There are 52 Substories in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth and you can see them all via our handy Substory Guide, but five of them are based on your relationship with certain individuals around Hawaii. Experimental Procedures will require you to improve your relationship with Julie by fully investing in Julie Gearworks and gifting her three items.
Ichiban is in for a treat.
How To Raise Your Investment With Julie’s Gearworks¶
You won’t be able to trigger the Experimental Procedures until you’ve gained access to Julie’s Gearworks which requires you to complete the substory A Batter Bat in Chapter 4. You’ll now need to invest in Julie’s business until you reach Facility Rank 4 and this will cost you over $200,000 and you won’t be able to easily acquire this kind of money until you’re a lot further into the game. The best way to make money is via farming the
Hawaiian Haunt’s Third Sector (or above) and unfortunately, you won’t be able to do this until you’re around level 40+, which you won’t reach until Chapter 10 onwards. Alternatively, you check out our How to Make Money Fast guide for some money farm tips before you unlock the optional dungeons.
Where to Find the Gifts for Julie?¶
Once you’ve reached Facility Rank 4 with Julie’s Gearworks you’ll want to speak with Julie and give her a Hibiscus Bouquet, Plumeria Bouquet and some Hawaiian Cosmetics in order to trigger the substory A Batter Bat which only consists of a cutscene and then you’ll be able to invite her to your Dondoko Island as a Guest.
Hibiscus Bouquet and Plumeria Bouquet Gift Location¶
The first two gifts you’ll need to track down for Julie are a Hibiscus Bouquet and a Plumeria Bouqet which can be found at Melia’s Leis and Flowers Store which is located to the left of the Lantern St. Entrance taxi spot. These will cost you $120.00 in total.
(1 of 2) Head to the Melia’s Leis and Flowers Store
Head to the Melia’s Leis and Flowers Store (left), and purchase the Hibiscus and Plumeria Bouquets (right)
Hawaiian Cosmetics Gift Location¶
The third and final gift that Julie would like is some Hawaiian Cosmetics that can be found in the Seaworthy Treasure store which is located to the southeast of the W Waikiki St. taxi spot, and it’ll only cost you around $48.00.
(1 of 2) Head to the Seaworthy Treasure Store
Head to the Seaworthy Treasure Store (left), and pickup some Hawaiian Cosmetics (right)
More Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Guides¶
There are lots of other substories to enjoy in Infinite Wealth, so be sure to check our guides for the trickier ones below:
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