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Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness

Rescue Mission

Jarrod Garripoli
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When you’re ready to continue with the story and are in the middle section of the Trei’kuran Dunes, start moving toward the southwestern section of the map. There will be a chest on the side path as soon as you enter the southwestern portion, which is on a small cliff ( Physical Stimulant ). Continue south and to the southeast corner of this area to find another chest ( Therapeutic Tincture x2 ). As you head west, towards the objective star, you will come across a “road” that leads north. Follow it to find the Cathedral of Oblivion port (if it’s there), as well as the locked chest ( CQC Program Epsilon ).

Before going to the red star, it’s that time again. You will want to equip Anne with as much defensive equipment and Roles as you can (Assassin also helps), as well as outfitting Miki in full healing Roles. Since there is only one real set of healing Roles, which should be on Miki, you can just leave Fiore’s alone and hope for the best; if she has any Roles that make her go crazy, offensively, then change them out to make sure that she can also heal in a pinch. When you feel you are ready, cross the bridge and Anne will notice some energy readings. Open the chest directly ahead of you to find an EM Bomb L, then go to the southern side of this small area to bump into a cloaked entrance like with the other facility earlier.

Yep, it’s time to protect Anne again! Unlike the previous instance where you needed to protect Anne, this one is timed and will end automatically once Anne has hacked the cloaking device for the entrance. As soon as the Kronos’ goons teleport in, switch to Miki and move her away from Anne and the action. You will have your typical fodder, like the Rangers, Soldiers and Riflemen, but there is one particular enemy that is very dangerous that appears not long into the fight. It is called Phantom Dragoon and it’s a big robot, with immunity to stagger from skills, so just keep pummeling them as they show up to quickly destroy them. The battle will just abruptly end once Anne is finished hacking, with your party immediately heading inside of the facility.

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness - Protecting Anne (Second Time) - Fragile Handle With Care

You will come upon a second time where you need to protect Anne when you're looking for some building in the Trei'kuran Dunes. This will pop up outside of the facility when you are waiting for Anne to uncloak the entrance and it can be one of the more difficult ones in the game, as the area is wide open and one particular enemy spells trouble later on. Luckily for you, the thing is timed and doesn't last too long, with the protection mission abruptly ending once Anne has done her thing. As before, you want to equip defensive Roles and equipment on Anne, as well as Assassin. If you want to use Warrior/Machine Slayer on her for the extra defense, go ahead and do that, as the enemies will consist mainly of Kronos' soldiers and some big robots later on. Miki should be your designated healer and have all of her offensive spells shut off (Set Battle Skills, then Square to access that), with all other characters simply set to attack. Mentioned before, the battle will begin with only Kronos enemies showing up, some of which are ranged ones. After a period of time has elasped, a big machine called a Phantom Dragoon with appear and you will want to take this out as quickly as possible, as it is the biggest troublemaker. Not only is it immune to knockback, but it has a nasty flamethrower attack once it moves in close enough. If you feel you are having trouble, take control of Miki and spam heals, and don't forget you have access to your Reserve Rush skills. Check out the full guide: http://www.gamerguides.com/star-ocean-integrity-and-faithlessness/information =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Official Site: https://www.gamerguides.com/ iTunes App: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gamer-guides/id599410871 Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/gamerguides Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gamerguides =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Symbological Facility Prime

Enemy Species Items
Kronos Ranger Humanoid Smoke Bomb
Kronos Rifleman Humanoid Poison Bomb
Kronos Soldier Humanoid Damascus Steel
Phantom Dragoon Machine Rivets, Micro Circuit
Seventh Core Corrupt Wire, Gunpowder, Reinforced Gunpowder

Whoa, that was quite intense, but you’re safe for now. Once you regain control, head into the room straight ahead and use the heal orb, as well as the save point. Head north and into the western room to find a chest on the north end ( Smoke Bomb x3 ). There is something interesting on the eastern side, but it can’t be activated right now, so go to the second floor to continue. On the second floor, follow the path to a small room with another chest ( Purification Signets, Vol 2 ), then return and go south to the next room.

