Item Checklist |
2200 Gald |
The floodmeadow is a large area that connects Nia Khera to Xian Du, though it will not become available until after Chapter 8. For now let’s head through and get the treasure.
Start by heading east in the South Region, toward the river, and grab the 2200 Gald from the northeast corner and then zone north.
Although there is a zoneline to the north, a large cliff blocks the way forcing you to go east. Head around the water and get the Headdress from the chest on the other side and then climb up the cliff. Hug the north wall as you make your way to the next area and crawl through the hole to find Prickly Pete , getting the Prickly Pete’s Collar for the job request.
Grab the Headdress and then climb up and enter a hole to find Prickly Pete and his collar.
The Northeast Region connects to the Southeast Region in two places, but before you check the path that leads back you’ll want to grab the treasure here and in the zone above.
Start by hugging the west wall to find a hole, just west of the boulder, that leads to Mysterious Liquid x2 and then stay on the lower level and head northwest to find another hole past four trees with 4600 Gald inside. There isn’t much else in this area, so continue north.
In the North Region you want to hug the south wall to the east of the entrance to find a hole with 5300 Gald inside and then head for to the northwest, where the boat to Xian Du lies. While the boat may be sitting there now you can’t actually head to Xian Du, but you can grab the chest with a Half Guard inside it before heading back to Nia Khera.
Get the 5300 Gald and the Half Guard in the North Region before leaving.
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