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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

All Ultimate Weapon Locations in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Nathan Garvin
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You’ll find an assortment of weapons throughout Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, and fortunately they aren’t all just stat sticks, nor are they all created equal. There’s a clear progression, indicated by a star rating ranging from one star for low-tier, entry-level gear, to seven stars for the best of the best… at least stat-wise. This page will provide information about what the best weapons in the game are, including how to get every ultimate weapon in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

Seven star weapons are the best weapons in the game, and are obtained exclusively via crafting.

Ultimate Weapon Crafting in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Crafting seven star weapons requires various components:

  • A base weapon
  • 15x Crystals (either electric, ice, lava or rainbow)
  • 1x Empty Cough Drop Tin
  • 1x Shark Fin or "Squid" iconSquid Tentacles

Of these, the base weapon will generally be the most difficult to find, as there’s no one catch-all location where they can be farmed. Instead, they’re often dropped by special enemies populating Honolulu, Yokohama or Kamurocho, or they’re found in golden safes in the same areas. In addition, "Julie's Gearworks" iconJulie’s Gearworks must be at Lv4, which you can achieve by crafting weapons or by investing money into the business. Simply climbing the weapon ladder for each character should be sufficient to achieve this.

The stats of every seven star weapon you can craft can be found below:

Weapon Job Type Attack Magic Special
"Annihilation Claws" iconAnnihilation Claws "Hitman" iconHitman Blunt 196 184 Boosts damage to enemies per ailment they have
"Beacon of Maitreya" iconBeacon of Maitreya "Detective" iconDetective Blunt 196 184 Perfect Guards damage the enemy that attacked you
"Chef de Cuisine's Spoon" iconChef de Cuisine’s Spoon "Chef" iconChef Blunt 190 190 Increases MP cost of skills / Boosts skill damage
"Cursed Dagger of Glorious Death" iconCursed Dagger of Glorious Death "Kunoichi" iconKunoichi Blade 190 190 Greatly buffs Agility when you defeat an enemy
"Dead Souls Axe" iconDead Souls Axe "Pyrodancer" iconPyrodancer Blade 196 184 Greatly buffs Attack when you defeat an enemy
"Enchanted Demon Slayer" iconEnchanted Demon Slayer "Samurai" iconSamurai Blade 202 178 Increases status ailment duration on enemies
"Full-Drive Custom Wrench" iconFull-Drive Custom Wrench "Cabbie" iconCabbie Electric, Blunt 190 190 Attacks and weapon skills may paralyze / Attacks and weapon skills may lower the enemy’s electric resistance
Fumble Force Band "Linebacker" iconLinebacker Blunt 196 184 Perfect Guards damage the enemy that attacked you
Indomitable Venus "Tennis Ace" iconTennis Ace Blunt 202 178 Buffs critical rate up to 10% the more enemies there are
"Illuminati Bag" iconIlluminati Bag "Barmaid" iconBarmaid Blunt 190 190 Increases MP cost of skills / Boosts skill damage
"Master Soul Anklet" iconMaster Soul Anklet "Breaker" iconBreaker Blunt 190 190 Recover MP when you receive a buff
"Mop of the Madonna" iconMop of the Madonna "Housekeeper" iconHousekeeper Ice, Blunt 184 196 Boosts damage to enemy weaknesses
"Nightstone Nunchaku" iconNightstone Nunchaku "Action Star" iconAction Star Blunt 202 178 Greatly strengthens physical attacks / Increases damage received from enemies
"Ocean King's Board" iconOcean King’s Board "Aquanaut" iconAquanaut Ice, Blunt 196 184 Attacks and weapon skills may lower the enemy’s ice resistance / Boost physical attack damage at max HP
"Paradise Maracas" iconParadise Maracas "Geodancer" iconGeodancer Blunt 178 202 Chance of a Magic buff at the start of your turn / Recover HP when you receive a buff
"Photon Symphony Microphone" iconPhoton Symphony Microphone "Idol" iconIdol Blunt 184 196 Chance of a Magic buff at the start of your turn
"Prince of Star Night" iconPrince of Star Night "Host" iconHost Blunt 178 202 Greatly buffs Magic when you defeat an enemy
"Royal Prima Choker" iconRoyal Prima Choker "Heiress" iconHeiress Blunt 196 184 Boosts damage against debuffed enemies
"Scepter of Oblivion" iconScepter of Oblivion "Homeless Guy" iconHomeless Guy Fire, Blunt 178 202 Attacks and weapon skills may lower the enemy’s fire resistance / Boosts magic attack damage the more enemies there are
"Seventh Wolf" iconSeventh Wolf "Desperado" iconDesperado Gun 196 184 Boosts crit rate to enemies by 30% per ailment
"Treasured Sword of Heaven and Earth" iconTreasured Sword of Heaven and Earth "Gangster" iconGangster Blade 202 178 All attacks ignore resistance
True Legendary Hero’s Bat "Hero" iconHero Electric, Blunt 196 184 Additional electric damage to downed enemies
"Ultima Egesta" iconUltima Egesta "Hero" iconHero Blunt 196 184 Attacks and weapon skills may poison / Attacks and weapon skills may blind
"Ulysses Butterfly Whip" iconUlysses Butterfly Whip "Night Queen" iconNight Queen Blunt 202 178 High chance to instantly KO, the lower the enemy’s HP / Greatly buffs critical rate when you defeat an enemy
"Valkyrie Needles" iconValkyrie Needles "Assassin" iconAssassin Blade 202 178 Attacks and weapon skills may charm / Attacks and weapon skills may cause a cold