Before going down the ramp, open the treasure chest on the west side of the room ( Mental Stimulant ). On the south end of the next room will be yet another chest ( HP Absorber x2 ). You have three paths ahead of you here, one going east that goes to the next floor, one going west that meets up with the path going south. So, go west for now and follow the path to a dead end, where you’ll find a chest ( CQC Program Epsilon ).

There isn’t anything else on this floor, so take the hallway leading to the third floor. Continue straight and into the small room at the split to find a treasure chest ( Intelligence Seeds ), then take the hallway going south. When you enter the big room at the end, it looks like you have found Relia, but it’s not her. Open the chest next to the tank ( Miraculous Device ), then head into the room with the save point to find another chest ( Cerulean Orb Signets, Vol 2 ). Set Anne’s Roles to the defensive ones again, save your game and then get ready to protect her again.

You might find this protection mission a bit easier than the other ones, as Anne is in a separate room and the enemies will have to funnel in through the doorway to get to her. That means you are able to control the battle much more efficiently than the previous ones. However, there will be a lot of enemies you’ll have to fight to the end, so be prepared for a long battle. The first wave will include some Kronos soldiers, then that will be followed by some Seventh Cores, more Kronos fodders and some more Cores for the final wave. Keep yourself at the doorway, in case any enemies get past and into the room with Anne.

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness - Protecting Anne (Third Time) - This One is Easy!

From the previous protection mission with Anne, you will enter the Symbological Facility Prime and be faced with another mission where you need to protect Anne. This one is definitely a lot easier than the previous two, as Anne is inside of a room and the enemies will have to funnel in through the doorway to get to her. While it's inevitable that enemies will get inside, Anne being in a separate room makes it easier to manage. As before, you will want to put defensive equipment and Roles on Anne, with the addition of Assassin so enemies will try to target her less. To be on the safe side, have Miki only have her healing spells on and try to keep her in the same room as Anne, should an emergency rise. The rest of the party will be attacking the four waves of enemies that will appear. The first wave will consist of some Kronos enemies, some of which are spellcasters, so they should probably be taken out first. After that will be the second wave, consisting of the Seventh Core enemies you've been seeing around the facility. The third and fourth waves are simply repeats of the first two, with the protection mission ending once you've defeated all of the enemies. Check out the full guide: http://www.gamerguides.com/star-ocean-integrity-and-faithlessness/information =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Official Site: https://www.gamerguides.com/ iTunes App: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gamer-guides/id599410871 Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/gamerguides Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gamerguides =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Thankfully, Anne seems to have found Relia, who is on the fourth floor, but be sure to grab the chest ( EM Bomb L x2 ) in one of the side rooms before following her. soon as you enter the fourth floor, check the first side room to find a chest ( MP Absorber x2 ). You can’t access anything else on the floor, so the only place left is the big room to the south, where you’ll find a welcoming party waiting for you. Before stepping into the room, make sure you have both the Machine and Warrior Slayer roles equipped on your attackers (if you have them, which you should by now).

BOSS - Destroyer

This big spider-looking tank machine can be quite the challenge, as it outputs a lot of damage in a short time. Before you go tackling it, though, quickly take out the four Kronos goons accompanying it to lessen your load. Not only can this behemoth jump into the air and hit all party members surrounding it, but its one skill is also able to temporarily stun your characters. That can prove quite dangerous, as it leaves anyone stunned open to follow-up attacks.

The first thing you will want to do is move Miki away from danger and make sure she has the Assassin Role on her, so it’s less likely she will be targeted. If you have the Instigator Role, then pair it up with the Machine Slayer one to make sure that character can take some hits (preferably Fidel or Victor, since they probably have the highest HP count). From there, it’s all about keeping your characters healthy, so if you want, take control of Miki and just spam healing spells.

The Destroyer can hit all characters around it with its ground pound (left). Flight of the Bomblebee are homing shots that can deal some nice damage (right).

