Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth doesn’t hide its inspiration - Ichiban even admits to be a Dragon Quest fan in-game! Being a decidedly more adult-oriented turn-based role-playing game than its inspiration, one of Dragon Quest’s more risque elements has been parodied in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth: the infamous “puff-puff”, or as it’s called in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, the “honk-honk”. Throughout the game you’ll find go-getters willing to sell you a honking good time, and while whatever constitutes a honk-honk is open to interpretation, gamers seem convinced that these honk-honks are worth seeking out. Since the demand exists (we’re not judging!), we’re here to provide the locations of every honk-honk provider in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth:
(1 of 18) Search an alley west of Revolve to find the Honk-Honk Woman.
Honk-Honk Woman: You’ll find this lady in an alley in Little Japan, just north of the
ABC Store (Little Japan). To reach her you’ll need to go through a parking garage west of
Revolve or head west from the ABC Store (Little Japan) to find an alley between the buildings to the north. She’s standing by a door near a silver safe. Pay her $100 and honk-honk bliss is yours.
Honk-Honk Itamae: This odd honker can be found in the
Shinobi Sushi shop along the northern edge of Little Japan, along Sakura St. Enter the restaurant and talk to a chef named Itamae and he’ll offer up some honk-honk goodness as a bit of a side hustle. To get this sushi chef to turn his expertise towards the art of honking, you’ll need to spend $1,000.
Honk-Honk Boy: Along the eastern edge of Hawaii, on
Makani Ave. in East Waikiki you can find the Honk-Honk Boy. He’s leaning against a pillar just north of the
Mama Masala’s shop. He’ll give you a top-notch honking for $500.
Honk-Honk Girl: Across the street (south from) the
Hip Hop Shrimp (Aloha St.) restaurant you’ll find some stairs leading up to the
Healthy Smile (Mahelona Mall) store. West of this store you’ll find a Honk-Honk Girl (not to be confused with the Honk-Honk Girl in Yokohama). She thinks she’s hot stuff, and for a mere $500 you’ll find out for yourself.
Honk-Honk Concierge: If you have a whopping $1,000 to burn, you can enjoy a supreme honk-honk courtesy of the Honk-Honk Concierge. You can find him in the lobby of the Crystal Aloha Resort in South Waikiki.
Honk-Honk Surfer: You’ll find the Honk-Honk Surfer along the southwestern edge of the
West Aloha Beach, south of the Crystal Aloha Resort. She’ll show you a honkin’ good time for $500.
Honk-Honk Waitress: On the ground floor of the Anaconda Shopping Center you’ll find the
Boogie Woogie Steak House. Inside you’ll find a waitress, and she serves more than steak - pay $500 for a side dish of honk-honk.
Honk-Honk Nomad: You’ll find the enterprising Honk-Honk Nomad near the corner of Kolonahe St. and Sunset St. in Downtown Honolulu. She’s standing near a pillar by the entrance of the “Aloha Oe Resort and Spa” building (unmarked), and will sell her honk-honk services for $300.
Ms. Honk-Honk: The veteran lady of the honk can be found in Chinatown, on a balcony overlooking the Wan Shang Tong Herbal Medicine store. If you want a premium honking you’ll have to cough up $300. She’s standing near a gold safe.
(1 of 10) Japan’s Honk-Honk Girl can be found in a stairwell between The Harbor Light and the Bar Rodriguez restaurants
Honk-Honk Girl: In the Bar District of Yokohama, in a stairwell between
The Harbor Light and the Bar Rodriguez restaurants. Perusing her services will set you back 10,000 yen.
Honk-Honk Lady: Along the easternmost end of the Red Light District of Yokohama, the Honk-Honk Lady can be found in an alley off Ohama Street, just east of the
Rose Blossom Cabaret. She charges 50,000 yen to “honk you like the circus is in town”, which… I guess constitutes some high-quality honking?
Honk-Honk Man: You’ll find the Honk-Honk Man on a footbridge running over the northern end of Daikokuten St., at the intersection of Daikokuten St. and
Hamakita Park Ave. He charges a whopping 100,00 yen for his services.
Honk-Honk Granny: Along N. Isezaki Rd. you’ll find the restaurant
Plage. Head inside to find a lady in a red outfit, who will offer to “juice you like a lemon” with her “weathered hands” for a respectable 50,000 yen.
Honk-Honk Princess: You’ll find this alley-dwelling princess just east of the
Wild Jackson (E Millennium Tower St.) restaurant in Kamurocho, selling a honking good time for 30,000 yen.
If you still need diversions after honkin’ around, check out the following pages:
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