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Saint's Row

Be Your Own Boss

Paul McNally
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This mission starts off with you having been sacked from your job in the museum as Head of Security. Felling hard done to as you didn’t really do anything wrong, the mission starts with you lying in bed while you receive a phone call from Kev. At certain points during the call, you will be prompted on-screen to tap a button to get out of bed. After three attempts you will finally rise from bed and now must make your way through the apartment.

(1 of 4) Stage one here is actually getting your boss out of bed in the first place.

How To Complete The Be Your Own Boss Mission In Saints Row

Complete the foillowing steps to complete Be Your Own Boss and begin to build your very own empire.

Objective 1: Mope To The Kitchen

Deep in your failure-driven depression, you must now shuffle your boss to the kitchen as they slowly walk through to the kitchen. Simply follow the mission marker and you will arrive in the kitchen and spot Neenah sitting on the couch, also in a state of depression. You won’t be able to move at more than a slow shuffling pace, so this part will take a few seconds to get to your destination.

Objective 2: Find Food Or Whatever

Having arrived in the kitchen you now need to feed yourself by finding some food to eat. Head over to the refrigerator and interact with it. You will find the entire appliance is empty, apart from one lonely waffle and a bottle of vodka.

Objective 3: Toast Your Lonely Waffle

Make your way over to the toaster at the far end of the kitchen island and interact with the toaster several times to get it to work, before it finally hurls your food across the floor untoasted. At this point, you give up on the idea of eating.

Having given up on food it’s time to watch some Shop TV and wait for a call to tell you your friends are in danger.

Objective 4: Oh, Just Flop On The Couch

Having given up on the food, shuffle over to Neenah on the couch where you will exchange a conversation about how bad life currently is. During this cut-scene, Neenah will receive a call saying that Los Panteros are going to hit a party where Kev and Eli are currently hanging out, and that everybody in there is going to die. This will spring our pair into action and snap them out of their malaise as they must now race to save their friends from Los Panteros.

Objective 5: Get To The Idols Party

Without even having time to put any clothes on you and Neenah must now high-tail it to where the Idols are having their rave. Kev is DJing and Eli has already been shot, so you need to get there fast (although there is no in-game time limit as such). Follow the on-road directions which will take you to the vicinity of the party.

Objective 6: Rescue Kev and Eli

Along the way Neenah will get a call from the Los Panteros gang boss, Sergio, and you will learn that the gang has set up roadblocks you will need to smash through on the bridges providing access to the venue. Drive through them at full pace and shoot any gang members who get in the way. Again, you can always hop out of the car to shoot any that are becoming too annoying to deal with while driving.

Once through the cordon, you need to locate the party. As you did at the Idols camp, you can use the glowing neon strip on the floor to lead you to the action. There will be plenty of Los Panteros that need shooting along the way so stay on your toes.

(1 of 2) Once at the venue you will be confronted by Los Panteros gang members.

Once at the venue you will be confronted by Los Panteros gang members. (left), When you get inside your enemy will change to The Idols. (right)

Objective 7: Defeat The Collective Member

As you finally get to the room where Kev and Eli are holed up one of the Idols’ bosses will appear with some goons and decide he wants you dead as well as Los Panteros. You need to kill him as well as his cronies, but the downside here is that he is by far the toughest boss you will have come against so far.

On all but the most basic of levels you are going to have to run and shoot as standing in the same place, unloading will see you dead very quickly. It makes sense to switch to your machine gun here. Don’t get caught up on the boss too much, you need to kill the henchmen too as they will be causing you damage at the same time. Minimize this by taking them out and then finishing off the boss.

Objective 8: Protect Your Friends

Now it is time to make a break for it and you need to keep the remaining Los Panteros gang members at bay while your friends get the injured Eli to the truck. Using your SMG once more, open fire on the gang as they emerge from the main road around the corners. There is cover if you need it, but as long as you are careful you should be able to make quick work of the job.

Objective 9: Defend The Truck

(1 of 2) Your rocket launcher takes time to reload but is devastating when you are accurate.

Your rocket launcher takes time to reload but is devastating when you are accurate. (left), Enemies will assault you from all sides so make sure none get on your blind side. (right)

Quickly jump into the truck which, as you might expect, is going to come under sustained attack for the next few minutes. Try to damage enemy vehicles by sideswiping them into walls as they pull up alongside. After a few seconds, you will climb into the roof and defend your position from there - this time with the help of a rocket launcher.

This section is very much on rails, but you have a limitless supply of rockets to take out all the Panteros bikes and cars that are coming for you. Cars and bikes can come from just about any angle so make sure you are constantly spinning around to see where each threat is emerging from.

Eventually, you will drive into a train tunnel and Neenah will pull off a fancy driving move to avoid the oncoming train and see you all make your escape. Mission complete.

The road to taking on the other rival gangs and being your own boss is now totally open.

Unlocked During Be Your Own Boss

The following items are unlocked for future missions upon completion of the Be Your Own Boss mission.

Unlocked Item
Eli’s Ride elisride.jpg
RPG Launcher rpg.jpg
Call For Backup bacjup.jpg
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Deep Silver
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    21 August 2022
  • Last Updated
    24 September 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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