Sujimon battles are complex encounters. With a lot of moving parts like Sujimon’s weaknesses, special attacks, leveling up your team, positioning, and more there is a lot to keep track of that will determine your success in any battle. One of the most important things you can master early on in your Sujimon Trainer journey is landing on the red spot and dealing maximum damage on the roulette wheel in Sujimon battles in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth.
You want to land on the red spot when you perform a special attack because it does the most damage, hitting all three of your opponent’s Sujimon in a battle. It will also provide the maximum recovery to your party if the attack is a healing skill. Green spots on the wheel cause skills to hit all enemies or heal your party but are less powerful. The blue spots you will definitely want to avoid as it reduces your Sujimon’s confidence, causing a special attack to only land on the enemy directly in front of them. Healing skills will also only heal a small amount.
To land on the red spots and deal maximum damage on the Roulette Wheel in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth, you need to listen out for when the pings of the wheel turning reach the highest sound. If you sit and listen to the wheel turning, you will hear that each color has its own sound, and the red spot is the highest-pitched and loudest.
This isn’t a guaranteed hit, as you may slightly miss once or twice, but as soon as you tell the wheel to stop spinning it stops instantly. So, keep an ear out, when you hear that higher-pitched sound, and stop the wheel.
Landing on the red spot is key to turning the tide in tougher battles and against Gym Leaders.
If you are keen to get a feel for how you can land on the red spot consistently, make a save and load into a battle and sit and listen to the wheel go around when using a special attack. Practice landing on the spot, reloading the save, entering the Sujimon battle again, etc. After a few tries you will get a feel for it.
If you are going to be taking on Sujimon battles, then keep an eye out for any Japanese Master Tickets, as our guide lets you know where you can find them in Hawaii. Additionally, if you are looking to stack your party with Sujimon, check out our guide on the best Sujimon in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth.
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