(1 of 3) Fragments, Geodes and Crystals will regularly drop from enemies - the higher the level of the enemy, the rarer the materials.

How to Farm Crystals in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

There are three types of core crafting materials which are used to craft progressively more powerful weapons. Fragments are the lowest tier crafting material, and are used to create one to three star weapons. Geodes are intermediate tier crafting materials, used for four and five star weapons, and Crystals are the high tier materials that are required for six and seven star weapons. Their locations are as follows:

Material Location
Fragments Dropped by low level enemies, you’ll find them by the boatload during Chapters 3-7. Can also be found in Sector 1 of the "Hawaiian Haunt" iconHawaiian Haunt.
Geodes Dropped by mid-level enemies, like the ones that start to spawn in Chapter 8 and on. Additionally they can be found in Sector 2 of the "Hawaiian Haunt" iconHawaiian Haunt.
Crystals Commonly forfeited by the strongest enemies in the game, which for the purposes of these materials means anything approaching Lv40. These foes will also start to spawn in Chapter 8 and on alongside their Geode-dropping inferiors. They can also be found in Sector 3 and Sector 4 of the "Hawaiian Haunt" iconHawaiian Haunt.

In addition to the locations above, you can get Fragments, Geodes and Crystals from "Robo Michio" iconRobo Michio outside the "Hawaiian Haunt" iconHawaiian Haunt or from "Utamaru" iconUtamaru near the entrance to "Yokohama Underground" iconYokohama Underground. The former requires you to exchange Robo Disks while the latter will only accept Geomijul’s Survey Data, both of which are a form of “currency” that can only be obtained in their respective dungeons.

Finally, you can outright buy Fragments from the "General Goods Cart" iconGeneral Goods Cart in "Hamakita Park" iconHamakita Park, Yokohama, for 8,000 yen ($80) per Fragment. This is a terrible price, but if you’ve got more money than time, it’s an option. You can also upgrade 10x Fragments into 1x Geode, and 10x Geodes into 1x Crystal here. All in all, these are bad options if you absolutely need to polish off a few specific materials and cannot be bothered to spend any time or effort leaving it up to RNG.

Empty Cough Drop Tins can be purchased via the Yokohama Underground exchange or from The Recycling Center.

Where to Find Empty Cough Drop Tins in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Empty Cough Drop Tins are a bit of an odd material. You only need them for six and seven star weapons, and they don’t appear in many shops or as rewards for minigames. The first place you’ll be able to get them is via the Yokohama Underground, where Utamaru will exchange 1x Empty Cough Drop Tin for 2,000 Geomijul’s Survey Data. Geomijul’s Survey Data is the currency you’ll pick up in the Yokohama Underground - the deeper you go, the more you’ll get. By the time you reach Sector 4 you’ll be getting 600+ every time you descend a level, plus around 300~ if you find them as drops, not to mention the paltry sum you’ll get for defeating enemies (although even this adds up). 2,000 Geomijul’s Survey Data isn’t a whole lot in the grand scheme of things, a few minutes of running through the deeper reaches of the Yokohama Underground should get you enough.

