Information about Weather Station Discoveries in Saints Row, including how to find and complete Weather Stations and the rewards you’ll gain for doing so.
What Are Weather Stations in Saints Row?¶
Weather Stations are a type of Discovery in Saints Row, an optional, freeform, open world activity that typically rewards you with cash and XP when you complete it. Weather Stations, unlike Armored Truck events and Crimes of Opportunity count towards the completion of a region’s Discoveries when completed, and while this won’t increase the passive income generated by any Ventures in that region like completing Threats will, it does count towards various achievments/trophies that task you with conquering various regions.
(1 of 2) Find a Weather Station and interact with it,
Find a Weather Station and interact with it, (left), and it’ll propel you into the air, whereupon you’ll deploy your wingsuit. (right)
How to Find and Complete Weather Stations¶
Weather Stations are an odd Discovery, as they complete immediately once you find them; if it’s on the map, it’s already considered complete. There’s no action you have to take and no real reward for finding them, but they do count as normal Discoveries when it comes to completing all a region’s Discoveries.
Just because there’s no reward (aside from Discovery completion, anyways) for finding Weather Stations doesn’t mean they’re useless, however. You can interact with a Weather Station to propel yourself into the air, after which you can deploy your wingsuit and glide around. This will help with traversal, should you wish to avoid carjacking somebody, and you can use Weather Stations to otherwise hard to reach elevated locations… perhaps in pursuit of Drug Pallets which are often found on rooftops. Perhaps most interestingly you can use Weather Stations to complete a variety of Wingsuit Challenges, such as Wing It and [Shady Oaks].
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