Eventually, the monstrosity will go down and you can enter the room to the south, where you’ll find Relia. Before you leave, open the chest in the same room to find a Moonlight Signets, Vol 2 . As you’re leaving, you find out that those mysterious rooms you likely found are transport devices, or elevators. So, find the one on this floor and use it to get to the first floor. Heal and save at the entrance, then exit the facility to have some Kronos enemies ambush you. Defeat them and then start heading back to Eastern Trei’kur, noticing that all of the enemies in the desert are Kronos henchmen and Seventh Cores. When you get back to Trei’kur, watch the short scene between Victor and your father, then go to the inn and get some rest.

Surprise Attack on Treikur

You should now be in control of just Fidel, who is having trouble sleeping. Exit the inn and head to the red star on your map to find your father. After some heart to heart, Daril says to go back to get Victor, as something doesn’t seem right. Return to the inn to get everyone together, as it seems the encampment is under attack. Feel free to attack any enemies in the vicinity, but the goal is the central area where you were just talking with your father. When you get there, you see Der Suul in the mix, but all of your attacks don’t really hurt him. Thus, this is just a battle of surviving, but you are more than happy to smack Der Suul around to try and get some of the combo Battle Trophies. Once it’s finally over, some bad things happen and your next goal is to head to the Trei’kur Slaughtery in the northwest corner of the Trei’kuran Dunes.

Despite the demand from Der Suul to get out of Eastern Trei’kur before sunrise, there is no actual time limit, so you are free to take your time. There are some new quests at the bulletin board in town, so pick them up and set sail for the Slaughtery (pick up the one with enemies in the Slaughtery). If you have the Sandra subjugation quest, you will find her on the way there. As soon as you step into the place, return to Trei’kur and upgrade your equipment, then feel free to trigger any Private Actions you want (there’s not many). When you’re finally ready to go, head inside and heal/save at the entrance.

Treikur Slaughtery

Enemy Species Items
Cabrakan* Corrupt Ghost’s Soul, Platinum
Cursed Horror Corrupt Bloodstained Cloth
Grendelian Knight-Errant* Corrupt Ghost’s Soul, Mythril
Trei’kuran Knight Humanoid Blueberry Potion
Trei’kuran Signeture Humanoid Blackberry Potion, Signet Card: Earth Glaive+
Trei’kuran Sharpshooter Humanoid Gravity Bomb

*These two enemies do not respawn whenever they are killed.

As soon as you enter, you’re faced with a path to the left and one to the right. Unfortunately, the one to the left has a locked door you can’t enter, so you’re going to have to head to the right. At the next split, go south and follow this path all the way to the end to find a chest ( Solar Signets, Vol 3 ). This will teach Miki Sunflare and Fiore Tornado; considering Miki should be healing mostly, it’s better suited for Fiore.

Return to the split and head north this time, where you’ll run into the Cunning Zurtails if you have the quest in your log. There will be a chest off to your left once the area opens up (right by the Zurtails), which contains Darkness Charm x2 . You’re faced with another split here, so follow the short trail west to a cell, with another chest inside it ( Mirage Robe ). Continue east at the split and you’ll come to another cell, with a chest sitting right outside of it ( Spark Cider x2 ).

If you head inside of the cell, you will find a gap in the wall that will allow you to move on to the next area. As you decide on whether to go north or south, head south first to find another chest ( Blueberry Potion x3 ), then follow the path to the north until you run into two suits of armor named Cabrakan and Grendelian Knight-Errant. These are nothing more than the same exact enemies as Niflhel and Niflheim, but slightly stronger. When you come outside, you’ll find yourself on a wall, with some small rooms to the north and south.

The two armors you find inside the Slaughtery are the same as the ones earlier in the story, except they’re just stronger.

