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Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness

Trophy Guide (1)

Jarrod Garripoli
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Warden of the Stars

This is the Platinum Trophy for this game and requires you to get every other trophy in order to get it. While it isn’t as long and arduous of a task as Star Ocean 4, it can still be a challenging platinum, due to some of the more annoying trophies. You will be required to get all of the character endings, fill up the compendium for items and enemies, finish every single Quest in the game, defeat both superbosses a total of three times, play through the game at least three times, and more.

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Warden of the Stars

Obtain all trophies.

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Trophy Description
The Hero Sthal Needs Eradicate Eitalon.
Pavine Pummeler Defeat Pavine in the Eihied Mountains.
Der-Suul Desposer Defeat Der-Suul in the Slaughtery.
Thoras Thrasher Defeat Thoras in the parallel dimension.
Alma Annihilator Defeat General Alma in the throne room.

Archnemesis of the Heavens

Gabriel Celeste is one of the major bosses in the postgame dungeon, Maze of Tribulations, and can be found at the end of the second main area, Indra’s Return. His first iteration is level 120 and he is definitely one of the tougher encounters in the game, but he has a second and third iteration that will appear as you clear the Maze the first two times. You only need to defeat the first iteration to get this trophy, but will need to defeat the other two to get bestiary trophies. You will find strategies for this boss in the Indra’s Abyss section of the guide.

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Archnemesis of the Heavens

Defeat Gabriel Celeste.

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Slayer of Divine Beings

Ethereal Queen is the ultimate postgame boss and can be found in the Terpsichorean Genesis area (the final main area) of the Maze of Tribulations, the postgame optional dungeon. As with Gabriel Celeste, EQ has three different iterations, with the second and third ones showing up whenever you clear the Maze the first two times. You only need to defeat the first iteration to get this trophy, but you will need to defeat all three in order to get the bestiary trophies. You will find strategies for this boss in the Terpsichorean Denouement section of the guide.

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Slayer of Divine Beings

Defeat Ethereal Queen.

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Character Endings

During the game, there is a hidden counter that determines a character’s affection towards Fidel, which can be increased in one of two ways. The first is via Private Actions, with some boost happening from the choices you have to make during some of them. Note that if you view all of the PAs in the game, you will likely get Miki’s ending. Also, Relia’s ending is separate from all of the others, so you do not need to worry about hers interfering. If characters are tied for affection, the game will always go in the following order for endings: Miki, Fiore, Anne, Victor and Emmerson.

The other way to manipulate affection is via two items, Emotional Destabilizer and Love Potion No. 256. Both items can be crafted via Item Creation and the set recipes, but the latter might require some annoying-to-get items. It is much easier to make Love Potions using Synthesis (you also get Lezard Flasks from the combo, too) by using the following items: Velvet Ribbon, Alchemist’s Water, Ruby, Blue Rose, and two Diffusion Devices. If you did all of the quests involving Ruddle, you can buy all of those items from him, except for the Diffusion Devices, which can be bought from the Charles D. Goale.

What you need to do is get to the very last save point before the final boss, defeat him and get your first ending. Once you do that, load up your save and start using your potions on characters. Generally, whoever’s ending you got first should get the Emotional Destabilizers, while the next person’s ending should get all of the Love Potions. Note that you can only have 20 of each item in your inventory at one time, but that should be more than enough to get all of the endings.

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Together Forever

View Miki's ending.

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His Will Lives On

View Victor's ending.

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Straightened Priorities

View Fiore's ending.

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Traverse the Stars

View Emmerson's ending.

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All Alone with Anne

View Anne's ending.

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Relia Finds Happiness

View Relia's ending.

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The Legend Begins

After beating the game for the first time, the game will automatically go to the main menu screen after the credits and endings. Just choose to start a new game and once you pick the difficulty, the trophy will pop up on your screen.

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The Legend Begins

Start a second playthrough.

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Call for Backup

During battles, you will see a meter on the right side of the screen, which is called the Reserve Gauge. As you perform attacks, this bar will begin to slowly fill and once you reach a certain threshold, a number will appear in the circle beneath it. This signals that you can use a Reserve Rush, something akin to a super move. In order to perform it, hold the R2 button and then press X.

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Call for Backup

Activate a reserve rush.

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Right Back Atchya

One of the options you have during battles is guarding with the Square button. If you time the guard whenever an enemy uses a weak attack, then the character will counterattack after blocking the blow, dizzying the enemy for a few seconds. All you have to do for this trophy is time the guard so your character counters. If you’re going for all of the Battle Trophies, then you’ll get this automatically, as one of them involves guard countering.

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Right Back Atchya

Make a riposte.

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He Who Runs Away Lives to Fight Another Day

Battles in this game are seamless, meaning that whenever you encounter enemies, you will fight them right then and there with no transition to a separate area. However, the combat area is surrounded by a blue circle that when you approach it, you are given the option to flee from the battle. Flee from a single battle to get this trophy. Note that if the line is red, then you will not be able to escape from that particular battle.

My Reaction When

As you progress through the game, you will come upon a quest in Central Resulia that is called By the Skin of His False Teeth, which requires you to bring back five Wolf Fangs. You can get these to drop from the wolf-like enemies on the Resulian Plains, but you might get a few if you also do the Subjugation Directive: Gargans quest, as those enemies also drop Wolf Fangs. Your reward is a book that unlocks the Emoter Specialty skill. Once you purchase it, hold down R2 and you will see a list of emotes. Use any of these emotes during a “cutscene” or Private Action to get this trophy.

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My Reaction When

Use an emote during a cutscene.

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Supernal Aspirations

Before you can level to 255, you will need to beat the main story and then load up the clear data, as you can only level to 99 before then. Once you do, there is a Specialty Skill called Limit Break that will allow you to level to 255, as well as let you level your skills to 9. The best place to grind for EXP is in the postgame dungeon, in the second section. There are enemies there called Metal Scumbags that give 32,500 EXP as a base, and you can make a weapon called a Scumbag Slayer (can be equipped to anyone) that kills them in one hit. With that and using the Ocarina to instantly respawn enemies, you will hit level 255 in no time.

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Supernal Aspirations

Ascend to level 255.

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Difficulty Trophies

Both Universe and Chaos difficulty are locked on your first playthrough, so you’ll need to beat the game before they become available. There is no New Game+ option in the game, so nothing like character levels or any items carry over, meaning you’ll have to start on these harder difficulties from scratch. Nothing changes either, so it will be the same exact playthrough as before, but with harder enemies. The only differences between difficulties is that enemies will have more HP, MP, ATK and INT values. Also, the trophies do not stack, so if you’re going for the platinum trophy, you will need to do a playthrough on both Universe and Chaos.

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Universally Renowned

Beat the game on Universe difficulty.

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Survivor of Chaos

Beat the game on Chaos difficulty.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
    PS3, PS4
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    27 July 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Jarrod Garripoli

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Six thousand light years from Earth, a new story begins in the cosmic sea. The Pangalactic Federation is nearing the fulfilment of its mission to bring peace and prosperity to the galaxy. However, the embers of war stir anew on the planet Faykreed. Fidel, the son of the country’s military advisor, and a proficient swordsman, sets out on a journey to protect his home and restore the once vibrant kingdom of Resulia. Spurred on by a sense of honor and duty instilled in him by his father, Fidel must fight against constant threats and savage beasts which beset his beloved home.

Our comprehensive guide includes the following:

  • Complete walkthrough of the main story.
  • All side quests and missions covered in full.
  • Gameplay and battle strategies explained in detail
  • Full trophy roadmap and guide to get that elusive platinum trophy and much more to come!

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