There are around a dozen jobs in total in Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth. When it comes to finding which ones fit your party, each character, or just how you like to play turn-based RPGs, it can be a challenge as the full repertoire of skills for these jobs aren’t available right away. To help you out when you unlock the ability to change your job, we have highlighted the best jobs in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth in this guide.
Some of these jobs are available across a number of characters, however, a fair few of them are exclusive to individuals like Kiryu,
Chitose, and
Seonhee. So, you won’t have to spend too much money at the
Alo-Happy Tours to get some of these because as soon as you get the Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth party members you can use their best jobs. If you do struggle with unlocking some of these, then our how to unlock all jobs in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth page will help you out!
Best Jobs in Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth¶
The best jobs in Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth are:
- Aquanaut
- Barmaid
- Desperado
- Dragon of Dojima
- Hitman
- Heiress
- Housekeeper
- Gangster
- Pyrodancer
- Samurai
The Aquanaut is a heavy hitting, damage-based job for the male party members that is a must-have for any party.
The Aquanaut is easily the strongest male attack-focused job and one of the best jobs of Kasuga,
Nanba, or
Adachi. It is equipped with a number of strong skills that can deal damage to a single target or a group, and power up providing you meet certain requirements.
Additionally, it has strong defense and good recovery skills, alongside the ability to bring across additional attacks and recovery skills thanks to Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth’s Skill Inheritance. Cresting Collider especially is strong. You must have one of these on your team at all times!
The Barmaid job is a strong support job that can provide a lot of help for the rest of your party.
The Barmaid job is the best job for Saeko. This is a support-focused job that offers solid skills that can deal a variety of elemental ailments to enemies as a part of the attack. These include being able to blind enemies and have them miss attacks. While you don’t unlock Saeko until the latter half of the game, at that point you will be taking on some tough, long fights where inflicting these status ailments will be the difference between success and death.
As such, if you are rolling with Saeko in your party, you will want to keep her Barmaid job equipped, especially if no one else in your party has jobs with a lot of status-based attacks.
Desperado delivers attacks across a variety of status ailments.
Because of its unique blend of attacks and the ability to inflict status ailments, The Desperado is the best job to pick for either Nanba or Tomizawa. Desperado offers attacks that deal most of the elemental weaknesses enemies have in the game, making him a great all-around magic-based class.
Combining these attacks with hard-hitting melee attacks or physical skills can allow you to deal even more damage against a single target. The Desperado has a high MP too, which means you can use these skills a lot. Therefore, you want to pair this with either the Aquanaut or Housekeeper, so they can group up enemies or attack foes close together while you set your sights on bosses or tougher targets.
Kiryu’s Dragon of Dojima job is a damage-dealing powerhouse.
Dragon of Dojima¶
The Dragon of Dojima is the best job for Kiryu. It is his exclusive job and remains strong throughout the entire game. Kiryu is built for dealing damage and that is what this job allows you to do. Strong, single-target damage, some group attacks, and extra damage for hitting the action prompts provide a much-needed boost to your party’s damage output and are paired well with one or two support-based classes.
There isn’t much of a reason to ever equip another job on Kiryu really, as he serves this role in your party really well thanks to the Dragon of Dojima job.
Lightning fast strikes and high agility allow you to get a head start in fights.
The Hitman job is the best for Joongi. This is his exclusive job and there’s no reason to ever change to a different one when he is in your team. Focused on fast strikes, Joongi has a lot of agility with this job and is able to equip a variety of weapons, making him extremely versatile.
He often lands critical hits, immobilizing enemies which allows you some breathing room to heal up your team or focus on other enemies you are brawling with at the same time.
Chitose’s exclusive job is great in chapter 4, right up until the end of the game.
The Heiress is the best job for Chitose as it is her exclusive job. It is focused mostly on healing your party and also providing buffs to your attacks. On the surface, you might think the Heiress isn’t anything special but despite its somewhat bland selection of skills they can allow Chitose to be an asset to your party. Healing everyone a moderate amount, landing some strong single-target hits, these are all solid reasons to use it.
The Heriess job is the definition of an all-around job. It does quite a bit and it does it all pretty well.
The Housekeeper can deal great ice-based attacks that stop weaker enemies.
You might not think a broom could do a lot of damage, but it can in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth. The Housekeeper specializes in ice-based attacks which can give enemies colds and severely disable them in fights. As such we suggest that the Housekeeper is the best job for Seonhee or Chitose. The Power Wash and Bubble Breach skills can deal strong ice damage to a single enemy or a large group all bunched up.
Leave No Streaks allows you to combine these ice skills with your own weapon’s elemental damage, potentially delivering strong critical hits. Additionally, the Housekeeper is able to use healing skills and buffs to provide a nice boost for your team during those critical moments and long fights.
Be relentless with Zhao’s Gangster job.
Zhao’s Gangster job allows him to be relentless, and as such it is the best job for him. It is fairly evenly balanced between basic attacks and skills that buff your damage and weaken your opponents. It can be a great fourth option for a job on your party when you have a support team member and two damage-dealing ones.
Zhao straddles the line between being a damage-dealer and a support. While you won’t unlock him for a while, it’s definitely worth seeing if his playstyle and the Gangster job jive with your party set-up.
The Pyrodancer job offers some fantastic fire-based attacks and skills.
The Pyrodancer job is a blend of magic-based attacks and providing buffs or debuffs for your team. This is why we recommend Tomizawa or Nanba as it is the best job for them. Being mostly magic-based, you probably don’t want to use the Pyrodancer if you have a dedicated healer. Instead, it is a great fit for party members with jobs that have one healing skill as the Pyrodancer also has a couple. That way you can swap between who heals everyone on the team.
Beyond that, the spells and fire-based attacks can deal a nice chunk of damage with timed action prompts, while also blinding enemies. You can even steal the health from an enemy and boost your own. It’s a specialist job, that requires a bit more skill to use than most, but it can be key to a good party.
Able to deal bleed damage and weaken enemies’ defense, the Samurai is a great damage-dealing job for party members.
The Samurai job is focused on hard-hitting attacks and dealing bleed damage, which is incredibly effective in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth. This makes the Samurai job the best job for Adachi, Nanba, or Kasuga, based on our playtime with the game.
There isn’t really much to say beyond that. It is a simple job, but an incredibly strong one and you ideally want at least one Samurai or Aquanaut in your team at all times, to be able to deal that high individual target or group damage. The Samurai does have somewhat low defense though, so it is best to combine it with a buff-based job on another party member.
With these jobs, you will be able to take on a lot of the tougher challenges throughout Hawaii and Japan. This includes the Hawaiian Haunt dungeon which has some higher-level floors. These jobs will also help you out when it comes to taking on Substories, Memoirs of A Dragon, and stronger Sujimon Raids.
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