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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Substory Guide - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Shane Williams
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Substories are some light-hearted missions that are a good way to break up the serious storyline while also still being to acquire Job EXP, Equipment, and useful Poundmates as the rewards. There are 52 Substories spread across 8 of the 14 chapters in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth and you can find the full list along with their prerequisites on this page.

You and Nancy will have some wild adventures in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

Where to Find All Substories and Their Rewards in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

As mentioned above you’ll be able to enjoy 52 Substories throughout the game, but you’ll come across the main bulk of them in both chapters 3 and 4.

Chapter 1 Substories

There is only one substory in chapter 1 and you’ll encounter it automatically as a part of the main story.

No. Substory Prerequisites Location Reward
1 Radio Active Yokohama Unlocks Radio App

Chapter 2 Substories

Chapter 2 also has one substory which you’ll encounter automatically as a part of the main story.

No. Substory Prerequisites Location Reward
2 Sujimon, Generation II Yokohama Unlocks Sujidex

Chapter 3 Substories

There are 17 Substories in Chapter 3 that can all be completed straight away. However, a few of these substories will require you to have access to Poundmates before they become available.

No. Substory Prerequisites Location Rewards
3 Crazy Money Honolulu - Aloha Beach, Aloha Street Unlocks Crazy Deliveries
4 Busted! Honolulu - Unmissable Unlocks Poundmate
5 Welcome to Hawaii, MFer! Honolulu (unlocked upon leaving "Revolve" iconRevolve Bar) - Unmissable Unlocks Aloha Links
6 Surfin’ the Streets! Honolulu - Seaside Avenue Unlocks Street Surfer
7 Miss Match Honolulu - Seaside Avenue, "Dolphin Statue" iconDolphin Statue Unlocks Miss Match
8 Snap Those Sickos! Honolulu - Aloha Beach Trolly Stop Unlocks Sicko Snap
9 Love as Sweet as Lemons Honolulu - Little Japan Food items for delivering all cups each round, $100 from the battle
10 Coming Out of Her "Shell" iconShell Unlock Poundmates Honolulu - East Aloha Beach Jeweled "Shell" iconShell, Nancy & Olivia Poundmates
11 Wait for Me Honolulu - Momo Street Emperor (food item), The Epicurean’s Epithet ("Chef" iconChef Job Rank +1 Book)
12 Saved by Kindness Honolulu - Makanai Ave "Happy Lei" iconHappy Lei Accessory (increases items from battle)
13 Rock and Roll Unlock Poundmates Honolulu - East Aloha Beach "Def Boom Box" iconDef Boom Box ("Breaker" iconBreaker JEXP+ Accessory), Kazami Poundmate
14 Neck-Deep in Love Honolulu - "West Aloha Beach" iconWest Aloha Beach "Courage Pendant" iconCourage Pendant (nullifies Fear)
15 Samurai, May We Walk Together? Unlock Poundmates Honolulu - "West Aloha Beach" iconWest Aloha Beach Bright Yellow "Sweets" iconSweets (2), Nathan Poundmate
16 Beach Guardian: Water, water everywhere Honolulu - East Aloha Beach Resurrection Bolus (Revival Item)
17 Beach Guardian: No Kidding Around Complete Substory 16 Honolulu - East Aloha Beach Heartful Golem (Book that increases "Kindness" iconKindness by 50)
18 Beach Guardian: "Hero" iconHeroes of the Sand Complete Substory 18 Honolulu - East Aloha Beach "Infrared Goggles" iconInfrared Goggles ("Aquanaut" iconAquanaut JEXP+ Accessory)
19 Home to Roost Unlock Poundmates Honolulu - "West Aloha Beach" iconWest Aloha Beach

Chapter 4 Substories

There are 21 Substories in Chapter 4 but you won’t be able to finish them all at once as some will require you to defeat a high level enemy, so you may need to revisit them when you’re stronger later in the game.

