(1 of 2) The road ahead is rough for your feet, but hopefully not your Pokémon.
The road ahead is rough for your feet, but hopefully not your Pokémon. (left), (right)
Pokemon Encounters - Route 12¶
Name | Type(s) | Location (Rate) |
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Ground | All grass patches (30%) |
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Ground | SOS from ![]() |
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Rock/Electric | All grass patches (30%) |
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Dark/Fire | [Ultra Sun] All grass patches (20%) |
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Electric | [Ultra Moon] All grass patches (20%) |
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Fire | All grass patches (20%) |
The next island trial is still faraway, but you’re making progress. As you begin heading along this rugged route, Hapu will come along and add Musdale Gallop to your Ride Pager. Excellent timing since you can’t explore this route without it. Wither further ado, call Mudsdale so you can traverse the rocky terrain towards the east.
On the other side, fetch the Burn Heal between the rocky terrain and a rock mound along the north. Next, carry on east, past the tall grass and towards another patch of rocky terrain. As you step on the rocks, there are two paths to follow: you can go south through the tall grass below, or you can continue east along the rocky terrain.
It doesn’t matter which path you choose, but to make things easier, we’ll be heading east first. After crossing the rocky terrain, you’ll find a pair of trainers below, staring to the west. If you’re tired of battling, you can sneak past them by simply squeezing behind them.
Punk Pair Yoko and Lane¶
A Double Battle with a pair of delinquents. Pancham is nothing special, while
Krokorok requires some thought. The latter has the Intimidate Ability that lowers the Attack of both your Pokémon. It can also use Swagger to cause confusion. Fairy-types are ideal as they’re super-effective against both.
Below the punk pair, there’s a narrow path towards the west and tall grass to the south. Continue south for now, but remember the narrow path for later. Once you’re free from the tall grass, there’s a small stretch of rocky terrain below–gallop across with Mudsdale. On the other side, cautiously head south along the tall grass.
Below the tall grass, a Pokémon trainer is walking left and right. If you want to sneak past, do so when he’s walking away from you.
Rising Star Matthew¶
Pokémon | Level | Type |
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33 | Rock |
This hardheaded Pokémon can be restored from the Skull Fossil. Unlike other fossil Pokémon, it’s just a Rock-type and nothing else. Matthew’s Cranidos knows Rock Tomb, which deals damages and lowers Speed. Besides that, it should be a simple affair.
Before moving on, head for the east side of the easternmost tall grass, either through the grass or along Matthew’s path. Over here, there’s a Hyper Potion that’s more useful in your bag than on the floor. From here, heading south-west will take you to a stretch of rocky terrain that leads towards the southern half of the route.
Instead of going that way, head north back to the punk pair. Afterwards, go west through the nearby narrow path. You’ll arrive in a secluded area full of tall grass. For reference, this is where you would arrive if you initially traveled south after the Burn Heal. Anyway, carefully head south through this small area.
Near the south-west is a female trainer looking east, waiting to ambush anyone who comes near. You can avoid her by sticking towards the east side of the area, where there’s no tall grass. However you may wish to fight her to reach the dead end she’s guarding.
Rising Star Leilani¶
(1 of 2)
Pokémon | Level | Type |
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33 | Rock/Water |
This fossil Pokémon can be resurrected from the Cover Fossil. It has a double weakness to Grass, and is weak to Electric, Ground and Fighting. Leilani’s Tirtouga knows Aqua Jet, which usually goes first, so be cautious if your Pokémon has low HP.
Below Leilani, there’s a dead end with an Elixir sitting, waiting to be found. After going that way or otherwise, exit via the narrow path in the south-east corner. On the other side is another enclosed space full of tall grass. Here, head for the south-west corner, past the trainer tips sign, and squeeze through the narrow path.
You’ll arrive at the southern half of this route. Immediately to the left is a surfer dude, who alternates between looking down, at the surfboard he’s wiping, and directly to the south. If you want to run past him, you should do so when he’s focused on his surfboard. Past him, to the west, is the entrance to Blush Mountain.
Surfer Robert¶
Two Pokémon that you might find near a beach. Remoraid is pretty basic stuff, but
Sandygast should be treated with caution. This ghoulish sand castle is weak to Grass, Water, Ice, Ghost and Dark. Water-types should be careful as Sandygast gets increased Defense when hit with Water.
Meanwhile to the right is a collector standing near a directional signpost. This devoted fellow is the “boss” trainer of this route, so make a note to come back after you’ve crushed all the other Pokémon trainers here.
Once you’ve been to Blush Mountain or otherwise, head south-east from the Blush Mountain entrance. Over here, there’s a rocky hill surrounded by tall grass, with a scientist patrolling in an anti-clockwise direction. What could he possibly be looking for?
Scientist Jayson¶
At the start of battle, Jayson may use an X Defend on his Porygon. Physical attackers should therefore be cautious, although the defense boost is unlikely to deter super-effective Fighting-types.
Magneton, evolved from
Magnemite, is weak to Fire and Fighting and doubly weak to Ground.
In any case, go over to the east side of the rocky hill. Next to the hill, in the space where there’s no grass, is an X Attack that deserves a loving home. Afterwards, head south-west from the hill towards the path divided by rocky terrain and tall grass. Continue south-west along the rocks or the tall grass, whichever takes your fancy.
On the other side, the exit to Route 13 is located straight to the west. Before leaving this route, head south to where a female swimmer is doing stretching exercises near some tall grass. If you want to get past unscathed, run past her while she’s stretching down.
Swimmer Sara¶
Pokémon | Level | Type |
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32 | Water/Psychic |
The evolved form of Staryu has gained the Psychic-type and a considerable stat boost. It’s weak to Grass, Electric, Bug, Ghost and Dark-types. Sara sadly wasn’t smart enough and evolved her
Starmie far too early, so it only has weak moves.
Either way, wade through the tall grass towards the south-west corner. Once you’re free of the grass, there’s a hidden PP Up if you search the far end. After that cool find, double back until you’re outside the tall grass. If you defeated all the trainers thus far, head north-east back to the “boss” trainer and challenge him to a duel.
Collector Andrew¶
(1 of 2)
Despite being the owner of Dragon Tail, his Pokémon are both Bug-types. Larvesta has a double weakness to Rock, and is weak to Water and Flying. His
Pinsir has Brick Break to punish Rock-types and the Bug-type Z-Crystal. Fire or Flying-types are ideal to resist its Z-Move and dish out heavy damage.
Prove your worth and you’ll receive TM82 Dragon Tail. This move inflicts decent damage and forces the opponent to switch out. Regardless, return to the area just below the rocky terrain and tall grass combo, then go east towards the slope, You’ll bump into Samson Oak, but he forgot to bring a gift. Boo!
At this point, you can descend the slope to reach Ula’ula Beach. Meanwhile, you’ll find the exit to Route 13 nearby towards the west.
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