There is plenty to see and do when it comes to Sujimon in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, be it Trainer Battles, the main storyline, or taking part in the Sujimon Stadium Battles. There are three different categories you can battle in, all with their own risks and rewards, however you’ll need to win every match if you want to unlock the final Divine League. This page will tell you how to unlock every match, become victorious in the Divine League, and the best way to grind Points to spend in the shop.
The Sujimon Stadium offers matches to put your Sujimon team to the test!
How to Unlock the Sujimon Stadium¶
Before you can even get started, you’ll need to progress the Sujimon League storyline to unlock it. You’ll need to unlock the Sujimon League minigame itself by progressing to Chapter 4 and completing the mandatory Substory 37: Choosing Your Starter!. You’ll need to then progress through the storyline, clearing the first Gym (Substory 38: The CEO of Suji), Jack. This is a simple battle so long as all of your Sujimon are at the max of Level 10, and once it’s over, not only will you have increased your level cap to 20, but you’ll also unlock the Sujimon Stadium.
Only the first match of the Challenge League and Survival League will be available initially, and the Survival League’s match has a recommended Level of 25, so you may want to consider waiting until you clear the next Gym and hit the current max of Level 30 to make it easier.
Challenge League Tips and Rewards¶
The first league available in the Sujimon Stadium is the Challenge League, these will pit your Sujimon team against a wave of up to 30 enemies. You’ll only be up against three at a time, but it’s all considered one lengthy battle, so you’ll need to make sure you can survive the encounter or have a Sujimon with healing capabilities (such as the Bummer Strummer). As you may expect, the further you go into the battle, the higher the level of the enemies you encounter, so it’s best to save your MP for later in the round.
The table below will detail what matches are available, how you unlock them, and what rewards you can expect from them:
Match (Lv) | Unlocks | First Reward | Base Reward | Points |
Pseudotrash Challenge (20) | Defeat Jack | Gold - Super Sujimunch (50), Silver - Super Sujimunch (25), Bronze - Sujimunch (50) | Gold - Super Sujimunch (20), Silver - Super Sujimunch (10), Bronze - Sujimunch (25) | Defeated enemies x 35 (1,050 max) |
Pest Challenge (30) | Defeat Queen | Gold - Hyper Sujimunch (50), Silver - Hyper Sujimunch (25), Bronze - Super Sujimunch (50) | Gold - Hyper Sujimunch (20), Silver - Hyper Sujimunch (10), Bronze - Super Sujimunch (25) | Defeated enemies x 70 (2,100 max) |
Power Challenge (45) | Defeat Joker | Gold - Ultimate Sujimunch (50), Silver - Extreme Sujimunch (25), Bronze - Extreme Sujimunch (50) | Gold - Ultimate Sujimunch (20), Silver - Extreme Sujimunch (10), Bronze - Extreme Sujimunch (25) | Defeated enemies x 220 (6,600 max) |
As you can see from the rewards above, these matches are useful for stocking up on Sujimunch of all varieties, as you’ll acquire large quantities for victory. The battles themselves are simple for the most part but do note that you must get the Gold rank (30 enemies defeated) for it to be considered cleared (and one of the requirements for the Divine League). Once you are max level and can easily deal with the enemies, the final match can be useful for grinding Points as you’ll get 6,600 for each victory.
(1 of 2) The final Challenge League battle offers probably the best way to grind points in the Stadium.
The final Challenge League battle offers probably the best way to grind points in the Stadium. (left), You’ll need to defeat 30 enemies consecutively to win these battles. (right)
Survival League Tips and Rewards¶
The second league available in the Sujimon Stadium is the Survival League, this pits you against three Trainer matches, all without any healing between bouts. You’ll need strong Sujimon here to be victorious and as above, it can be useful to have a Sujimon in reserve that can heal the party, should your strongest enemies get low on health.
The table below will detail what matches are available, how you unlock them, and what rewards you can expect from them:
Match (Lv) | Unlocks | First Reward | Base Reward | Points |
Vs. City’s Best (25) | Defeat Jack | Sujimon Gacha Ticket (20), Warrior’s Musk (5) | Sujimon Gacha Ticket (10) | 1,200 |
Vs. Committee Agents (30) | Defeat Queen | Sujimon Gacha Ticket (20), Japanese Master Ticket (5), Warrior’s Musk (5) | Sujimon Gacha Ticket (20) | 2,000 |
Vs. Stadium’s Finest (40) | Defeat Joker | Sujimon Gacha Ticket (30), Japanese Master Ticket (10), Warrior’s Musk (5) | Sujimon Gacha Ticket (30) | 2,500 |
Looking at the rewards here, you’ll want to complete these battles to fill out your Sujimon Dossier, as you will get plenty of Gacha tickets for your trouble, including some Japanese Master Tickets for the First Time Reward against the final two matches. The battles themselves shouldn’t pose too much of a threat so long as you have a method of healing. If you’re here for Stadium Points, however, then you should look elsewhere as you’ll only get 2,500 for completing the final match and it’s not exactly quick to complete it.
