Item Checklist |
3000 Gald |
You’ll wake up at Milla’s place, but with no one around and the hut locked you might as well head for Nia Khera Spiritway.
Hug the north wall as you head east until you get the chest with 3000 Gald and then head to the southwest corner and climb the ledge to reach the Hard Scale x2 .
As you reach the zone line to the Northeast Region you’ll encounter a scripted fight in which an familiar face will save your ass due to an inability to transform.
As you head through the Nia Khera Spiritway you’ll run into a familiar face, but don’t forget to pick up the remaining treasure before leaving.
In the Northeast Region follow the west wall south to get Silver Ore x2 and then head straight east to find a Mysterious Liquid . There isn’t anything else here, so head on through the north exit to Nia Khera.
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