Once again you find yourself in a strange place and when you walk north you’ll encounter a familiar friend, only he isn’t the kind old man that you may remember from the first game.
Boss: Rowen (?)
Weakness: Wind
Rowen is fast and he attacks primarily with spirit artes, leaving him vulnerable when he casts. Make sure to use the sledgehammer and create combos with Power Swing and Jude to do some devastating damage. The battle isn’t too difficult for the most part, but when he reaches low HP he will sometimes enter Over Limit and let off some very powerful artes, so finish him fast.
Defeat the strange version of Rowen by exploiting his wind weakness for a combo chain.
When you return to your world the men will still be on the aggressive side, but this time you’ll be saved by a very handsome man you may remember from the first game, as well as the real Rowen.
Say hello to “Erston” and then agree to allow the real Rowne to join the group.
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