(1 of 2) The Survival League will offer Japanese Master Tickets as a reward
The Survival League will offer Japanese Master Tickets as a reward (left), Despite there being no healing between bouts, this is probably the easiest final match out of all three Leagues. (right)
Grand League Tips and Rewards¶
The final league available at the Sujimon Stadium is the Grand League, this pits you against tougher Trainers in succession, however, you will be healed between bouts unlike the Survival League. As you may expect from the name, you’ll want to make sure you’re at the cap of the current rank and you have strong Sujimon. The final match here is the toughest in the Sujimon Stadium and requires you to complete all other matches in the other leagues (this means hitting Gold rank for the Challenge League).
The table below will detail what matches are available, how you unlock them, and what rewards you can expect from them:
Match (Lv) | Unlocks | First Reward | Base Reward | Points |
Great League (35) | Defeat Ace | Japanese Master Ticket (10) | Sujimon Gacha Ticket (10) | 4,000 |
Elite League (45) | Defeat King | Japanese Master Ticket (10), Legendary Warrior’s Musk (1) | Sujimon Gacha Ticket (20) | 6,000 |
Divine League (50) | Win all other matches in all Leagues | Master Suji Gift (10), Japanese Master Ticket (10), Legendary Warrior’s Musk | Sujimon Gacha Ticket (25) | 10,000 |
The first match that unlocks here may give you the wrong impression of what to expect as it feels like an easier version of the Survival League due to you healing between each bout. The Elite League changes that misconception, however, as you’ll be up against “True” versions of the first four Gym leaders (Jack, Queen, Ace, and Joker). If you were able to beat King, expect around the same level of difficulty for the True versions of the older leaders, especially as you should be Level 50 at this point.
(1 of 2) You will need to win all other matches in the Stadium to unlock the Divine League.
You will need to win all other matches in the Stadium to unlock the Divine League. (left), Sujimon Sensei’s Sodachi can deal heavy damage with his Special Attack, beware! (right)
To unlock the final match in the Sujimon Stadium, the Divine League, you’ll need to complete every other match, which, if you’ve been keeping up with the Stadium, should be already cleared. The Divine League will pit you against Trainers that have the very best Sujimon of each Type, so it can help to have similar type Sujimons yourself (one of every Type) for the battle. The final bout here is against the Sujimon Sensei himself, and he’ll come with a team that includes the powered up Sodachi from the story. This is the toughest Sujimon battle in the game, and you’ll almost certainly want to save your MP for your healer (Munanugget Messiah fills this role nicely).
The first-time rewards are incredibly useful here, more Japanese Master Tickets for attempts at the rarest Sujimon, and you’ll also end up with two Legendary Warrior’s Musks, these can be used to force encounters against the Kiwami Sujimon at their respective Type raids in Hawaii, just beware that these fearsome foes are Level 60!
Best Stadium Points Farm¶
The Sujimon Stadium has a wealth of useful items on offer, not least the strong weapons for the Kunoichi and Action Star Jobs, Kunoichi’s Sword and Dynamite Nunchaku. The sword especially costs a whopping 70,000 points which will take some time to earn. On top of this, you can also purchase level increasing drinks that cost 15,000 points per one, expensive, but a way to increase your main party’s level once you’re in the later stages of the game.
With this in mind, you may be wondering what’s the best way to farm these points once you have all available matches open to you. It may be easy to look at the payout of 10,000 points of the Divine League match, and if you’re here for the Level Boosters, three victories will score you two Boosters. The problem here is that the Divine League is not a quick match, and the final battle against the Sujimon Sensei can still catch you out, even with the strongest Sujimon in your team.
Thus, we took a look at matches that give a large payout but are both much easier and quicker to win. This leaves us with two contenders; the Elite League’s payout of 6,000 points is still fairly high, and the battles are a lot easier with a strong Sujimon team. Still, the easiest of the bunch, and arguably the quickest, is the final match in the Challenge League, Power Challenge. With a strong Sujimon team, you’ll be in no danger of losing and the 30 enemies will go down a lot quicker than a multi-bout match. You’ll end up with 6,600 points with every victory and you’ll also score plenty of Sujimunch so that you can easily train up any Sujimon you like.
You’ll need to farm the Sujimon Stadium if you want to acquire the best items on offer.
More Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Guides¶
There’s a lot to see and do with the Sujimon League, be it taking on all of the Trainers in the city or hunting for the Legendary Raids. If you’re looking for more information on any of these subjects, check out the pages below:
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