’ve become Champion.
Instead, continue past the grove entrance and pull off Totem Sticker #098 from the wall in the far north-eastern corner. Having explored every nook and cranny, head back round to the south and go down the slope leading to the darkened ground.
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