The first room to the south has a locked chest ( Alastor ; new weapon for Victor), with the one to the north containing two normal chests ( Signet Card: Explosion and Cerulean Orb Signets, Vol 3 ). The second room on the southern side will house a save point, so make sure you use it before marching to the north. Before you head into the northwestern tower, head into the small room opposite to the entrance and grab the chest inside ( Anti-curse Amulet ).

Go down the stairs to the east and into the cell to find both a normal chest ( Wondrous Tincture ) and a locked one ( Heroism Potion ). The latter item can be used in battle to grant a character ten seconds of invincibility. Return to the split and continue north, heading through the cells and picking up the next treasure you see ( Fae Signets, Vol 2 ). This skill book will teach Miki an upgraded version of Faerie Healing, called Faerie Light.

There’s nothing in the cell to the south of you, so ignore it and continue in the other direction until you come to a long path heading south. You’ll find those two armors again here, so take them out and continue south to come to another save point. Before you head through the door to the south, follow the other path to the end to find another chest ( Defense Seeds ). Save your game, go through the door and use the healing spot, then head through the next door to meet up with a certain bad guy.

Der Suul doesn’t fight you, but instead sends a bunch of his men at you. There will be a lot of them, but they aren’t any different than the ones you’ve been fighting throughout the dungeon, so you shouldn’t have any trouble. Once you defeat them all, watch the ensuing cutscene, then you’ll be returned to Eastern Trei’kur. While Fidel is lamenting over recent events, Miki is trying to cheer him up and asks if he’s going to fight in the ongoing war. Eventually, you will be able to move Fidel, so do that and head outside to meet up with everyone. It’s best to ignore any normal enemies and head straight to the center of the map, where you’ll meet up with Der Suul once again…

BOSS - Der Suul

Boy oh boy, is this guy a tough cookie! This is quite the annoying battle, as your last save is at the Trei’kur Slaughtery, so you’ll have to do that final fight there and watch the cutscenes again if you happen to lose to Der Suul. That means you’ll want to finish this fight without losing even once, which can be a little hard to do. When you begin the battle, the first thing you’ll want to do is take out all of the Trei’kuran soldiers, as they are nothing but minor distractions, but note that more will eventually show up throughout the fight.

At first, it seems like Der Suul is pretty easy, as he tends to stick to his normal attacks. While they can hurt, they should be nothing that Miki can’t outheal, especially with Faerie Healing and Light. However, things take a turn for the worse once Der Suul’s health is under 50%, as he’ll add in a few new attacks into the mix. Oculus Flare is nothing but a big fireball that Der Suul will fire at one character, dealing moderate damage. The other skill that this butthead does is called Spicule and damn, does it ever hurt.

Spicule is an area of effect spell that hits a very big area and does a ton of damage. It’s even possible that if Fiore or Miki get caught in the skill, that they might possibly be KO’ed with just one casting. That means once it’s down to your party and Der Suul, you want to move Miki, Fiore and even Emmerson as far away as possible to avoid being hit by Spicule. If you’re controlling someone other than Miki, shut off all spells except for Faerie Light/Healing and Raise Dead, as those are the only two she will need throughout the battle.

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness - Der Suul Boss Fight - Death Spam, The Boss