(1 of 3) Shark Fins and Squid Tentacles can be obtained by exchanging points at The Recycling Center.

Where to Find Shark Fins and Squid Tentacles in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

In addition to Empty Cough Drop Tins, all seven star weapons also require a second rare material - either a Shark Fin or some Squid Tentacles. Of the twenty four different weapon types, fourteen require Shark Fins and ten require Squid Tentacles, and these are important enough that they have their own pages detailing where you can find them (check out the provided links). For a short answer, however, you can get both for 2,000 points via The Recycling Center minigame. Shark Fins can be found in and traded for by exploring the Hawaiian Haunt, while Squid Tentacles require you to explore the [Yokohama Underground]. These are not finite resources, but unless you want to spend a bit of time grinding these aforementioned optional dungeons (or running around collecting trash on or near Aloha Beach) you may want to be careful about expending them frivolously.

To boil it all down, clearing the "Hawaiian" iconHawaiian Haunt and the Yokohama Underground will earn you just about everything you need to craft ultimate weapons - money, materials, all of it. The one thing you can’t (usually) get from these optional dungeons are the base weapons you’ll need, and these are a little trickier.

(1 of 5) Find and defeat high level special enemies (which start spawning in Chapter 8 and on),

All Ultimate Weapon Locations in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth

As mentioned above, you’ll need to provide a base weapon in order to craft a seven star weapon. The base weapon required isn’t all that special in and of itself, typically being a generic five star weapon named after the job that wields it ("Desperado's Revolver" iconDesperado’s Revolver, Samurai’s Katana, "Night Queen's Whip" iconNight Queen’s Whip, etc.). In fact, you may not even realize what you’ve found if you’re not paying attention! There are generally three sources for these base weapons that you’ll need to craft seven star/ultimate weapons:

  • Complete a companion’s fifth Drink Link. That companion’s exclusive job weapon will be dropped during the obligatory battle during this Drink Link.

  • Defeat special enemies in Yokohama (Chapter 8 or later) or Honolulu (Chapter 9 or later).

  • Purchased as a reward for some minigame or another.

Ichiban, being the protagonist, is a bit of special bird, as he not only has two seven star weapons, he also has two base weapons for these ultimate weapons. The first is the humble "Hero's Bat" iconHero’s Bat (a one star weapon which you’re forced to craft in Chapter 4 during Substory "20 - A Better Bat" icon20 - A Better Bat) and the second is a "Metal Bat" iconMetal Bat (a three star weapon you can buy in Honolulu). In any event, below you’ll find a list of all the base weapons you’ll need in order to craft ultimate weapons and where to find them:

