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Pokémon: Ultra Sun & Moon

Route 14

Vincent Lau
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(1 of 2) This depressing path leads to a not-so-lively supermarket.

This depressing path leads to a not-so-lively supermarket. (left), (right)

Pokemon Encounters - Route 14

Name Type(s) Location (Rate)
"Finneon" IconFinneon Water Surfing everywhere (30%)
"Tentacruel" IconTentacruel Water/Poison Surfing everywhere (30%)
"Pelipper" IconPelipper Water/Flying Surfing everywhere (20%)
"Frillish" IconFrillish Water/Ghost Surfing everywhere (20%)

Pokemon Encounters - Fishing

Name Type(s) Location (Rate)
"Magikarp" IconMagikarp Water Standard fishing spots (55%), bubbling fishing spots (40%)
"Gyarados" IconGyarados Water/Flying SOS from "Magikarp" IconMagikarp
"Wishiwashi" IconWishiwashi Water Standard fishing spots (40%), bubbling fishing spots (25%)
"Bruxish" IconBruxish Water/Psychic Standard fishing spots (5%), bubbling fishing spots (35%)

This ominous beach is the bridge between the land of the living and the land of the… well, not. As you come down from Tapu Village, you’ll step foot on the eerily black sand. Before pushing ahead, search the corner immediately to the left, where the hill meets the sand, to find a hidden Pearl. Truly a jewel shining the darkness.

Next, approach the shoreline below and summon "Lapras" IconLapras. Paddle directly south towards an offshore platform. On the east side of the platform, there are stairs leading up to the platform.

Once your new admirer has departed, head up the stairs to the top of the platform. To proceed, you’ll need to fight your way through.

Veteran Brone

Pokémon Level Type
"Whiscash" IconWhiscash 36 Water/Ground
"Honchkrow" IconHonchkrow 36 Dark/Flying

His first Pokémon, "Whiscash" IconWhiscash is an evolved "Barboach" IconBarboach. Like its previous form, it takes 4x damage from Grass and is immune to Electric. If you don’t have any Grass-types, Flying-types can work well. Just beware of its Scald, which has a good chance of inflicting Burn.

Meanwhile, "Honchkrow" IconHonchkrow is an evolved "Murkrow" IconMurkrow. As before, it’s weak to Electric, Rock, Ice and Fairy. However exercise caution as it knows Steel Wing, which is super-effective against Rock, Ice and Fairy. Therefore, Electric-types are your safest bets here.

Past Brone, go over to the center of the rubble and pick up your prize, TM30 Shadow Ball. You should teach this to your Ghost-types or any other Pokémon that can learn it. Who knows, it could save your bacon against the upcoming Totem Pokémon. Jump back into the sea and paddle north back to the entrance.

Now begin to head south-east along the beach. As you pass by the hiker who’s obsessed with Surfing "Pikachu" IconPikachu, there’s a collapsed road along the north. For now, continue south-east, towards the point where the path starts to bend. Walking along the bend, near the waterside, is a fisherman who’s a part-time Pokémon trainer.

Fisherman Hisato

Pokémon Level Type
"Feebas" IconFeebas 34 Water
"Gyarados" IconGyarados 34 Water/Flying

Hisato’s first Pokémon is a joke on the level of a "Magikarp" IconMagikarp. However his next Pokémon "Gyarados" IconGyarados is a lot more fearsome; this evolved Magikarp has had enough of being made fun of. It has a double weakness to Electric that you should take advantage of. Beware of its STAB Aqua Tail, especially when it’s raining, and its Ice Fang.

Return to the collapsed road near the entrance. Where the damage is greatest, there’s a small space that you can walk on to go up onto the road itself. Once you’re on the road, reach out and grab Totem Sticker #068 in the dark space between the rubble. Afterwards, continue up to the top of the road, where it’s generally intact.

From here, follow the high road east. Along the way, there’s a Max Potion lying below the hillside that you’d be foolish to pass up. Next, leap over the crooked ledge. On the other side, there’s a collector walking in an “L” shape above the top of a slope. To his east is a gang of Murkrow admiring Totem Sticker #069.

Collector Kawika

Pokémon Level Type
"Larvitar" IconLarvitar 34 Rock/Ground

This undeveloped Pokémon can be found in "Diglett" IconDiglett’s Tunnel. It has a double weakness to Grass, and is weak to Water, Ice, Fighting and Steel. Ice-types should be careful though, since they’re weak to Rock.

Moving on, head south down the slope, back towards the dark sand. Nearby to the east is the trial gates, where Acerola is waiting.

Regardless, continue east past the trial gates, around the huge chunk of road that’s fallen down. At the far end, there’s a Max Revive that could be used to turn around a battle. After that nice surprise, return to the beach just below the trial gates.

Call Lapras and paddle directly south, towards the eastern corner of the sea. Around here is a stationary swimmer looking north and west.

Swimmer Keoni

Pokémon Level Type
"Pyukumuku" IconPyukumuku 34 Water

This Pokémon has no attacks, but it could knockout one of your Pokémon if you’re careless. It can use Pain Split to equally divide both Pokémon’s HP, which of course benefits it since it can’t do any damage otherwise. Also be wary as the final blow will trigger Innards Out, which inflicts damage equal to "Pyukumuku" IconPyukumuku’s previous HP.

Finally, return to the shore and head north up the stairs between the trial gates. When you reach the top, Acerola will lay down the rules for your imminent trial. Once you’re ready to begin the trial, enter the supermarket via the nearby door to the north-east. We’ll be waiting for you on the other side… Mwahahaha!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
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  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    22 December 2017
  • Last Updated
    30 January 2025
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun

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