The boss fight with Der Suul will happen right after the events in the Trei'kur Slaughtery. The biggest annoyance with this boss battle is that you can't save directly before it, which means you'll have to do all of the stuff at the end of the Slaughtery over again if you happen to die against Der Suul, which is definitely possible, as he is a challenging boss. Before you go to fight him, you can do a few things to prepare yourself for the battle. If you have the Synthesis specialty skill maxed out, you will be able to use six items when trying to create a new one. Should you happen to have six Wires on hand (you can buy some in Central Resulia), use those to try and get a very nice piece of armor called Elemental Leather (SAVE BEFORE ATTEMPTING AND AFTER A SUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT). This armor should have a good 100 or so more defense over the best store-bought armor, as well as +40 to four resistances. In addition to the above, if you happen to have a lot of Silver and Fire Gems in your inventory, you can use those to create Fire Armlets with the Smithery skill (level 2; four Silver and one Fire Gem). You only want to try to create some for your melee characters, as Fiore, Miki and Emmerson should be kept out of the way. Depending on how many you make, you can use Augmentation to stack the 5% chance to null fire damage onto a single Fire Armlet. With all of that out of the way, it's time to face Der Suul. When the battle begins, take out his cronies, knowing that more will periodically show up as the fight drags on. Unless they're annoying you, it's best to ignore them and concentrate solely on Der Suul. Speaking of him, Der Suul starts out rather simple and will switch his skills up at 50% health. - Normal attacks (can hit multiple characters) - Stomp - Melee attack that hits one character - Oculus Flare (50% and below) - Shoots a large fireball at a single character - Spicule (50% and below) - Jumps into the air and crashes into the ground, creating a large explosion that hits multiple times for heavy damage The one move you want to keep an eye out for is called Spicule, which is very dangerous and could possibly one-shot some of your weaker characters. It is imperative that you manually control Miki, Fiore and Emmerson to keep them away from the action, if you are able to, since the blast radius can be quite big. The worst thing about this is that Der Suul has the potential to spam this move over and over, so it's random on whether or not he wants to destroy your party. If you have Faerie Light for Miki, that should be the only healing spell she needs (otherwise use Faerie Healing), in addition to Raise Dead. One of the simpler ways to do this battle is to keep control of Miki and just spam your group heal whenever anyone has lost some health, as the AI has the tendency to not cast it right away. This should hopefully keep everyone's health topped off, although it's still possible for a character or two to die from Spicule. Check out the full guide: http://www.gamerguides.com/star-ocean-integrity-and-faithlessness/information =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Official Site: https://www.gamerguides.com/ iTunes App: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gamer-guides/id599410871 Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/gamerguides Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gamerguides =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Should Miki go down, then you will want to quickly revive her with either a Resurrection Elixir (if you have any) or a Fresh Sage (if you don’t want to use the former). Equipping Miki with the Assassin Role should help with enemies not targeting her, letting her do her thing. If you feel like Fiore will help out with healing, then feel free to leave her spells on, but you’ll want to be careful with the Roles you equip to her. Everyone else should just be equipped to solely attack, with an emphasis on increasing their health if possible.

After you finally finish off Der Suul, you will receive your father’s sword, Insignivon. Once you finally regain control of the party, it’s time to head to Santeroule to try and help out Relia. Before you do that, though, there is one thing you want to do in Eastern Trei’kur, which is go through the new PAs that have unlocked in the town. The one you want to see is called “Happy Together,” a PA that will unlock the Equal Opportunist Role for your characters . If you don’t do this before the next event, you will not be able to get it. There are also other missable PAs in the other towns, but they don’t unlock anything, so view them at your own leisure.

When you’re ready, your next destination is Santeroule. Upon arriving, head to the Royal Institute to find out that the expunction device is broken there. However, Ceisus suggests going to the Ancient Institute to use the one there, so head for the North of the Eastern Eihieds area. You will notice that there aren’t any enemies here, with the reason why revealed to you shortly. Some interesting developments go on, so watch the ensuing cutscenes and after all is said and done, it will be just Fidel and Miki.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
    PS3, PS4
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    27 July 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Jarrod Garripoli

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Six thousand light years from Earth, a new story begins in the cosmic sea. The Pangalactic Federation is nearing the fulfilment of its mission to bring peace and prosperity to the galaxy. However, the embers of war stir anew on the planet Faykreed. Fidel, the son of the country’s military advisor, and a proficient swordsman, sets out on a journey to protect his home and restore the once vibrant kingdom of Resulia. Spurred on by a sense of honor and duty instilled in him by his father, Fidel must fight against constant threats and savage beasts which beset his beloved home.

Our comprehensive guide includes the following:

  • Complete walkthrough of the main story.
  • All side quests and missions covered in full.
  • Gameplay and battle strategies explained in detail
  • Full trophy roadmap and guide to get that elusive platinum trophy and much more to come!

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