This is the first of three Desmond missions that has us visiting different places around the world to find power sources to help activate the ruins at our base of operations.
As mentioned above, this short interlude has Desmond as the character of choice for players. There is not a whole lot to this level, it is fairly linear level and all you really need to do is use the various objects to free run through or climb up various sections of the skyscraper.
When you duck under the door to exit outside, climb the crane to the right. At the top, use the hanging girders to go around the corner (what the hell are they doing out at night? I’m sure there’s a safety issue there!) and use the wiring to climb up to the next level. Turn right, duck under the blockage here and work your way up the various boxes and girders until you reach the top of the building.
Climb the crane on the top of the building. When you reach the top, there will be a short scene. Jump off the crane, hit the button prompt when it appears on the screen and pilot the parachute down to the helipad below. Watch the scene to end the road trip!
When you return back to the underground cave, you will be given the option to insert the power source now, or to return to the animus. Let’s do the power source later (if you want to do it now, check out the walkthrough for the level Present - The End and see power source 1). Enter the animus when you are ready to continue Connor’s story.
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