Base Weapon Job Location
"Action Star's Nunchaku" iconAction Star’s Nunchaku "Action Star" iconAction Star Defeat a special enemy (Championship Wrecker Lv33) found west of the Crystal Aloha Resort, just off River St., Honolulu (available Chapter 9 or later)
"Aquanaut's Board" iconAquanaut’s Board "Aquanaut" iconAquanaut Defeat a special enemy (Jaws of Death Lv29) found near a shower along the easternmost edge of Aloha Beach, Honolulu (available Chapter 9 or later).
"Assassin's Needles" iconAssassin’s Needles "Assassin" iconAssassin Complete "Seonhee" iconSeonhee’s Drink Links (available available Chapter 8 or later)
"Barmaid's Bag" iconBarmaid’s Bag "Barmaid" iconBarmaid Complete "Saeko" iconSaeko’s Drink Links (available Chapter 8 or later)
"Breaker" iconBreaker’s Anklet "Breaker" iconBreaker Defeat a special enemy (Abstracted Defiance Lv40) in an alley east of the "Black Hibiscus" iconBlack Hibiscus restaurant (available Chapter 9 or later).
"Cabbie's Wrench" iconCabbie’s Wrench "Cabbie" iconCabbie Complete "Tomizawa" iconTomizawa’s Drink Links (available Chapter 4 or later)
"Chef" iconChef’s Ladle "Chef" iconChef Defeat a special enemy (Ironclad "Chef" iconChef Lv39) along the eastern end of Chinatown, south of GiGO, northeast of "Heian Tower" iconHeian Tower, Yokohama
"Desperado's Revolver" iconDesperado’s Revolver "Desperado" iconDesperado Exchange 21,000 points at any Shogi player.
"Desperado's Revolver" iconDesperado’s Revolver "Desperado" iconDesperado Defeat a special enemy (Death Sentencer Lv29) east of the ABC Store in Little Japan, Honolulu (Chapter 9 or later).
"Detective's Baton" iconDetective’s Baton "Detective" iconDetective Complete "Adachi" iconAdachi’s Drink Links (available Chapter 7 or later)
Gangster’s Saber "Gangster" iconGangster Complete "Zhao" iconZhao’s Drink Links (available Chapter 10 or later)
"Geodancer's Maracas" iconGeodancer’s Maracas "Geodancer" iconGeodancer Defeat a special enemy (Dancing Madman Lv29) just northeast of the Hip Hop Shrimp restaurant off Aloha St, Honolulu (Chapter 9 or later).
"Heiress's Choker" iconHeiress’s Choker "Heiress" iconHeiress Complete "Chitose" iconChitose’s Drink Links (available Chapter 11 or later)
"Hero's Bat" iconHero’s Bat "Hero" iconHero Crafted during Chapter 4, during Substory "20 - A Better Bat" icon20 - A Better Bat
"Hitman" iconHitman’s Knuckle Dusters "Hitman" iconHitman Complete Joonghi Han’s Drink Links (available Chapter 13 or later)
"Homeless Guy's Cane" iconHomeless Guy’s Cane "Homeless Guy" iconHomeless Guy Complete "Nanba" iconNanba’s Drink Links (available Chapter 8 or later )
"Host's Sparkling Wine" iconHost’s Sparkling Wine "Host" iconHost Defeat a special enemy (Heavenly "Host" iconHost Lv31) found in an alley north of the Seiryu Clan Office in Yokohama
"Housekeeper's Mop" iconHousekeeper’s Mop "Housekeeper" iconHousekeeper Defeat a special enemy (The Dark Sweeper Lv35) at the corner of Carriage Hwy. and Bayside St., Yokohama
"Idol's Microphone" iconIdol’s Microphone "Idol" iconIdol Defeat a special enemy (Angel of Megadeath Lv37) in an alley west of Theater Alley in Kamurocho.
"Kunoichi's Sword" iconKunoichi’s Sword "Kunoichi" iconKunoichi Bought from the Suijimon Stadium for 70,000 points
"Kunoichi's Sword" iconKunoichi’s Sword "Kunoichi" iconKunoichi Defeat a special enemy (King of Thieves Lv31) on the upper floor of a parking building east of S. Sakura River St., Yokohama
"Linebacker's Wristband" iconLinebacker’s Wristband "Linebacker" iconLinebacker Bought from the Hawaiian Haunt Exchange for 3,000 Data Disks
"Night Queen's Whip" iconNight Queen’s Whip "Night Queen" iconNight Queen Defeat special enemies (Creeper Peeper Lv32 and Pornogra-Pharoah Lv32) found in an alley east of Ohama St., Yokohama
Pyrodancer’s Axe "Pyrodancer" iconPyrodancer Defeat a special enemy (Pleatherface Lv43) lurking in an alley just east of the "House of Wushu" iconHouse of Wushu, Chinatown, Honolulu (Chapter 9 or later).
Samurai’s Katana "Samurai" iconSamurai Defeat a special enemy (Forsaken "Samurai" iconSamurai Lv41) on the skybridge west of "Hamakita Park" iconHamakita Park Ave., Yokohama
Tennis Ace’s Racket "Tennis Ace" iconTennis Ace Bought from the "Yokohama Underground" iconYokohama Underground Exchange for 3,000 Geomijul’s Survey Data
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    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
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  • Guide Release
    22 January 2024
  • Last Updated
    20 February 2024
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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth allows you to experience both of Hawaii and Japan’s culture from Ichiban’s point of view while also trying to take down some of the most powerful criminals on the side. This guide for Infinite Wealth contains the following:

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