No. Substory Prerequisites Location Rewards
20 A Better Bat - Honolulu - Hula Avenue (Unmissable) Unlocks Weapon Crafting/Upgrading
21 Playing with Fire - Honolulu - Cultural District Unlocks the Vocational School
22 Rise and Grind - Honolulu - Anaconda - Cafe Soramame Mameko Poundmate
23 The More, The Plumeria Find the two Flower Trees first Honolulu - Little Japan "Pareo of Happiness" iconPareo of Happiness (Recovers HP when you get a buff)
24 Let it Snow - Honolulu - Aloha Street: Mohava Shave Ice Store (Step 1), Momo Street (Step 2), Anaconda Shopping Mall (1F) (Step 3) Gondawara Poundmate
25 Embrace Your Wild Side - Honolulu - Anaconda Shopping Center Signed Golem T-Shirt
26 Anaconda Escape - Honolulu - Anaconda Shopping Center Rewards based on missions completed
27 The Pursuit of Realism - Honolulu - Anaconda - Riverside Walk "Kaiser's Change Holder" iconKaiser’s Change Holder ("Cabbie" iconCabbie JEXP+ Accessory)
28 An Authentic Blockbuster Complete Substory 15 and 27 Honolulu - Downtown - Sunset Park Modified Rocket (Battle Item)
29 Litterbugged - Honolulu - Sunset St. "Animal Bone Necklace" iconAnimal Bone Necklace ("Pyrodancer" iconPyrodancer JEXP+ Accessory)
30 Close Encounters of the Bird Kind? Complete Substory 29 Honolulu - West Waikiki "Antique Coin" iconAntique Coin, "Hibiscus Hair Band" iconHibiscus Hair Band, Sojimaru Flying Beta Max Poundmate
37 Choosing Your Starter - Honolulu - Anaconda Shopping Center Unlocks Sujimon League
38 The CEO of Suji Complete Substory 37 and reach Sujimon Level 10 Honolulu - West Waikiki - Aloha St Unlocks "Sujimancer" iconSujimancer Job
39 The Queen’s Subilee Complete Substory 38 and reach Sujimon Level 20 Honolulu - "West Aloha Beach" iconWest Aloha Beach Unlocks Silver Trainers and increases Lv cap to 30
40 A True Gym Battle Complete Substory 39 and reach Sujimon Level 30 Honolulu - Little Japan Unlocks Gold Trainers and increases Lv cap to 40
41 Sodachi’s Revenge Complete Substory 40 and reach Sujimon Level 40 Honolulu - Harbor District Unlocks Platinum Trainers and increases Lv cap to 50
42 Atop the Plateau Complete Substory 41 and reach Sujimon Level 50 Sujimon Stadium "Dragon Soul Bat" iconDragon Soul Bat, Sodachi for Dondoko Island
43 A Man Named Asakura - Honolulu - River St. Merciless Melee Skill for Ichiban
44 A Changed Man Complete Substory 43 Honolulu - Shipper’s Wharf Heart of a Champion skill for Ichiban
45 The Final Showdown For Real Complete Substory 44 Honolulu - Shipper’s Wharf -

Chapter 5 Substories

Chapter 5 only contains 2 substories which unlock some new optional activities.

No. Substory Prerequisites Location Reward
32 "Tropical" iconTropical Photo Rally "Alo-Happy" iconAlo-Happy Tours Unlocks Photo Rallies
34 Legend of the Labyrinth "Hawaiian Haunt" iconHawaiian Haunt Unlocks "Hawaiian Haunt" iconHawaiian Haunt Dungeon

Chapter 6 Substories

Chapter 6 has three substories, but A Man Facing The Future will require you to defeat level 43 enemies, so you may not be able to do this straight away.

No. Substory Prerequisites Location Reward
33 The Island at Rock Bottom Dondoko Island Unlock Dondoko Island
46 A Man Facing The Future Complete A Man Named Asakura, A Changed Man, The Final Showdown For Real, and A Man’s Facing the Future Honolulu - Shipper’s Wharf "Brawler God's Mouthguard" iconBrawler God’s Mouthguard, Asakura Poundmate
35 Love and Punishment Cultural District - "Night St" iconNight St. Fancy Free "Magazine" iconMagazine x 5 and a Platinum Plate

Chapter 9 Substories

Chapter 9 has one substory and is the final chapter in the game that contains any substories.

No. Substory Prerequisites Location Reward
36 Relics from the Past "West Aloha Beach" iconWest Aloha Beach "Gorgeous Rubber Gloves" iconGorgeous Rubber Gloves

Relationship Substories

There are five Substories in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth that can only be started by improving your relationship with certain citizens. These involve getting Gifts from the various shops to boost their relationship status.

No. Substory Prerequisites Location Reward
47 Certifiable Lover Pass all "Ounabara Vocational School" iconOunabara Vocational School Tests "Ounabara Vocational School" iconOunabara Vocational School Laura and "Ikari" iconIkari can be invited to the Dondoko Islands.
48 The Ultimate Alo-Happy Activity Get all "Alo-Happy" iconAlo-Happy Tours Jobs "Alo-Happy" iconAlo-Happy Tours Dondoko Island Guests - "Elizabeth" iconElizabeth (A rank) and "Alo-Happy" iconAlo-Happy (E)
49 She Never Misses Complete All Dates Cream & Berry Dondoko Island Guests - Machiko
50 Together Forever Reach Poundmates Rank 2 "Oahu Burger" iconOahu Burger Dondoko Island Guests - "Chitose" iconChitose Holmes guest (B rank)
51 Experimental Procedures Fully Invest in "Julie's Gearworks" iconJulie’s Gearworks "Julie's Gearworks" iconJulie’s Gearworks Dondoko Island Guests - Julie
52 Surviving Paradise Complete Substories 47 to 51 "Revolve" iconRevolve Bar Increases Defense

More Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Guides

There’s a lot more optional content to enjoy in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, so be sure to check out our pages below:

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  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    22 January 2024
  • Last Updated
    20 February 2024
    Version History
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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth allows you to experience both of Hawaii and Japan’s culture from Ichiban’s point of view while also trying to take down some of the most powerful criminals on the side. This guide for Infinite Wealth contains the following:

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