Periodically, you will encounter a situation where something appears in the bottom right of your screen and a character (or characters) will talk to either Fidel or each other. These are Private Actions (PAs for short) and are similar to Skits in the Tales RPG franchise by Bandai Namco. While there are quite a number of Private Actions that don’t do much, they do help develop the characters much more and some even unlock Roles that you can use. In addition to this, there is a hidden Affection rating between the characters and Fidel that will affect the ending. Some PAs even offer you choices to pick to respond to a character’s question, although there are only a small number of these amongst the 398 total PAs in the game.
Whistle icons show that there are some PAs available in towns (left). The speech bubble designates who the PA involves (right).
There are two different kinds of Private Actions in the games, those that trigger automatically while you’re exploring and those that must be triggered manually. The former is pretty easy to understand, as they will just show up at certain points of particular maps, but the latter needs a bit of an explanation. You will sometimes see a circle on the ground in towns (and only in towns), with a whistle icon. Walking into this whistle icon will make your party disperse, where you can talk to those with a speech bubble icon to trigger a Private Action.
When you’re viewing these special PAs, you will see “crystals” next to the PA icon in the bottom right. This indicates how many PAs you have available at the time, so if there’s more than one, you will need to keep looking around for your other party members (can also look at you map). After you’re done, walk back into the whistle icon to gather your characters once again. A nice little trick that you can use to check for more PAs is to enter and exit a building, particularly an inn, since the whistle icons are usually close to those.
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