Teleport to Nia Khera Spiritway and head into Nia Khera. An unexpected visitor will appear with your old friend Ivar and demand the waymarker.
The choice you make determines which boss will follow.
Boss: Julius (2)
Weakness: Wind
This fight is similar to that on the Stribog Line, but with Alvin as a link you can break through Julius’ guard easily. Use Azure Blade to begin a weakness-inducing combo and then Over Limit and create a massive combo to take him out quickly. If you don’t have the Over Limit ready, make sure to avoid Moonlight Assault due to the confusion it creates on your members.
Use wind attacks on Julius and watch out for his attacks that can cause Confusion.
Boss: Rideaux
Weakness: Light, Darkness
With a weakness to both Light and Dark, either of the dual blades are appropriate weapons for this fight or use any light/dark arte.
Rideaux’s attacks affect a large range and can cause Bleeding, which will eat away at you health similar to Burn from Muzet. You’ll want to back away when he takes a stance to do most of his attacks to avoid the effects, but since his attacks can reach you even at gunfire range there is no reason to play passively. If you do choose to take a close range strategy make sure to watch out for Spartan Relay and Dark Punishment, both of which damage the area around him. When his HP is at half he’ll start to use Dancing Bayonet, but become aggressive and you can cancel it easily.
Rideaux’s attacks have wide range, such as Hellstorm and Dancing Bayonet.
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