Item Checklist |
400 Gald |
Depending on the quests you accepted you’ll need to either farm the harvest points or kill enemies, or both. I suggest you return to Duval at some point, possibly after checking out the entire first area, to turn in some or your jobs and pick up new ones.
Start by hugging the northern wall as you scout the area and about halfway through the area you should find a hole with 400 Gald inside. After clearing out all the random loot, head to the western area.
Grab the 400 Gald inside the hole before heading to the western area to find a Round Straw Hat.
This larger area leads to Trigleph, but you don’t need to head there just yet. Start by hugging the eastern wall for loot and when you reach the center of the northern wall you should find a hole that leads to a Round Straw Hat .
If you try to enter Trigleph you’ll notice that the guards block your path, so return back the way you came along the west wall and you should find a hole on the southern section that leads to a Weird Fragment .
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